Melinda French Gates
Shelley Moore Capito, Dick Durbin, Lindsey Graham, Kay Granger, Marcia Carolyn Kaptur, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Lisa Murkowski, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Frank Pallone, Dave Reichert, Bobby L Rush, Michael K Simpson, Adam Smith, Fred Upton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, First State PAC, Friends of Dick Durbin Committee, Upton for All of US, Pallone for Congress, Kay Granger Campaign Fund, PAC to the Future, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Microsoft Corporation Political Action Committee, M-PAC, Kaptur for Congress, America's Leadership PAC, Washington State Republican Party, Help America's Leaders Political Action Committee (Halpac), Adam Smith for Congress Committee, Citizens for Rush, Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics, Lisa Murkowski for US Senate, Fund for the Majority, Simpson for Congress, Freedom Fund, Victory Now PAC, Common Sense Common Solutions Political Action Committee, Adam Kinzinger, Suzan DelBene, Terri Sewell, Shore PAC, Cory Booker, Chris Coons, Tom Reed, Common Values PAC, Corypac Inc, American Defense and Military PAC (Adam PAC), Denali Leadership PAC, MURPHPAC, Dakota PAC, Catherine Cortez Masto, Reclaim America PAC, Hakeem Jeffries, Derek Kilmer, Blue Hen PAC, Robin L Kelly, Tomorrow IS Meaningful PAC-Tim PAC, Cory Booker for Senate, Jet PAC, Defense Economic Renewal Education and Knowledge PAC, Jimmy Gomez, Elise Stefanik, Sawtooth Political Action Committee (Sawtooth PAC), Kinzinger for Congress, Delbene for Congress, Terri Sewell for Congress, Holding Onto Oregon's Priorities, Chris Coons for Delaware, Tom Reed for Congress, Jeffries for Congress, Robin Kelly For Congress, Catherine Cortez Masto for Senate, Capito for West Virginia, Elise for Congress, Green Mountain PAC, Debbie Dingell for Congress, Lisa Blunt Rochester, E-PAC, Country Roads PAC, CherPAC, Excelsior PAC, Vision for America PAC, Oorah! PAC, Mceachin For Congress, Jobs Education & Families First, Chrissy Houlahan, Donald McEachin,, Yes on 1240: Washington Coalition for Public Charter Schools, Katie Porter, Mikie Sherrill, Kim Schrier, Mikie Sherrill for Congress, Chrissy Houlahan for Congress, Katie Porter for Congress, Dr Kim Schrier for Congress, Lisa Blunt Rochester for Congress, Jimmy Gomez for Congress, Motor City PAC, Good Day PAC, All Power to The People PAC, All for Our Country, Mother On A Mission (Mom Pac), Becker For Arizona, Nina Becker, Dogwood Pac, Hoosier Pac, I Got Your Back Pac, Defense Dem Pac, Visionary Pac, Gateway To Leadership Pac, Debbie Dingell, Evergreen Pac, Believe In America Pac, Together Everyone Realizes Real Impact Aka Terri Pac, Truedem Leadership Fund
William H Gates Sr
Spencer Abraham, Lamar Alexander, Tammy Baldwin, Howard Lawrence Berman, Roy Blunt, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, John Cornyn, Mike Crapo, Norman DeValois Dicks, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, Mike Enzi, Lindsey Graham, Tom Harkin, Dean Heller, Steny Hoyer, Jay Inslee, Darrell Issa, Ted Kennedy, Rick Larsen, Patrick Leahy, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Patty Murray, Ben Nelson, Barack Obama, Frank Pallone, Nancy Pelosi, Dave Reichert, Harry Reid, Jeff Sessions, Adam Smith, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, Ted Stevens, John E Sununu, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, John Thune, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Robert Wexler, Conrad Burns, Tom Daschle, Jennifer Blackburn Dunn, George Edward Brown Jr, Slade Gorton, Al D’Amato, Richard Alan White, Brockman Adams, George W Bush, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, Keep Our Mission PAC, Straight Talk America, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, American Success Political Action Committee, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Republican Party of Minnesota, National Leadership PAC, Blue Dog Political Action Committee, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Republican Majority Fund, New Hampshire Republican State Committee, PAC to the Future, John William Carter, Committee for a Democratic Majority, New Democrat Coalition Action Fund, New Democrat Network, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Microsoft Corporation Political Action Committee, Christopher T Bayley, M-PAC, White Mountain PAC, New Apollo Energy PAC, Business Software Alliance PAC, Red PAC, Fund for America's Future, Wisconsin Leadership PAC, Northwest Leadership Political Action Committee, Building a Majority PAC (Bampac), Jobs, Opportunities and Education, PAC (Joe-PAC), Battle Born Political Action Committee, Arizona Republican Party, Washington State Republican Party, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Spirit of America PAC, 2004 Joint State Victory Committee, Darcy Burner, Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Elizabeth Warren, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Zoe Lofgren, Suzan DelBene, Jay Rockefeller, Tom Foley, Marco Rubio, Heidi Heitkamp, Derek Kilmer, Kent Conrad
