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Power Research for Just Futures

Building stronger, more strategic campaigns to help us win what our communities need to thrive.

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New Resource: Fossil Fuel Finance Hub

How does Wall Street drive the climate crisis? Learn about the role of the financial industry in propping up fossil fuels. Plug into ongoing campaigns resisting fossil finance. Locate tools and resources so you can research Wall Street actors.

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New Report: CorpU

Researching Corporate Influence on College & University Boards

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Training Series: Research Tools for Organizers

Level up your toolkit and bring a new perspective to your campaigns by incorporating practical research techniques and a corporate power analysis into your campaign development every third Thursday starting April 18, 2024.

LittleSis Power Research Database

LittleSis is a free, open-source research platform. It is a database of who-knows-who at the heights of business and government and a powerful tool for strategic research.

Map the Power Toolkit

This toolkit is designed to provide people organizing for social change in their communities with the resources, tips, and framework they need to conduct power research for building campaigns.

Upcoming Trainings

LittleSis leads trainings and workshops, both in person and online, on how to do power research – to help researchers, activists, and journalists learn skills to map out the networks of power that shape our society, politics and economy.

News: Eyes on the ties

Billionaires and real estate interests spend millions against NYS Assembly candidates who support tenants’ rights and taxing the rich

Elite interests have given millions of dollars to super PACs backing candidates running against supporters of increased taxes on the wealthy and expanding tenants’ rights

Who are the Billionaires Trying to Influence the 2024 Presidential Election?

From Big Oil to Big Tech to Wall Street, billionaires are trying to influence the upcoming election.

Six Things Everyone Should Know About the Mountain Valley Pipeline

The CEOs, big banks, asset managers, campaign finance ties and regulatory conflicts that everyone should know about the MVP fracked-gas pipeline.

  • CorpU

    Researching Corporate Influence on College & University Boards

  • The Darker Side of Consumers Energy

    Extracting Profits, Causing Harm, and Damaging Democracy

  • New York’s Double Agents

    Top fossil fuel lobbyists also work for environmental groups, hospitals, and leading cultural institutions