Seegers Enterprises; former chairman of Centex
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Paul Seegers also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Michael Keiser Peter H Coors, Wayne Allard, Michele Bachmann, Richard Burr, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Elizabeth Dole, John Ensign, Jeff Flake, Jeb Hensarling, Peter Hoekstra, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mark Steven Kirk, Mel Martinez, Mitch McConnell, Denny Rehberg, Paul Ryan, Gordon Harold Smith, John E Sununu, John Thune, David Vitter, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Katherine Harris, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Pat Toomey, Dick Armey, Phil Gramm, Dan Coats, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Dylan C Glenn, Thomas H Kean Jr, Michael Steele, Freedom Works PAC, Suzanne Haik Terrell, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Republican Party of Texas, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Bill Cassidy, Michael J Bouchard, Linda Lingle, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Scott P Brown, Richard E Mourdock, Rick Berg, Robert Dold, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Josh Mandel, Ted Cruz, John H Cox, Martha McSally, Michael S McGavick, Robert Clayton Lanier, Kentuckians for Strong Leadership, Ben Sasse, Cornyn Majority Cmte, National Republican Congressional Cmte, Joni Ernst
John L Nau III Richard Burr, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Jim DeMint, John Ensign, Jeff Flake, Kay Granger, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Johnny Isakson, Mark Steven Kirk, Mitch McConnell, Steve Pearce, Denny Rehberg, Paul Ryan, Pete Sessions, Gordon Harold Smith, John E Sununu, John Thune, David Vitter, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Katherine Harris, Mark Kennedy, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Pat Toomey, Rod Grams, Bill McCollum, Dan Coats, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Thomas H Kean Jr, Michael Steele, Suzanne Haik Terrell, Good Government Fund, the, Good Government Fund, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Kirk Humphreys, John Kennedy, KPAC, Republican Party of Texas, Bill Cassidy, Michael J Bouchard, Peter G Olson, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner, Scott P Brown, Joe Heck, Rick Berg, Bill Flores, Marco Rubio, Josh Mandel, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, Martha McSally, Kentuckians for Strong Leadership, Ben Sasse, Ryan Zinke, Cornyn Majority Cmte, Good Government Fund, National Republican Congressional Cmte, Good Government Fund, Joni Ernst
Albert Galatyn Hill Jr Peter H Coors, Michele Bachmann, Saxby Chambliss, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Jim DeMint, Elizabeth Dole, John Ensign, Jeff Flake, Kay Granger, Jeb Hensarling, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Johnny Isakson, Mark Steven Kirk, Mel Martinez, Mitch McConnell, Steve Pearce, Paul Ryan, Pete Sessions, Gordon Harold Smith, John E Sununu, John Thune, David Vitter, Conrad Burns, Rick Santorum, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Pat Toomey, Phil Gramm, Rod Grams, Bill McCollum, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Dylan C Glenn, McCain-Palin Victory 2008, Michael Steele, Freedom Works PAC, Suzanne Haik Terrell, Good Government Fund, the, Dallas County Republican Party, Republican Party of Wisconsin, KPAC, Shawn D Terry, Republican Party of Texas, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Bill Cassidy, Peter G Olson, Allen West, Linda Lingle, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Carly Fiorina, Jon Newton, Scott P Brown, Joe Heck, Rick Berg, Bill Flores, Marco Rubio, Dino Rossi, Ken Buck, Mia Love, Tom Emmer, Ben Sasse, Ryan Zinke, Cornyn Majority Cmte, Good Government Fund, National Republican Congressional Cmte
Richard W Weekley Richard Burr, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Elizabeth Dole, John Ensign, Jeff Flake, Jeb Hensarling, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Johnny Isakson, Mark Steven Kirk, Mel Martinez, Mitch McConnell, Steve Pearce, Denny Rehberg, Paul Ryan, Pete Sessions, John E Sununu, John Thune, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mark Kennedy, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Pat Toomey, Phil Gramm, Bob Schaffer, Bill McCollum, Dan Coats, Rick Lazio, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michael Steele, Good Government Fund, the, Dallas County Republican Party, Good Government Fund, John Kennedy, Republican Party of Texas, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Bill Cassidy, Good Government Fund 2008, the, Michael J Bouchard, Peter G Olson, Allen West, South Dakota Republican Party, Linda Lingle, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Carly Fiorina, Joe Heck, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Dino Rossi, Josh Mandel, Ken Buck, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, Martha McSally, Ben Sasse, Ryan Zinke, Cornyn Majority Cmte, National Republican Congressional Cmte, Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund, Joni Ernst
Allen Simon Peter H Coors, Michele Bachmann, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Bob Corker, Jim DeMint, Jeff Flake, Jeb Hensarling, Peter Hoekstra, Connie Mack IV, Mitch McConnell, Steve Pearce, Denny Rehberg, Paul Ryan, John E Sununu, John Thune, George Allen, Katherine Harris, Mark Kennedy, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Dick Armey, Bob Schaffer, Dan Coats, Rick Lazio, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Dylan C Glenn, McCain-Palin Victory 2008, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Bill Cassidy, Michael J Bouchard, Allen West, South Dakota Republican Party, Linda Lingle, Mitt Romney, Scott Randall Tipton, Jon Kyl, Christine O'Donnell, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Hiram Lewis, Richard E Mourdock, Vernon Parker, Our Country Deserves Better PAC, Joe Heck, Kristi Noem, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Dino Rossi, Josh Mandel, Ken Buck, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Tom Smith, Tom Cotton, Martha McSally, Mia Love, Michael S McGavick, Ben Sasse, National Republican Congressional Cmte, Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund, Joni Ernst