Steven A Ballmer
Spencer Abraham, Bob Kerrey, Lamar Alexander, Joe Barton, Howard Lawrence Berman, Frederick C Boucher, Eric Cantor, Maria Cantwell, Jim Clyburn, John Cornyn, Norman DeValois Dicks, Byron Dorgan, David Timothy Dreier, John Ensign, Bob Goodlatte, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Jay Inslee, Darrell Issa, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Leahy, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Patty Murray, Ben Nelson, Frank Pallone, Nancy Pelosi, Dave Reichert, Harry Reid, Jeff Sessions, Pete Sessions, Adam Smith, Gordon Harold Smith, Lamar Seeligson Smith, Arlen Specter, Ted Stevens, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, Bennie Thompson, John Thune, Ed Towns, Robert Wexler, Ron Wyden, Conrad Burns, Jennifer Blackburn Dunn, George Edward Brown Jr, Slade Gorton, Richard Alan White, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, George W Bush, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Arkansas Leadership Committee 2004 Fcrc, Keep Our Mission PAC, Straight Talk America, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Republican Party of Minnesota, Volunteer PAC, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, New Hampshire Republican State Committee, People for Patty Murray U S Senate Campaign, New Democrat Network, Microsoft Corporation Political Action Committee, Christopher T Bayley, M-PAC, White Mountain PAC, Business Software Alliance PAC, Bluegrass Committee, Wisconsin Leadership PAC, Northwest Leadership Political Action Committee, Building a Majority PAC (Bampac), America Forward Leadership PAC, Jobs, Opportunities and Education, PAC (Joe-PAC), Battle Born Political Action Committee, Arizona Republican Party, Washington State Republican Party, Republican Party of Wisconsin, 2004 Joint State Victory Committee, Impact America, Alamo PAC, Green Mountain PAC, Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Zoe Lofgren, Suzan DelBene, Tom Foley, Mike Lee, Delbene for Congress, Citizens for Working Courts - Enterprise Washington
Jay Faison
John Barrasso, Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, John Cornyn, Mike Crapo, Mario Diaz-Balart, Lindsey Graham, Kay Granger, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Patrick McHenry, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Lisa Murkowski, Dave Reichert, Paul Ryan, Steve Scalise, Michael K Simpson, Gordon Harold Smith, John E Sununu, John Thune, Fred Upton, Rob Portman, Texans for Senator John Cornyn Inc, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Upton for All of US, Mike Crapo for US Senate, Kay Granger Campaign Fund, Ohio's Future PAC, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics, Friends of John Barrasso, Alamo PAC, Simpson for Congress, Freedom Fund, McHenry for Congress, Common Sense Common Solutions Political Action Committee, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Portman for Senate Committee, Adam Kinzinger, Kevin Cramer, Jeff Duncan, Kelly Ayotte, Chuck Fleischmann, Mike Lee, David McKinley, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Tom Reed, Common Values PAC, Funding Developing Leadership Political Action Committee Aka Fdl PAC, Steven Daines, Denali Leadership PAC, Dakota PAC, Free State PAC, Tomorrow IS Meaningful PAC-Tim PAC, Jet PAC, Elise Stefanik, Sawtooth Political Action Committee (Sawtooth PAC), Garret Graves, Team Graham, Kinzinger for Congress, Tom Reed for Congress, Jeff Duncan for Congress, Chuck Fleischmann for Congress, McKinley for Congress, Tim Scott For Senate, Elise for Congress, More Conservatives PAC, E-PAC, Garret Graves for Congress, Excelsior PAC, Marco Rubio For Senate 2016, Oorah! PAC, DBM PAC, John Curtis, Kelly Armstrong, Anthony Gonzalez, Dan Crenshaw, Anthony Gonzalez for Congress, Dan Crenshaw for Congress, John Curtis for Congress, Jobs, Energy & Our Founding Fathers PAC, Do Right Bayou, Kelly Armstrong for Congress, Hoosier Pac, Energy Innovation Political Action Committee, Nooga Pac, Spirit Of '76 Pac, Utah First Pac, Buckeye Pac
Paul Singer
