President & CEO, Airlines for America
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Nicholas Calio also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
David Bockorny Spencer Abraham, Dennis Hastert, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Mary Bono Mack, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Steve Chabot, Saxby Chambliss, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Mike Crapo, Mario Diaz-Balart, Jo Ann Emerson, John Ensign, Kay Granger, Judd Alan Gregg, Orrin Hatch, David Lee Hobson, Kenny Hulshof, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Johnny Isakson, Peter T King, Thomas Latham, Bob Latta, Trent Lott, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, James O McCrery III, Lisa Murkowski, Charles W Pickering Jr, Pat Roberts, Peter Roskam, Richard Shelby, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, George Voinovich, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Charles Christopher Cox, Tom Delay, Mike DeWine, John D Hayworth Jr, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, John Ashcroft, Thomas Jerome Bliley Jr, Paul Coverdell, Michael Patrick Forbes, James E Rogan, Al D’Amato, Newt Gingrich, Scott L Klug, Susan Molinari, Bill Paxon, Richard Alan White, Bob Dole, Larry Pressler, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Republican Majority Fund, Pioneer Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Bluegrass Committee, Leadership PAC 2006, Freedom Works PAC, Washington Fund, the, Fund for a Responsible Future, KPAC, Alamo PAC, Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee (Campac), Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Majority Committee PAC--MC PAC, George H W Bush, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Jon Kyl, Bob Smith, Scott P Brown, Chuck Hagel, Kelly Ayotte, Sean Duffy, Ron Johnson
Mark Isakowitz Spencer Abraham, Dennis Hastert, Brian P Bilbray, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Richard Burr, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Steve Chabot, Saxby Chambliss, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Mike Crapo, Jo Ann Emerson, Judd Alan Gregg, Orrin Hatch, Jeb Hensarling, Kenny Hulshof, Johnny Isakson, Darrell Issa, Steven C Latourette, Bob Latta, Joe Lieberman, Trent Lott, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, James O McCrery III, Lisa Murkowski, Charles W Pickering Jr, Pat Roberts, Hal Rogers, Richard Shelby, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, George Voinovich, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Mike DeWine, Nancy Lee Johnson, Bob Ney, Jim Nussle, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, John E Sweeney, Phil Crane, Porter J Goss, Paul Coverdell, James E Rogan, William Victor Roth Jr, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Republican Majority Fund, Michael Steele, Pioneer Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Bluegrass Committee, Freedom Works PAC, Good Government for America Committee, Alamo PAC, Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee (Campac), Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Majority Committee PAC--MC PAC, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Trey Grayson, Scott P Brown, Chuck Hagel, Kelly Ayotte, Robert Dold, Sean Duffy, Josh Mandel
J Steven Hart Spencer Abraham, Robert Aderholt, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Mary Bono Mack, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Mike Crapo, Pete Domenici, John Ensign, Judd Alan Gregg, Orrin Hatch, Jeb Hensarling, Thomas Latham, Trent Lott, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Charles W Pickering Jr, Pat Roberts, Richard Shelby, John E Sununu, Craig Lyle Thomas, John Thune, Todd Tiahrt, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, George Voinovich, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Charles Christopher Cox, Tom Delay, Mike DeWine, James Merrill Jeffords, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Don Nickles, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, Slade Gorton, Rod Grams, Bill McCollum, David McIntosh, Al D’Amato, Newt Gingrich, Bill Richardson, Bob Dole, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Straight Talk America, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Republican Majority Fund, Pioneer Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Bluegrass Committee, Leadership PAC 2006, KPAC, Restore America PAC, Inc., Alamo PAC, Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee (Campac), Truth Accountability and Courage Political Action Committee (Tacpac), Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Common Sense Leadership Fund, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Jon Kyl, Bob Smith, Kyle Eugene McSlarrow, Trey Grayson, Chuck Hagel, Kelly Ayotte, Sean Duffy, Ron Johnson, Patrick Meehan, Monday Meeting PAC
