Yusuf Ishaque Mehdi
Corporate Vice President of Windows and Devices Group,Microsoft Corporation
Orrin Hatch
Late Former US Senator from Utah (1977-2019)
Ben Sasse
University of Florida president, former Senator from Nebraska
Lindsey Graham
US Senator from South Carolina (2003-present); former US Representative (1995-2003)
Steny Hoyer
Democratic US Representative from Maryland
Steven Daines
US Representative from Montana
Jim Clyburn
US Representative from South Carolina (D-SC 6)
Kelly Armstrong
Republican North Dakota congressman, gubernatorial candidate
Deb Fischer
Republican US Senator from Nebraska
Chris Coons
Democratic US Senator from Delaware (2010-present)
Kevin Patrick Brady
US Representative from Texas (1997-2023); will not run in 2022
Bill Gates
Founder of Microsoft
Jeffrey S Raikes
CEO, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Bradford L Smith
Microsoft’s general counsel
Steven A Ballmer
Former Microsoft CEO
William H Gates Sr
Father of Bill Gates and formerly partner at Preston Gates
Melinda French Gates
Co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Robert T Short
Retired - Medina Washington