Spencer Abraham, Lamar Alexander, John Barrasso, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, John Cornyn, Mike Crapo, Mario Diaz-Balart, Lindsey Graham, Kay Granger, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Darrell Issa, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Patrick McHenry, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Jerry Moran, Lisa Murkowski, Barack Obama, Dave Reichert, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, Steve Scalise, Chuck Schumer, Michael K Simpson, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, John Thune, Fred Upton, Conrad Burns, Rob Portman, Slade Gorton, Al D’Amato, Larry Pressler, Texans for Senator John Cornyn Inc, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic National Committee, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Upton for All of US, Republican Party of Minnesota, Mike Crapo for US Senate, Volunteer PAC, Kay Granger Campaign Fund, New Hampshire Republican State Committee, Ohio's Future PAC, Bluegrass Committee, Fund for America's Future, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Lisa Murkowski for US Senate, Simpson for Congress, Freedom Fund, McHenry for Congress, Jon Kyl, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Adam Kinzinger, Kevin Cramer, Kelly Ayotte, Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Tom Reed, Common Values PAC, Steven Daines, Denali Leadership PAC, Reclaim America PAC, Elise Stefanik, Team Graham, Tom Reed for Congress, Elise for Congress, E-PAC, John Curtis, Anthony Gonzalez, Dan Crenshaw, Anthony Gonzalez for Congress, Dan Crenshaw for Congress, John Curtis for Congress, Becker For Arizona, Nina Becker
Manus Cooney
Lamar Alexander, Joe Barton, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, Frederick C Boucher, Richard Burr, Maria Cantwell, Shelley Moore Capito, Jim Clyburn, John Cornyn, Mike Crapo, David Timothy Dreier, Dick Durbin, John Ensign, Mike Enzi, Dianne Feinstein, Bob Goodlatte, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Darrell Issa, Patrick Leahy, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Patrick McHenry, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Lisa Murkowski, Paul Ryan, Steve Scalise, Chuck Schumer, Jeff Sessions, Michael K Simpson, Gordon Harold Smith, Lamar Seeligson Smith, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, John Thune, Fred Upton, Ron Wyden, Conrad Burns, Rob Portman, Texans for Senator John Cornyn Inc, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Wyden for Senate, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, White Mountain PAC, Bluegrass Committee, Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics, Fund for the Majority, Alamo PAC, Green Mountain PAC, Simpson for Congress, McHenry for Congress, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Jon Kyl, Chris Coons, Kelly Ayotte, John Hoeven, Mike Lee, Tom Marino, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Tom Reed, Steven Daines, Dakota PAC, Reclaim America PAC, Blue Hen PAC, Team Graham, Chris Coons for Delaware, Hoeven for Senate, Capito for West Virginia, Green Mountain PAC, Lisa Blunt Rochester, Marco Rubio For Senate 2016, John Curtis, Kelly Armstrong, Dan Crenshaw, Lisa Blunt Rochester for Congress, Dan Crenshaw for Congress, John Curtis for Congress, Kelly Armstrong for Congress, Hoosier Pac
Jeffrey M Mackinnon
Lamar Alexander, John Barrasso, Joe Barton, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, John Cornyn, Mike Crapo, David Timothy Dreier, Mike Enzi, Kay Granger, Dean Heller, Darrell Issa, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Dave Reichert, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, Steve Scalise, Pete Sessions, Michael K Simpson, Lamar Seeligson Smith, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, John Thune, Fred Upton, Conrad Burns, Texans for Senator John Cornyn Inc, George W Bush, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Straight Talk America, American Success Political Action Committee, Upton for All of US, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Ohio's Future PAC, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, White Mountain PAC, Red PAC, Bluegrass Committee, Fund for America's Future, Help America's Leaders Political Action Committee (Halpac), Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics, Impact America, Alamo PAC, Simpson for Congress, Common Sense Common Solutions Political Action Committee, Jon Kyl, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Adam Kinzinger, Jeff Duncan, Chuck Fleischmann, Mike Lee, David McKinley, Tim Scott, Tom Reed, Steven Daines, Reclaim America PAC, Kyrsten Sinema, Kent Conrad, Elise Stefanik, Garret Graves, Kinzinger for Congress, Tom Reed for Congress, Jeff Duncan for Congress, Chuck Fleischmann for Congress, McKinley for Congress, Kyrsten Sinema for Congress, Elise for Congress, Garret Graves for Congress, John Curtis, Kelly Armstrong, Anthony Gonzalez, Dan Crenshaw, Anthony Gonzalez for Congress, Dan Crenshaw for Congress, John Curtis for Congress, Kelly Armstrong for Congress