Wayne L Berman Spencer Abraham, Dennis Hastert, Robert Aderholt, Spencer T Bachus III, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Mike Crapo, Pete Domenici, John Ensign, Judd Alan Gregg, Orrin Hatch, Jeb Hensarling, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Johnny Isakson, Peter T King, Trent Lott, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Pat Roberts, Hal Rogers, Peter Roskam, Richard Shelby, William Shuster, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, George Voinovich, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, John E Sweeney, Don Nickles, John Ashcroft, Slade Gorton, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Al D’Amato, Lauch Faircloth, Susan Molinari, Bill Paxon, Bob Dole, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Straight Talk America, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Michael Steele, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Bluegrass Committee, Leadership PAC 2006, Good Government for America Committee, Monday Morning Political Action Committee, Majority Committee PAC--MC PAC, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Jon Kyl, Scott P Brown, Chuck Hagel, Kelly Ayotte, Robert Dold, Ron Johnson, Patrick Meehan, Josh Mandel
Dan Meyer Spencer Abraham, Dennis Hastert, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Ken Calvert, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Steve Chabot, Saxby Chambliss, John Ensign, Kay Granger, Orrin Hatch, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Johnny Isakson, Peter T King, Thomas Latham, Steven C Latourette, Joe Lieberman, Trent Lott, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Lisa Murkowski, Pat Roberts, Hal Rogers, Peter Roskam, William Shuster, John E Sununu, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, John D Hayworth Jr, Nancy Lee Johnson, James Thomas Kolbe, Jim Nussle, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Don Sherwood, John E Sweeney, Phil Crane, Constance A Morella, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, Slade Gorton, Rod Grams, James E Rogan, William Victor Roth Jr, Al D’Amato, Lauch Faircloth, Newt Gingrich, Richard Alan White, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Republican Majority Fund, Pioneer Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Leadership PAC 2006, Freedom Works PAC, Alamo PAC, Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee (Campac), Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Majority Committee PAC--MC PAC, Mitt Romney, Common Sense Leadership Fund, Jon Kyl, Trey Grayson, Scott P Brown, Kelly Ayotte, Chip Cravaack, Robert Dold, Sean Duffy, Ron Johnson
Lanny Griffith Spencer Abraham, Dennis Hastert, Robert Aderholt, Spencer T Bachus III, Brian P Bilbray, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, John Ensign, Orrin Hatch, Jeb Hensarling, Johnny Isakson, Trent Lott, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Sue Myrick, Ben Nelson, Charles W Pickering Jr, Pat Roberts, Peter Roskam, Richard Shelby, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, George Voinovich, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Mike DeWine, John D Hayworth Jr, Nancy Lee Johnson, Jim Nussle, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, Slade Gorton, Rod Grams, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Al D’Amato, Lauch Faircloth, Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Republican Majority Fund, Michael Steele, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Bluegrass Committee, Leadership PAC 2006, Freedom Works PAC, Good Government for America Committee, Monday Morning Political Action Committee, Truth Accountability and Courage Political Action Committee (Tacpac), George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Jon Kyl, Scott P Brown, Chuck Hagel, Robert Dold, Sean Duffy, Ron Johnson
Ed Rogers Spencer Abraham, Dennis Hastert, Robert Aderholt, Spencer T Bachus III, Brian P Bilbray, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Mike Crapo, Orrin Hatch, Jeb Hensarling, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Johnny Isakson, Trent Lott, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Charles W Pickering Jr, Pat Roberts, Hal Rogers, Peter Roskam, Richard Shelby, John E Sununu, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, George Voinovich, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Mike DeWine, John D Hayworth Jr, Nancy Lee Johnson, Jim Nussle, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, John Ashcroft, Thomas Jerome Bliley Jr, Paul Coverdell, Slade Gorton, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Al D’Amato, Lauch Faircloth, Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Straight Talk America, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Republican Majority Fund, Michael Steele, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Bluegrass Committee, Leadership PAC 2006, Freedom Works PAC, Good Government for America Committee, Truth Accountability and Courage Political Action Committee (Tacpac), Wayne Parker Jr, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Jon Kyl, Scott P Brown, Chuck Hagel, Robert Dold
