Michael Keiser
Peter H Coors, Spencer Abraham, Judy Borg Biggert, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Jim Bunning, Eric Cantor, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, Susan Collins, Elizabeth Dole, Sam Graves, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Timothy V Johnson, Mark Steven Kirk, Trent Lott, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Lisa Murkowski, Denny Rehberg, Mike Rogers, Peter Roskam, John M Shimkus, Gordon Harold Smith, John E Sununu, John Thune, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, Bill Frist, Katherine Harris, Henry John Hyde, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Robert Simmons, Jim Talent, Phil Crane, Peter G Fitzgerald, Jesse Helms, Julius Caesar Watts Jr, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, William Victor Roth Jr, Lauch Faircloth, Bob Dole, Lynn Morley Martin, Claudine Schneider, Michael Flanagan, Richard S Williamson, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Kentucky, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Straight Talk America, Matthew K Fong, Illinois Republican Party, Republican Party of Florida, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Loleta Didrickson, Dick Zimmer, Michael Steele, NRSC - Nonfederal, Campaign America Inc, Tom Campbell, Nrccc - Non Federal 2, David McSweeney, Al Salvi, Douglas R Forrester, Steven Kenneth Sauerberg, United Republican Fund of IL Inc Fed Election Committee, Nrccc - Non Federal 1, Steven Mathew Greenberg, Jack Ryan, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Jon Kyl, William Emerson Brock III, Mark Baker, Terrence M Considine, Jim Nalepa, Linda Smith, Robert W Kustra, Ethan Hastert, Donald Devine, Pres Dinner Aka 91 Rep S/H Dinner - Nonfederal Acct, Scott P Brown, Robert Dold, Randy Hultgren, Marco Rubio, Richard L Thornburgh, New Prosperity Foundation; the, Rudy Boschwitz, Rodney Davis, Robert Clayton Lanier
Dan Meyer
Spencer Abraham, Dennis Hastert, Judy Borg Biggert, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Eric Cantor, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, Michael Ferguson, Kay Granger, Sam Graves, Orrin Hatch, Robin Hayes, Dean Heller, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mark Steven Kirk, Thomas Latham, Trent Lott, John McCain, Lisa Murkowski, Denny Rehberg, Dave Reichert, Peter Roskam, Pete Sessions, Christopher H Shays, John M Shimkus, Gordon Harold Smith, John E Sununu, John Thune, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Michael G Fitzpatrick, Bill Frist, Katherine Harris, Henry John Hyde, Nancy Lee Johnson, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Phil Crane, Peter G Fitzgerald, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, Robert Douglas Franks, William Victor Roth Jr, Lauch Faircloth, Newt Gingrich, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Matthew K Fong, Illinois Republican Party, Michigan Republican Party, New Jersey Republican State Committee, Steve Stivers, Washington State Republican Party, Nrccc - Non Federal 1, Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Nancy P Hollister, Jon Kyl, Mark Baker, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Robert Dold, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Randy Hultgren, Robert Hurt, Mike Kelly, Marco Rubio, Dino Rossi, Ken Buck, Benjamin Michael Lange, Mia Love, Rodney Davis
Sam Fox
Peter H Coors, Spencer Abraham, Dennis Hastert, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Jim Bunning, Eric Cantor, Susan Collins, Elizabeth Dole, Jim Gerlach, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mark Steven Kirk, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Lisa Murkowski, Charles W Pickering Jr, Denny Rehberg, John M Shimkus, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Roger Wicker, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Lincoln Davenport Chafee, Mike DeWine, Bill Frist, Henry John Hyde, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Robert Simmons, Jim Talent, Jesse Helms, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, William Victor Roth Jr, Newt Gingrich, Claudine Schneider, Jack Kemp, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Kentucky, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michigan Republican Party, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Republican Party of Florida, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Dick Zimmer, Wish List, the, Michael Steele, NRSC - Nonfederal, Tom Campbell, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Iowa, Free and Strong America PAC Inc., Nrccc - Non Federal 1, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Tim Pawlenty, Jon Kyl, William Emerson Brock III, 1994 Republican Senate-House Dinner/Aka President's Dinner, George Herbert Walker III, Ethan Hastert, Scott P Brown, Restore Our Future PAC, Joe Heck, Marco Rubio, Richard L Thornburgh, New Prosperity Foundation; the, Keith J Rothfus, John W Warner, Rudy Boschwitz, John Brunner