Stephen Schwarzman
Bob Kerrey, Lamar Alexander, John Barrasso, Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, John Cornyn, Mike Crapo, John Ensign, Bob Goodlatte, Lindsey Graham, Kay Granger, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Patrick Leahy, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Patrick McHenry, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Lisa Murkowski, Dave Reichert, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, Steve Scalise, Chuck Schumer, Pete Sessions, Arlen Specter, Ted Stevens, John E Sununu, John Thune, Conrad Burns, Rob Portman, Tom Daschle, Al D’Amato, Texans for Senator John Cornyn Inc, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Arkansas Leadership Committee 2004 Fcrc, Straight Talk America, Friends of Roy Blunt, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Republican Party of Minnesota, Volunteer PAC, Kay Granger Campaign Fund, New Hampshire Republican State Committee, Arizona Republican Party, Washington State Republican Party, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics, Lisa Murkowski for US Senate, 2004 Joint State Victory Committee, Friends of John Barrasso, McHenry for Congress, Max Baucus, Portman for Senate Committee, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Kevin Cramer, Jay Rockefeller, Kelly Ayotte, John Hoeven, Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Tom Reed, Common Values PAC, Steven Daines, Reclaim America PAC, Tomorrow IS Meaningful PAC-Tim PAC, Elise Stefanik, Team Graham, Hoeven for Senate, Tim Scott For Senate, Elise for Congress, More Conservatives PAC, Excelsior PAC, Anthony Gonzalez, Dan Crenshaw, Anthony Gonzalez for Congress, Dan Crenshaw for Congress, Spirit Of '76 Pac
Daniel S Loeb
Lamar Alexander, Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, Shelley Moore Capito, John Cornyn, Mike Crapo, Mario Diaz-Balart, Lindsey Graham, Kay Granger, Orrin Hatch, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Patrick McHenry, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Jerry Moran, Lisa Murkowski, Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Paul Ryan, Steve Scalise, Chuck Schumer, Adam Smith, John Thune, Fred Upton, Ron Wyden, Rob Portman, Al D’Amato, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Straight Talk America, Friends of Roy Blunt, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Upton for All of US, Mike Crapo for US Senate, Volunteer PAC, Republican Majority Fund, Kay Granger Campaign Fund, New Hampshire Republican State Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Fund for America's Future, Adam Smith for Congress Committee, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Lisa Murkowski for US Senate, Mark Warner, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Max Baucus, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Adam Kinzinger, Cory Booker, Chris Coons, Kelly Ayotte, Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Tom Reed, Corypac Inc, Steven Daines, Hakeem Jeffries, Tomorrow IS Meaningful PAC-Tim PAC, Cory Booker for Senate, Elise Stefanik, Moran for Kansas, Team Graham, Chris Coons for Delaware, Tom Reed for Congress, Jeffries for Congress, Tim Scott For Senate, Elise for Congress, More Conservatives PAC, E-PAC, Jobs Education & Families First, Kelly Armstrong, Anthony Gonzalez, Dan Crenshaw, Anthony Gonzalez for Congress, Dan Crenshaw for Congress, Kelly Armstrong for Congress, Spirit Of '76 Pac, Roughrider Pac
David Bockorny
Spencer Abraham, Lamar Alexander, John Barrasso, Joe Barton, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, John Cornyn, Mike Crapo, Mario Diaz-Balart, David Timothy Dreier, John Ensign, Lindsey Graham, Kay Granger, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Jerry Moran, Lisa Murkowski, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, Steve Scalise, Jeff Sessions, Pete Sessions, Michael K Simpson, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, John Thune, Fred Upton, Conrad Burns, Rob Portman, Jennifer Blackburn Dunn, Al D’Amato, Richard Alan White, Larry Pressler, Texans for Senator John Cornyn Inc, George W Bush, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, American Success Political Action Committee, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Mike Crapo for US Senate, Volunteer