Bryce L Harlow Spencer Abraham, Spencer T Bachus III, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Mary Bono Mack, Richard Burr, Saxby Chambliss, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Mike Crapo, Mario Diaz-Balart, John Ensign, Judd Alan Gregg, Orrin Hatch, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Johnny Isakson, Bob Latta, Jerry Lewis, Trent Lott, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, James O McCrery III, Lisa Murkowski, Charles W Pickering Jr, Pat Roberts, Richard Shelby, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, Craig Lyle Thomas, John Thune, Fred Upton, George Voinovich, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Charles Christopher Cox, Tom Delay, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Phil Crane, Amory Houghton Jr, Don Nickles, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, Rod Grams, Bill McCollum, David McIntosh, William Victor Roth Jr, Al D’Amato, Newt Gingrich, Susan Molinari, Bill Paxon, Richard Alan White, Bob Dole, Larry Pressler, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Republican Majority Fund, Freedom Works PAC, Tom Campbell, Wayne Parker Jr, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Jon Kyl, Kyle Eugene McSlarrow, Scott P Brown, Chuck Hagel, Kelly Ayotte, Ron Johnson, Josh Mandel
Thomas A Davis Dennis Hastert, Robert Bennett, Brian P Bilbray, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Mary Bono Mack, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Ken Calvert, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Saxby Chambliss, Larry Edwin Craig, Mario Diaz-Balart, Chris Dodd, John Ensign, Judd Alan Gregg, Orrin Hatch, Kenny Hulshof, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Darrell Issa, John B Larson, Thomas Latham, Jerry Lewis, Joe Lieberman, Trent Lott, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, James O McCrery III, Ben Nelson, Pat Roberts, Hal Rogers, Peter Roskam, Richard Shelby, John Thune, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Charles Christopher Cox, John D Hayworth Jr, James Merrill Jeffords, Nancy Lee Johnson, Jim Nussle, Rick Santorum, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Phil Crane, Amory Houghton Jr, Robert Takeo Matsui, Thomas Jerome Bliley Jr, Rod Grams, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Al D’Amato, Lauch Faircloth, Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, Larry Pressler, Daniel David Rostenkowski, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Republican Majority Fund, Bluegrass Committee, Leadership PAC 2006, Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee (Campac), Wayne Parker Jr, George H W Bush, Ernie Fletcher, Daniel L Schaefer, Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Scott P Brown, Jay Rockefeller
Charles R. Black Spencer Abraham, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Mary Bono Mack, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Steve Chabot, Saxby Chambliss, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Pete Domenici, John Ensign, Kay Granger, Orrin Hatch, Jeb Hensarling, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Trent Lott, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Pat Roberts, Hal Rogers, William Shuster, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Fred Upton, George Voinovich, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Charles Christopher Cox, Tom Delay, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, John Ashcroft, Thomas Jerome Bliley Jr, Paul Coverdell, Rod Grams, Bill McCollum, David McIntosh, William Victor Roth Jr, Al D’Amato, Lauch Faircloth, Newt Gingrich, Susan Molinari, Bob Dole, Larry Pressler, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Straight Talk America, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Michael Steele, Bluegrass Committee, KPAC, Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Fund for a Free Market America, Wayne Parker Jr, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Jon Kyl, Bob Smith, Kyle Eugene McSlarrow, Trey Grayson, Scott P Brown, Chuck Hagel, Kelly Ayotte, Robert Dold, Ron Johnson, Josh Mandel
Edward C Levy Jr Spencer Abraham, Dennis Hastert, Spencer T Bachus III, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Richard Burr, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Steve Chabot, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Mike Crapo, John Ensign, Kay Granger, Orrin Hatch, Johnny Isakson, Joe Lieberman, Trent Lott, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Ben Nelson, Pat Roberts, Hal Rogers, Richard Shelby, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, Craig Lyle Thomas, John Thune, Fred Upton, George Voinovich, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Mike DeWine, James Thomas Kolbe, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Don Sherwood, Don Nickles, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, Rod Grams, Bill McCollum, David McIntosh, William Victor Roth Jr, Al D’Amato, Lauch Faircloth, Newt Gingrich, William S Cohen, Bob Dole, Larry Pressler, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Freedom Works PAC, Restore America PAC, Inc., Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Bob Smith, Trey Grayson, Scott P Brown, Jay Rockefeller, Kelly Ayotte, Robert Dold, Ron Johnson, Rudy Boschwitz