Lanny Griffith
Peter H Coors, Spencer Abraham, Dennis Hastert, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Jim Bunning, Eric Cantor, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, Susan Collins, Elizabeth Dole, Michael Ferguson, Orrin Hatch, Robin Hayes, Dean Heller, Mark Steven Kirk, Trent Lott, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Charles W Pickering Jr, Denny Rehberg, Peter Roskam, Pete Sessions, Christopher H Shays, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Roger Wicker, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, Bill Frist, Katherine Harris, Henry John Hyde, Nancy Lee Johnson, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Robert Simmons, Jim Talent, Max Burns, Peter G Fitzgerald, Jesse Helms, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, Robert Douglas Franks, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Lauch Faircloth, Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Kentucky, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Republican Party of Florida, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Dick Zimmer, Michael Steele, Washington State Republican Party, Nrccc - Non Federal 1, Catherine Heller Keating, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Donald Devine, Oliver North, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Robert Dold, Randy Hultgren, Marco Rubio, John W Warner
C Boyden Gray
Spencer Abraham, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Susan Collins, Elizabeth Dole, Jim Gerlach, Orrin Hatch, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mark Steven Kirk, Trent Lott, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Lincoln Davenport Chafee, Charles Christopher Cox, Mike DeWine, Bill Frist, Nancy Lee Johnson, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, John Ashcroft, John Hubbard Chafee, Paul Coverdell, Bill McCollum, Lauch Faircloth, Bob Dole, Lynn Morley Martin, Claudine Schneider, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Kentucky, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, 1999 State Victory Fund Committee, California Republican Party/V8, Illinois Republican Party, Michigan Republican Party, New Jersey Republican State Committee, New York Republican Federal Campaign Committee, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Wish List, the, Volunteer PAC, Michael Steele, NRSC - Nonfederal, Campaign America Inc, Arizona Republican Party, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Washington State Republican Party, Nrccc - Non Federal 2, Nrccc - Non Federal 1, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Jon Kyl, William Emerson Brock III, 1994 Republican Senate-House Dinner/Aka President's Dinner, Republicans Abroad, Donald Devine, GOPAC, Inc., Oliver North, Restore Our Future PAC, Joe Heck, Marco Rubio, Richard L Thornburgh, Keith J Rothfus, John W Warner, Rudy Boschwitz
Ronald J Gidwitz
Spencer Abraham, Dennis Hastert, Judy Borg Biggert, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Jim Bunning, Eric Cantor, Susan Collins, Elizabeth Dole, Orrin Hatch, Timothy V Johnson, Mark Steven Kirk, Donald A Manzullo, John McCain, Lisa Murkowski, Peter Roskam, John M Shimkus, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Lincoln Davenport Chafee, Henry John Hyde, Nancy Lee Johnson, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Robert Simmons, Jim Talent, Julius Caesar Watts Jr, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Bob Dole, Lynn Morley Martin, Michael Flanagan, George Nethercutt, Jack Kemp, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Illinois Republican Party, Michigan Republican Party, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, Loleta Didrickson, Steve Stivers, Volunteer PAC, NRSC - Nonfederal, Tom Campbell, Nrccc - Non Federal 2, David McSweeney, Al Salvi, Steven Kenneth Sauerberg, Steven Mathew Greenberg, James D Oberweis, Jack Ryan, Congressional Leadership Fund, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Jon Kyl, William Emerson Brock III, Mark Baker, Robert W Kustra, Ethan Hastert, Scott P Brown, Restore Our Future PAC, Joe Heck, Robert Dold, Randy Hultgren, Marco Rubio, Richard L Thornburgh, New Prosperity Foundation; the, Rudy Boschwitz, Rodney Davis
Charles R. Black