PAC, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Republican Majority Fund, Ohio's Future PAC, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, White Mountain PAC, Red PAC, Bluegrass Committee, Fund for America's Future, Wisconsin Leadership PAC, Northwest Leadership Political Action Committee, Battle Born Political Action Committee, Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics, Lisa Murkowski for US Senate, Impact America, Alamo PAC, Freedom Fund, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Jon Kyl, Portman for Senate Committee, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Adam Kinzinger, Kelly Ayotte, John Hoeven, Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Common Values PAC, Steven Daines, Denali Leadership PAC, Dakota PAC, Moran for Kansas, Team Graham, Hoeven for Senate
Marc Rowan
Bob Kerrey, John Barrasso, Roy Blunt, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Hillary Clinton, John Cornyn, Mike Crapo, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, John Ensign, Mike Enzi, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Steny Hoyer, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Leahy, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Patrick McHenry, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Patty Murray, Ben Nelson, Harry Reid, Steve Scalise, Chuck Schumer, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, John Thune, Ron Wyden, Conrad Burns, Rob Portman, Tom Daschle, Al D’Amato, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Texans for Senator John Cornyn Inc, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Straight Talk America, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Mike Crapo for US Senate, New Millennium PAC, PAC to the Future, People for Patty Murray U S Senate Campaign, Fund for America's Future, Friends of John Barrasso, Mark Warner, Joe Manchin, Max Baucus, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Cory Booker, Chris Coons, Kelly Ayotte, John Hoeven, Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Tom Reed, Steven Daines, Catherine Cortez Masto, Kyrsten Sinema, Heidi Heitkamp, Cory Booker for Senate, Team Graham, Chris Coons for Delaware, Manchin for West Virginia, Kyrsten Sinema for Congress, Catherine Cortez Masto for Senate, Tim Scott For Senate, Capito for West Virginia, More Conservatives PAC, Country Roads PAC, Marco Rubio For Senate 2016
Stu Van Scoyoc
Lamar Alexander, John Barrasso, Joe Barton, Robert Bennett, Howard Lawrence Berman, Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, Maria Cantwell, Jim Clyburn, John Cornyn, Mike Crapo, Mario Diaz-Balart, Norman DeValois Dicks, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, John Ensign, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Kay Granger, Tom Harkin, Orrin Hatch, Marcia Carolyn Kaptur, Patrick Leahy, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Jerry Moran, Patty Murray, Ben Nelson, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Jeff Sessions, Pete Sessions, Michael K Simpson, Arlen Specter, John Thune, Fred Upton, Conrad Burns, Rob Portman, Tom Daschle, Al D’Amato, Larry Pressler, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Searchlight Leadership Fund, Republican Party of Minnesota, National Leadership PAC, New Millennium PAC, Volunteer PAC, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Republican Majority Fund, New Democrat Coalition Action Fund, Building a Majority PAC (Bampac), Washington State Republican Party, Help America's Leaders Political Action Committee (Halpac), Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics, Bart Gordon, Fund for the Majority, Alamo PAC, Joe Manchin, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Kelly Ayotte, Tom Reed, Common Values PAC, Steven Daines, Free State PAC, Heidi Heitkamp, Scott Peters, Kent Conrad
David Bonderman
Bob Kerrey, Frederick C Boucher, Eric Cantor, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, John Cornyn, Mike Crapo, Joe Crowley, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Kay Granger, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Jay Inslee, Ted Kennedy, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Patrick McHenry, Jerry McNerney, Jerry Moran, Patty Murray, Ben Nelson, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, John Thune, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Ron Wyden, Rob Portman, Tom Daschle, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Texans for Senator John Cornyn Inc, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Searchlight Leadership Fund, Mike Crapo for US Senate, Blue Dog Political Action Committee, Kay Granger Campaign Fund, New Democrat Network, M-PAC, Fund for the Majority, Mark Warner, Max Baucus, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Suzan DelBene, Terri Sewell, Cory Booker, Chris Coons, Kelly Ayotte, Tim Scott, Corypac Inc, Steven Daines, Catherine Cortez Masto, Free State PAC, Derek Kilmer, Kent Conrad, Marc Veasey, Moran for Kansas, Delbene for Congress, Terri Sewell for Congress, Marc Veasey Congressional Campaign Cmte, Catherine Cortez Masto for Senate, Tim Scott For Senate, Darren Soto, Xochitl Torres Small, Kim Schrier, Xochitl for New Mexico, Dr Kim Schrier for Congress, All for Our Country
