Leadership & Staff
Charlie Spies
Treasurer of Restore Our Future PAC and lawyer with Clark Hill
Robert J Perry
Head of a Houston real estate empire worth an estimated $650 million
Stephens Inc.
Privately owned investment bank based in Little Rock, Arkansas
Shares an address with Eli Publishing Inc.
Eli Publishing Inc.
Shares an address with F8 LLC, does not appear to do business
Robert Mercer
Renaissance Tech billionaire, Club for Growth backer
Paul Singer
Vulture-Fund Billionaire | General Partner at Elliott Management Corporation
Melaleuca, Inc.
skin care products
Edward Conard
Mystery $1 million donor to Mitt Romney related PAC; businessman and author
Rooney Holdings
L Francis Rooney's investment company
Oxbow Carbon LLC
Oil and gas company
Sheldon Adelson
Casino Magnate
Miriam Adelson
Widow of Sheldon G. Adelson
Robert J Perry
Head of a Houston real estate empire worth an estimated $650 million
Larry Ellison
CEO of Oracle Corporation
Harold Simmons
Entrepreneur, Contran Corp.
Julian Robertson Jr
Prominent hedge fund manager and multi-billionaire
Robert McNair
Energy billionaire; owns NFL Houston Texans franchise
Ken Griffin
Citadel Investment president
A Jerrold Perenchio
Univision billionaire
Stanley Herzog
Herzog Companies