Spencer Abraham, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Jim Bunning, Eric Cantor, Saxby Chambliss, Susan Collins, Michael Ferguson, Kay Granger, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mark Steven Kirk, Trent Lott, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Lisa Murkowski, Denny Rehberg, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Lincoln Davenport Chafee, Charles Christopher Cox, Mike DeWine, Katherine Harris, Henry John Hyde, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Jesse Helms, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Lauch Faircloth, Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, Lynn Morley Martin, Richard S Williamson, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Kentucky, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Straight Talk America, Matthew K Fong, Michigan Republican Party, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Volunteer PAC, Michael Steele, Campaign America Inc, Washington State Republican Party, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Tim Pawlenty, Jon Kyl, William Emerson Brock III, Terrence M Considine, George Herbert Walker III, Donald Devine, Carly Fiorina, Robert H Michel, Scott P Brown, Joe Heck, Robert Dold, Marco Rubio, Country First Political Action Committee Inc. (Country First PAC), Richard L Thornburgh
Wayne L Berman
Spencer Abraham, Dennis Hastert, Roy Blunt, Jim Bunning, Eric Cantor, Saxby Chambliss, Susan Collins, Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Elizabeth Dole, Jim Gerlach, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Timothy V Johnson, Mark Steven Kirk, Trent Lott, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Lisa Murkowski, Dave Reichert, Mike Rogers, Peter Roskam, Pete Sessions, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Lincoln Davenport Chafee, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, John Ashcroft, John Hubbard Chafee, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Lauch Faircloth, Bob Dole, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Kentucky, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Straight Talk America, Matthew K Fong, New Jersey Republican State Committee, New York Republican Federal Campaign Committee, Republican Party of Florida, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Volunteer PAC, Michael Steele, NRSC - Nonfederal, Campaign America Inc, Free and Strong America PAC Inc., Catherine Heller Keating, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Jon Kyl, William Emerson Brock III, Republicans Abroad, Scott P Brown, Mick Mulvaney, Joe Heck, Robert Dold, Robert Hurt, Patrick Meehan, Marco Rubio, Country First Political Action Committee Inc. (Country First PAC), Mia Love
Ed Rogers
Peter H Coors, Spencer Abraham, Dennis Hastert, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Jim Bunning, Eric Cantor, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, Susan Collins, Elizabeth Dole, Michael Ferguson, Jim Gerlach, Orrin Hatch, Robin Hayes, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mark Steven Kirk, Trent Lott, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Charles W Pickering Jr, Denny Rehberg, Peter Roskam, Pete Sessions, Christopher H Shays, Gordon Harold Smith, John E Sununu, John Thune, Roger Wicker, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, Bill Frist, Katherine Harris, Henry John Hyde, Nancy Lee Johnson, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Robert Simmons, Jim Talent, Max Burns, Peter G Fitzgerald, Jesse Helms, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, Robert Douglas Franks, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Lauch Faircloth, Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Straight Talk America, Michigan Republican Party, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Michael Steele, Campaign America Inc, Washington State Republican Party, Nrccc - Non Federal 1, Catherine Heller Keating, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Oliver North, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Robert Dold, Marco Rubio
Charles R Schwab
Peter H Coors, Spencer Abraham, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Eric Cantor, Susan Collins, Elizabeth Dole, Kay Granger, Mark Steven Kirk, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Lisa Murkowski, Denny Rehberg, Dave Reichert, Pete Sessions, Gordon Harold Smith, John E Sununu, John Thune, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Lincoln Davenport Chafee, Charles Christopher Cox, Mike DeWine, Bill Frist, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Robert Simmons, Jim Talent, Max Burns, Julius Caesar Watts Jr, William Victor Roth Jr, Bob Dole, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Kentucky, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Matthew K Fong, California Republican Party/V8, Illinois Republican Party, Michigan Republican Party, New Jersey Republican State Committee, New York Republican Federal Campaign Committee, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, NRSC - Nonfederal, Tom Campbell, Arizona Republican Party, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Washington State Republican Party, Nrccc - Non Federal 2, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Jon Kyl, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Restore Our Future PAC, Joe Heck, Robert Dold, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Martha Roby, Marco Rubio, Dino Rossi, Ken Buck, Rudy Boschwitz, Mia Love, Rodney Davis