Roselyne Chroman Swig
Bob Kerrey, John Barrasso, Melissa L Bean, Robert Bennett, Howard Lawrence Berman, Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, John Cornyn, Mike Crapo, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Kay Granger, Tom Harkin, Dean Heller, Steny Hoyer, Ted Kennedy, Rick Larsen, Patrick Leahy, Nita M Lowey, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Jerry McNerney, Jerry Moran, Lisa Murkowski, Patty Murray, Ben Nelson, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Paul Ryan, Chuck Schumer, Jeff Sessions, Adam Smith, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, Ted Stevens, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Ron Wyden, Conrad Burns, Rob Portman, Tom Daschle, Brockman Adams, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, PAC to the Future, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Fund for the Majority, Mark Warner, Joe Manchin, Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Zoe Lofgren, Cory Booker, Jay Rockefeller, Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Steven Daines, Kyrsten Sinema, Heidi Heitkamp, Kent Conrad, Marc Veasey, Darren Soto
Seth Klarman
Howard Lawrence Berman, Roy Blunt, Eric Cantor, Maria Cantwell, Shelley Moore Capito, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, John Cornyn, Dick Durbin, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Steny Hoyer, Ron Kind, Nita M Lowey, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Ben Nelson, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, Chuck Schumer, Arlen Specter, Bennie Thompson, Fred Upton, Ron Wyden, Rob Portman, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Friends of Dick Durbin Committee, Upton for All of US, Wyden for Senate, PAC to the Future, Lisa Murkowski for US Senate, Mark Warner, Max Baucus, Adam Kinzinger, Cory Booker, Chris Coons, Kelly Ayotte, Marco Rubio, Corypac Inc, Catherine Cortez Masto, Reclaim America PAC, Hakeem Jeffries, Scott Peters, Cory Booker for Senate, Elise Stefanik, Kinzinger for Congress, Chris Coons for Delaware, Jeffries for Congress, Scott Peters for Congress, Catherine Cortez Masto for Senate, Elise for Congress, Chrissy Houlahan, Tina Smith, Katie Porter, Mikie Sherrill, Xochitl Torres Small, Anthony Gonzalez, Kim Schrier, Mikie Sherrill for Congress, Anthony Gonzalez for Congress, Tina Smith for Minnesota, Xochitl for New Mexico, Chrissy Houlahan for Congress, Katie Porter for Congress, Dr Kim Schrier for Congress
Tonio Burgos
Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Joe Crowley, Dick Durbin, Steny Hoyer, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Leahy, Nita M Lowey, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Frank Pallone, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Arlen Specter, Ed Towns, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Ron Wyden, Tom Daschle, Al D’Amato, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Friends of Dick Durbin Committee, National Leadership PAC, Wyden for Senate, Pallone for Congress, New Millennium PAC, PAC to the Future, People for Patty Murray U S Senate Campaign, People's House PAC, Mark Warner, Joe Manchin, Tammy Duckworth, Max Baucus, Adam Kinzinger, Shore PAC, Cory Booker, Chris Coons, Catherine Cortez Masto, Reclaim America PAC, Kyrsten Sinema, Hakeem Jeffries, Derek Kilmer, Kent Conrad, Robin L Kelly, Cory Booker for Senate, Jimmy Gomez, Kinzinger for Congress, Chris Coons for Delaware, Manchin for West Virginia, Kyrsten Sinema for Congress, Jeffries for Congress, Robin Kelly For Congress, Catherine Cortez Masto for Senate, Tammy for Illinois, Darren Soto For Congress, Turquoise PAC, Jobs Education & Families First, Darren Soto, Tina Smith, Mikie Sherrill, Xochitl Torres Small, Mikie Sherrill for Congress, Tina Smith for Minnesota, Xochitl for New Mexico, Jimmy Gomez for Congress, All for Our Country, Mother On A Mission (Mom Pac), Evergreen Pac
Amy Rothschild Friedkin
