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Session 4, July 18, 7pm ET: Billionaires and Other Powerful People

There are now more than 700 billionaires in the United States alone. This training dives into billionaire power in our age of accelerating inequality and tools for researching the wealth, influence, and networks of billionaires and other powerful individuals like corporate executives. Register here Keywords: Billionaire power, tools and methods for researching individuals, property ownership,

Session 5, September 19, 7pm ET: Money in Politics

How do corporations and the ultra-rich use their money to influence politics? Learn how to use federal and state databases as well as free tools like OpenSecrets to research the political donations, elite lobbying firms, and PACs and Super PACs driving policies that benefit the few at the expense of the many. Register here Keywords:

Session 6, October 17, 7pm ET: Researching Politicians

Who are our elected officials listening to and what do they care about? This training will explore how to research politicians’ personal networks using public data like personal financial disclosures, campaign finance records and lobbying reports. Register here Keywords: Campaign donors, lobbyist relationships, personal financial disclosures

Session 7, November 21, 7pm: Local Power Centers

Once we have researched the key power players, how do we put this information together to develop an analysis of corporate power? Learn how to synthesize research into a power scan that shows where powerful people and corporations intersect and come together. Register here Keywords: Creating a power scan, major employers, chambers of commerce, regional