Paul Singer
Spencer Abraham, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Jim Bunning, Eric Cantor, Saxby Chambliss, Susan Collins, Kay Granger, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Lisa Murkowski, Denny Rehberg, Dave Reichert, Peter Roskam, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Roger Wicker, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Lincoln Davenport Chafee, Mike DeWine, Bill Frist, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Robert Simmons, Jim Talent, John Ashcroft, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Bob Dole, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, New Jersey Republican State Committee, New York Republican Federal Campaign Committee, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Republican Party of Florida, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Dick Zimmer, Volunteer PAC, Michael Steele, NRSC - Nonfederal, Campaign America Inc, Nrccc - Non Federal 2, Douglas R Forrester, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Jon Kyl, William Emerson Brock III, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Restore Our Future PAC, Richard L Hanna, Joe Heck, Robert Dold, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Patrick Meehan, Martha Roby, Marco Rubio, Dino Rossi, Country First Political Action Committee Inc. (Country First PAC), Ken Buck, Keith J Rothfus, Mia Love, Rodney Davis
Carl H Lindner
Peter H Coors, Spencer Abraham, Dennis Hastert, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Jim Bunning, Thomas Allen Coburn, Susan Collins, Elizabeth Dole, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Trent Lott, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Lisa Murkowski, Denny Rehberg, John E Sununu, John Thune, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Jesse Helms, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, Bill McCollum, Lauch Faircloth, Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Kentucky, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, 1999 State Victory Fund Committee, California Republican Party/V8, Illinois Republican Party, Michigan Republican Party, New Jersey Republican State Committee, New York Republican Federal Campaign Committee, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Dick Zimmer, Steve Stivers, Volunteer PAC, NRSC - Nonfederal, Campaign America Inc, Tom Campbell, Arizona Republican Party, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Iowa, Washington State Republican Party, Nrccc - Non Federal 2, David McSweeney, Nrccc - Non Federal 1, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Nancy P Hollister, Jon Kyl, Issues '96 (Fka Issues '94), Oliver North, Scott P Brown, Joe Heck, Ken Buck, John W Warner, Rudy Boschwitz, Dan Quayle
Peter M Flanigan
Peter H Coors, Spencer Abraham, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Jim Bunning, Thomas Allen Coburn, Elizabeth Dole, Michael Ferguson, Dean Heller, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Richard Keller, Mark Steven Kirk, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Lisa Murkowski, Charles W Pickering Jr, Denny Rehberg, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, Bill Frist, Henry John Hyde, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Robert Simmons, Jim Talent, Amory Houghton Jr, Jesse Helms, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, Bob Dole, Richard S Williamson, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, California Republican Party/V8, Illinois Republican Party, Michigan Republican Party, New Jersey Republican State Committee, New York Republican Federal Campaign Committee, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Dick Zimmer, Michael Steele, Tom Campbell, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Iowa, Washington State Republican Party, Douglas R Forrester, Jack Ryan, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Charles Millard, William Emerson Brock III, Donald Devine, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Richard L Hanna, Marco Rubio, Richard L Thornburgh
David Bockorny