Bob Kerrey, Howard Lawrence Berman, Roy Blunt, Eric Cantor, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Mike Crapo, Joe Crowley, Diana Degette, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Kay Granger, Tom Harkin, Steny Hoyer, Ted Kennedy, Rick Larsen, Patrick Leahy, Nita M Lowey, Doris Okada Matsui, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Jerry McNerney, Jerry Moran, Patty Murray, Ben Nelson, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Paul Ryan, Chuck Schumer, Jeff Sessions, Adam Smith, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, John Thune, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Ron Wyden, Conrad Burns, Rob Portman, Tom Daschle, Jennifer Blackburn Dunn, Slade Gorton, Al D’Amato, Brockman Adams, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, New Millennium PAC, PAC to the Future, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Mark Warner, Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Zoe Lofgren, Cory Booker, Jay Rockefeller, Chris Coons, Kelly Ayotte, Mike Lee, Tim Scott, CHUTZPAC, Kyrsten Sinema, Heidi Heitkamp, Kent Conrad, Marc Veasey
Wayne L Berman
Spencer Abraham, Lamar Alexander, John Barrasso, Joe Barton, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, John Cornyn, Mike Crapo, David Timothy Dreier, John Ensign, Bob Goodlatte, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Patrick McHenry, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Jerry Moran, Lisa Murkowski, Dave Reichert, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, Steve Scalise, Jeff Sessions, Pete Sessions, Gordon Harold Smith, Lamar Seeligson Smith, Arlen Specter, Ted Stevens, John E Sununu, John Thune, Conrad Burns, Rob Portman, Slade Gorton, Al D’Amato, George W Bush, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Straight Talk America, Volunteer PAC, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, White Mountain PAC, Bluegrass Committee, Fund for America's Future, Help America's Leaders Political Action Committee (Halpac), Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics, Impact America, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Jon Kyl, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Cory Booker, Kelly Ayotte, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Tom Reed, Common Values PAC, Steven Daines, Dakota PAC, Reclaim America PAC, Elise Stefanik
Doyce Boesch
Spencer Abraham, Lamar Alexander, John Barrasso, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, John Cornyn, Mike Crapo, John Ensign, Mike Enzi, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Patrick McHenry, Jerry McNerney, Jerry Moran, Lisa Murkowski, Mike Pence, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, Steve Scalise, Jeff Sessions, Pete Sessions, Michael K Simpson, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, John Thune, Conrad Burns, Rob Portman, Texans for Senator John Cornyn Inc, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Mike Crapo for US Senate, Volunteer PAC, Republican Majority Fund, White Mountain PAC, Bluegrass Committee, Battle Born Political Action Committee, Help America's Leaders Political Action Committee (Halpac), Lisa Murkowski for US Senate, Friends of John Barrasso, Alamo PAC, Freedom Fund, McHenry for Congress, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Jon Kyl, Portman for Senate Committee, Kevin Cramer, Kelly Ayotte, John Hoeven, Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Common Values PAC, Steven Daines, Moran for Kansas, Team Graham, Hoeven for Senate, Tim Scott For Senate, Capito for West Virginia, Marco Rubio For Senate 2016
John Catsimatidis
Bob Kerrey, Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Hillary Clinton, John Cornyn, Joe Crowley, Mario Diaz-Balart, Dick Durbin, Lindsey Graham, Tom Harkin, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Leahy, Nita M Lowey, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Jerry Moran, Frank Pallone, Harry Reid, Paul Ryan, Steve Scalise, Chuck Schumer, Arlen Specter, Fred Upton, Robert Wexler, Conrad Burns, Rob Portman, Tom Daschle, Slade Gorton, Al D’Amato, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Republican Party of Minnesota, National Leadership PAC, New Millennium PAC, New Hampshire Republican State Committee, New Democrat Coalition Action Fund, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Alamo PAC, Mark Warner, Joe Manchin, Tammy Duckworth, Max Baucus, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Kevin Cramer, Tom Foley, Kelly Ayotte, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Tom Reed, Steven Daines, Reclaim America PAC, Hakeem Jeffries, Heidi Heitkamp, Kent Conrad, Elise Stefanik, Team Graham, Dan Crenshaw, Dan Crenshaw for Congress