Stu Van Scoyoc Robert Aderholt, Spencer T Bachus III, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Ken Calvert, Dave Camp, Saxby Chambliss, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Mike Crapo, Mario Diaz-Balart, Chris Dodd, Pete Domenici, Jo Ann Emerson, John Ensign, Kay Granger, Orrin Hatch, Peter T King, Thomas Latham, Steven C Latourette, Jerry Lewis, Trent Lott, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Ben Nelson, Charles W Pickering Jr, Pat Roberts, Hal Rogers, Richard Shelby, Olympia Snowe, John Thune, Todd Tiahrt, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, John D Hayworth Jr, James Thomas Kolbe, Bob Ney, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, John E Sweeney, Amory Houghton Jr, Paul Coverdell, Robert L Livingston, William Victor Roth Jr, Al D’Amato, Jon D Fox, Bob Dole, Larry Pressler, Daniel David Rostenkowski, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Searchlight Leadership Fund, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Republican Majority Fund, Pioneer Political Action Committee, Leadership PAC 2006, Alamo PAC, Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Kelly Ayotte, Chip Cravaack
Shawn Smeallie Spencer Abraham, Robert Aderholt, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Mary Bono Mack, Richard Burr, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Jo Ann Emerson, John Ensign, Orrin Hatch, David Lee Hobson, Peter T King, John B Larson, Thomas Latham, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Sue Myrick, Pat Roberts, Richard Shelby, William Shuster, Olympia Snowe, John Thune, Todd Tiahrt, Fred Upton, George Voinovich, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Mike DeWine, John D Hayworth Jr, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, John E Sweeney, Don Nickles, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, Michael Patrick Forbes, Al D’Amato, Lauch Faircloth, Scott L Klug, Susan Molinari, Bill Paxon, Bob Dole, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Republican Majority Fund, Michael Steele, Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Majority Committee PAC--MC PAC, Ernie Fletcher, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Bob Smith, Scott P Brown, Chuck Hagel, Kelly Ayotte, Sean Duffy, Ron Johnson, Patrick Meehan, Josh Mandel, Monday Meeting PAC, Rudy Boschwitz
C Boyden Gray Spencer Abraham, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Richard Burr, Shelley Moore Capito, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, John Ensign, Judd Alan Gregg, Orrin Hatch, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Darrell Issa, Trent Lott, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, Craig Lyle Thomas, John Thune, Fred Upton, George Voinovich, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Charles Christopher Cox, Mike DeWine, John D Hayworth Jr, James Merrill Jeffords, Nancy Lee Johnson, James Thomas Kolbe, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Don Nickles, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, Slade Gorton, Bill McCollum, David McIntosh, Lauch Faircloth, Susan Molinari, William S Cohen, Bob Dole, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Republican Majority Fund, Michael Steele, Good Government for America Committee, Fund for a Responsible Future, Monday Morning Political Action Committee, Majority Committee PAC--MC PAC, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Bob Smith, Chuck Hagel, Kelly Ayotte, Sean Duffy, Ron Johnson, Josh Mandel, Rudy Boschwitz
James E Smith Dennis Hastert, Spencer T Bachus III, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Richard Burr, Shelley Moore Capito, Steve Chabot, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Mike Crapo, Chris Dodd, Pete Domenici, John Ensign, Judd Alan Gregg, Orrin Hatch, Kenny Hulshof, Johnny Isakson, Peter T King, Steven C Latourette, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, James O McCrery III, Richard Shelby, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, Craig Lyle Thomas, John Thune, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, James Merrill Jeffords, Rob Portman, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Amory Houghton Jr, Robert Takeo Matsui, Don Nickles, Constance A Morella, John Ashcroft, Slade Gorton, Rod Grams, Bill McCollum, James E Rogan, William Victor Roth Jr, Al D’Amato, William S Cohen, Bob Dole, Larry Pressler, Daniel David Rostenkowski, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Republican Majority Fund, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Bluegrass Committee, Leadership PAC 2006, George H W Bush, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Trey Grayson, Chuck Hagel, Kelly Ayotte