Spencer Abraham, Dennis Hastert, Judy Borg Biggert, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Jim Bunning, Eric Cantor, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, Susan Collins, Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Michael Ferguson, Kay Granger, Sam Graves, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Richard Keller, Mark Steven Kirk, Joseph Knollenberg, Ray H LaHood, Thomas Latham, Trent Lott, John McCain, Lisa Murkowski, Charles W Pickering Jr, Denny Rehberg, Peter Roskam, Pete Sessions, John M Shimkus, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Roger Wicker, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Lincoln Davenport Chafee, Charles Christopher Cox, Mike DeWine, Michael G Fitzpatrick, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, John Ashcroft, John Hubbard Chafee, Paul Coverdell, Robert Douglas Franks, Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Kentucky, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Steve Stivers, Volunteer PAC, Steven Mathew Greenberg, Congressional Leadership Fund, George H W Bush, Jon Kyl, Scott P Brown, Joe Heck, Marco Rubio, Country First Political Action Committee Inc. (Country First PAC), Ken Buck
Duane R Roberts
Spencer Abraham, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Jim Bunning, Saxby Chambliss, Susan Collins, Elizabeth Dole, Dean Heller, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mark Steven Kirk, Thomas Latham, John McCain, Lisa Murkowski, Denny Rehberg, John M Shimkus, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Roger Wicker, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, Bill Frist, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Max Burns, Peter G Fitzgerald, Jesse Helms, John Ashcroft, Robert Douglas Franks, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Lauch Faircloth, Lynn Morley Martin, Claudine Schneider, Richard S Williamson, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Matthew K Fong, California Republican Party/V8, Michigan Republican Party, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Republican Party of Florida, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Michael Steele, NRSC - Nonfederal, Campaign America Inc, Tom Campbell, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Washington State Republican Party, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Terrence M Considine, Oliver North, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Restore Our Future PAC, Joe Heck, Robert Dold, Marco Rubio, Dino Rossi, Ken Buck, Richard L Thornburgh
Roy Pfautch
Peter H Coors, Spencer Abraham, Dennis Hastert, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Susan Collins, Elizabeth Dole, Sam Graves, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mark Steven Kirk, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, John M Shimkus, John E Sununu, John Thune, Roger Wicker, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Lincoln Davenport Chafee, Mike DeWine, Bill Frist, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, John Ashcroft, John Hubbard Chafee, Paul Coverdell, Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, Lynn Morley Martin, Richard S Williamson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Kentucky, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, 1999 State Victory Fund Committee, California Republican Party/V8, Illinois Republican Party, Michigan Republican Party, New Jersey Republican State Committee, New York Republican Federal Campaign Committee, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Volunteer PAC, Arizona Republican Party, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Iowa, Washington State Republican Party, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, William Emerson Brock III, George Herbert Walker III, Donald Devine, Robert H Michel, Scott P Brown, Joe Heck, Marco Rubio, Dino Rossi, Richard L Thornburgh, John W Warner, Rudy Boschwitz, Rodney Davis
Lewis M Eisenberg
Spencer Abraham, Dennis Hastert, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Eric Cantor, Susan Collins, Elizabeth Dole, Michael Ferguson, Orrin Hatch, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mark Steven Kirk, Trent Lott, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Nancy Lee Johnson, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Jesse Helms, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, Robert Douglas Franks, Bob Dole, Jack Kemp, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Straight Talk America, California Republican Party/V8, Illinois Republican Party, Michigan Republican Party, New Jersey Republican State Committee, New York Republican Federal Campaign Committee, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Dick Zimmer, Wish List, the, Volunteer PAC, Michael Steele, Campaign America Inc, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Washington State Republican Party, Douglas R Forrester, Free and Strong America PAC Inc., Republican Leadership Council Federal PAC, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Tim Pawlenty, Jon Kyl, GOPAC, Inc., Republican Pro-Choice Political Action Committee, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Restore Our Future PAC, Richard L Hanna, Joe Heck, Patrick Meehan, Marco Rubio, Country First Political Action Committee Inc. (Country First PAC), Rudy Boschwitz
Julie Finley
Spencer Abraham, Kit Bond, Thomas Allen Coburn, Susan Collins, Elizabeth Dole, Jim Gerlach, Kay Granger, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Charles W Pickering Jr, Dave Reichert, Christopher H Shays, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, George Allen, Lincoln Davenport Chafee, Charles Christopher Cox, Michael G Fitzpatrick, Katherine Harris, Nancy Lee Johnson, Rob Portman, Jim Talent, Julius Caesar Watts Jr, John Ashcroft, John Hubbard Chafee, Paul Coverdell, Robert Douglas Franks, Bill McCollum, Bob Dole, Lynn Morley Martin, Claudine Schneider, Richard S Williamson, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, Jack Kemp, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, 1999 State Victory Fund Committee, California Republican Party/V8, Illinois Republican Party, Michigan Republican Party, New Jersey Republican State Committee, New York Republican Federal Campaign Committee, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Dick Zimmer, Wish List, the, NRSC - Nonfederal, Campaign America Inc, Tom Campbell, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Iowa, Nrccc - Non Federal 1, Catherine Heller Keating, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, William Emerson Brock III, Jim Nalepa, Nancy J Mayer, Susan B Stokes, Scott P Brown, John W Warner
Joseph Petrone
Spencer Abraham, Kit Bond, Jim Bunning, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, Elizabeth Dole, Jim Gerlach, Orrin Hatch, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mark Steven Kirk, Thomas Latham, Trent Lott, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Lisa Murkowski, Dave Reichert, John E Sununu, John Thune, Roger Wicker, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, Michael G Fitzpatrick, Katherine Harris, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Jesse Helms, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, Lauch Faircloth, Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, Lynn Morley Martin, Richard S Williamson, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, 1999 State Victory Fund Committee, California Republican Party/V8, Illinois Republican Party, Michigan Republican Party, New Jersey Republican State Committee, New York Republican Federal Campaign Committee, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Michael Steele, NRSC - Nonfederal, Campaign America Inc, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Iowa, David McSweeney, Douglas R Forrester, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Jon Kyl, William Emerson Brock III, Terrence M Considine, GOPAC, Inc., Carly Fiorina, Marco Rubio, Richard L Thornburgh, John W Warner, Rudy Boschwitz
John C Whitehead
Spencer Abraham, Dennis Hastert, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Elizabeth Dole, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mark Steven Kirk, Trent Lott, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Denny Rehberg, Christopher H Shays, Olympia Snowe, John Thune, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Lincoln Davenport Chafee, Mike DeWine, Michael G Fitzpatrick, Bill Frist, Rob Portman, Robert Simmons, Amory Houghton Jr, John Hubbard Chafee, William Victor Roth Jr, Lauch Faircloth, Bob Dole, Richard S Williamson, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Straight Talk America, Matthew K Fong, Michigan Republican Party, New Jersey Republican State Committee, New York Republican Federal Campaign Committee, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Republican Party of Florida, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Dick Zimmer, Volunteer PAC, NRSC - Nonfederal, Campaign America Inc, Tom Campbell, Nrccc - Non Federal 2, Republican Mainstreet Partnership PAC, Free and Strong America PAC Inc., Republican Leadership Council Federal PAC, Jack Ryan, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Charles Millard, William Emerson Brock III, Terrence M Considine, Issues '96 (Fka Issues '94), George Herbert Walker III, Pres Dinner Aka 91 Rep S/H Dinner - Nonfederal Acct, Republican Pro-Choice Political Action Committee, Scott P Brown, Restore Our Future PAC, Richard L Hanna, Robert Dold, Country First Political Action Committee Inc. (Country First PAC), Richard L Thornburgh, Rudy Boschwitz