Henry M Gandy Spencer Abraham, Robert Aderholt, Brian P Bilbray, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Steve Chabot, Saxby Chambliss, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Jo Ann Emerson, John Ensign, Judd Alan Gregg, Thomas Latham, Steven C Latourette, Bob Latta, Trent Lott, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, James O McCrery III, Lisa Murkowski, Charles W Pickering Jr, Pat Roberts, Hal Rogers, Peter Roskam, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, George Voinovich, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Charles Christopher Cox, Tom Delay, Mike DeWine, Nancy Lee Johnson, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, John E Sweeney, Thomas Jerome Bliley Jr, Paul Coverdell, David McIntosh, James E Rogan, Al D’Amato, Susan Molinari, Larry Pressler, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Republican Majority Fund, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Bluegrass Committee, Leadership PAC 2006, Freedom Works PAC, KPAC, Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee (Campac), Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Wayne Parker Jr, Common Sense Leadership Fund
Gary Andres Spencer Abraham, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Mary Bono Mack, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Saxby Chambliss, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, John Ensign, Orrin Hatch, David Lee Hobson, Thomas Latham, Steven C Latourette, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, James O McCrery III, Lisa Murkowski, Pat Roberts, Richard Shelby, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Tom Delay, John D Hayworth Jr, Nancy Lee Johnson, Bob Ney, Jim Nussle, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, John E Sweeney, Amory Houghton Jr, James E Rogan, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Straight Talk America, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Republican Majority Fund, Pioneer Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Leadership PAC 2006, Freedom Works PAC, Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee (Campac), Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Majority Committee PAC--MC PAC, Ernie Fletcher, Mitt Romney, Common Sense Leadership Fund, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Jon Kyl, Kelly Ayotte, Chip Cravaack
Paul L Baker Spencer Abraham, Dennis Hastert, Robert Bennett, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Saxby Chambliss, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Mike Crapo, Chris Dodd, Pete Domenici, John Ensign, Kay Granger, Judd Alan Gregg, Orrin Hatch, Joe Lieberman, Trent Lott, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Hal Rogers, Richard Shelby, Olympia Snowe, Craig Lyle Thomas, John Thune, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Mike DeWine, James Thomas Kolbe, Rick Santorum, Don Nickles, John Ashcroft, Slade Gorton, Rod Grams, Al D’Amato, Newt Gingrich, Bill Richardson, Richard Alan White, William S Cohen, Bob Dole, Larry Pressler, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Straight Talk America, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Freedom Works PAC, Monday Morning Political Action Committee, Mitt Romney, Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Bob Smith, Trey Grayson, Jay Rockefeller, Kelly Ayotte, Robert Dold, Ron Johnson, Josh Mandel, Rudy Boschwitz
Jeffrey M Mackinnon Dennis Hastert, Robert Aderholt, Robert Bennett, Brian P Bilbray, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Mary Bono Mack, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Saxby Chambliss, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Mike Crapo, Kay Granger, Judd Alan Gregg, Jeb Hensarling, Darrell Issa, Thomas Latham, Bob Latta, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Sue Myrick, Charles W Pickering Jr, Peter Roskam, Richard Shelby, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Charles Christopher Cox, Tom Delay, John D Hayworth Jr, Nancy Lee Johnson, Bob Ney, Rick Santorum, James E Rogan, Scott L Klug, Bill Paxon, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Straight Talk America, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Bluegrass Committee, Leadership PAC 2006, Fund for a Responsible Future, Restore America PAC, Inc., Alamo PAC, Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee (Campac), Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Majority Committee PAC--MC PAC, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Chuck Hagel, Sean Duffy, Patrick Meehan
Smith Davis Spencer Abraham, Spencer T Bachus III, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Mary Bono Mack, Richard Burr, Saxby Chambliss, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Mike Crapo, Chris Dodd, Pete Domenici, John Ensign, Orrin Hatch, Jeb Hensarling, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Johnny Isakson, Peter T King, Trent Lott, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, James O McCrery III, Lisa Murkowski, Charles W Pickering Jr, Pat Roberts, Hal Rogers, Richard Shelby, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, Craig Lyle Thomas, John Thune, Fred Upton, George Voinovich, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, John D Hayworth Jr, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Don Nickles, Slade Gorton, Rod Grams, Al D’Amato, Lauch Faircloth, Bill Paxon, Bob Dole, Larry Pressler, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Straight Talk America, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Republican Majority Fund, Michael Steele, Bluegrass Committee, Leadership PAC 2006, Alamo PAC, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Kelly Ayotte