Giuseppe Cecchi Michele Bachmann, Richard Burr, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Elizabeth Dole, Jeff Flake, Mark Steven Kirk, Connie Mack IV, Mel Martinez, Mitch McConnell, Steve Pearce, Denny Rehberg, Paul Ryan, Gordon Harold Smith, John Thune, David Vitter, Joe Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mark Kennedy, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Pat Toomey, Bob Schaffer, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Deborah Travis T Honeycutt, McCain-Palin Victory 2008, Thomas H Kean Jr, Michael Steele, Suzanne Haik Terrell, Republican Party of Wisconsin, John Kennedy, Gregory Tarle Parke, Bill Cassidy, Michael J Bouchard, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner, Steven Lonegan, Sharron E Angle, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Richard E Mourdock, Vernon Parker, Our Country Deserves Better PAC, Joe Heck, Rick Berg, Kristi Noem, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Josh Mandel, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, John H Cox, Tom Cotton, Martha McSally, Mia Love, Michael S McGavick, Tom Emmer, Ben Sasse, Ryan Zinke, National Republican Congressional Cmte, Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund, Joni Ernst
Kenneth S Abramowitz Michele Bachmann, Richard Burr, Saxby Chambliss, Hillary Clinton, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Jim DeMint, Elizabeth Dole, Mark Steven Kirk, Connie Mack IV, Mel Martinez, Mitch McConnell, Steve Pearce, Denny Rehberg, Paul Ryan, Pete Sessions, Gordon Harold Smith, John E Sununu, John Thune, David Vitter, Joe Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Katherine Harris, Mark Kennedy, Jim Talent, Pat Toomey, Phil Gramm, Bob Schaffer, Dan Coats, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Thomas H Kean Jr, Michael Steele, Freedom Works PAC, Suzanne Haik Terrell, John Kennedy, Bill Cassidy, Peter G Olson, Allen West, Linda Lingle, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Richard E Mourdock, Our Country Deserves Better PAC, Rick Berg, Robert Dold, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Dino Rossi, Josh Mandel, Ken Buck, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, Martha McSally, Mia Love, Ryan Zinke, National Republican Congressional Cmte, Joni Ernst
Tatnall Lea Hillman Peter H Coors, Michele Bachmann, John Cornyn, Jim DeMint, John Ensign, Jeff Flake, Peter Hoekstra, Mark Steven Kirk, Connie Mack IV, Mitch McConnell, Steve Pearce, Denny Rehberg, Paul Ryan, John Thune, David Vitter, George Allen, Katherine Harris, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Phil Gramm, Bob Schaffer, Rick Lazio, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Deborah Travis T Honeycutt, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Keith Andre Butler Sr, Republican Party of Texas, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Gregory Edward Walcher, Gregory Tarle Parke, Bill Cassidy, Michael J Bouchard, Allen West, John Erwin Stone II, South Dakota Republican Party, Linda Lingle, Mitt Romney, Scott Randall Tipton, Cory Gardner, Steven Lonegan, Sharron E Angle, Scott P Brown, Hiram Lewis, Richard E Mourdock, Our Country Deserves Better PAC, Joe Heck, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Dino Rossi, Josh Mandel, Ken Buck, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Tom Smith, Tom Cotton, Martha McSally, Mia Love, Michael S McGavick, Tom Emmer, Ben Sasse, Ryan Zinke, National Republican Congressional Cmte, Lingle Victory Fund, Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund, Brown Victory Cmte, Joni Ernst
Harlan Crow Wayne Allard, Michele Bachmann, Richard Burr, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, John Ensign, Jeff Flake, Kay Granger, Jeb Hensarling, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Johnny Isakson, Mark Steven Kirk, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Pete Sessions, Gordon Harold Smith, John Thune, David Vitter, Joe Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Katherine Harris, Mark Kennedy, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Pat Toomey, Dick Armey, Phil Gramm, Bob Schaffer, Rod Grams, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Dylan C Glenn, Michael Steele, Freedom Works PAC, Dallas County Republican Party, Republican Party of Wisconsin, John Kennedy, KPAC, Shawn D Terry, Republican Party of Texas, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Bill Cassidy, Peter G Olson, Allen West, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner, Scott P Brown, Joe Heck, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, Martha McSally, Ben Sasse, Ryan Zinke, Cornyn Majority Cmte, Joni Ernst
Elloine Clark Michele Bachmann, Richard Burr, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Jeff Flake, Kay Granger, Jeb Hensarling, Peter Hoekstra, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Johnny Isakson, Mark Steven Kirk, Mel Martinez, Mitch McConnell, Denny Rehberg, Paul Ryan, Pete Sessions, John Thune, David Vitter, George Allen, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Bob Schaffer, Dan Coats, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Deborah Travis T Honeycutt, McCain-Palin Victory 2008, Michael Steele, Freedom Works PAC, Dallas County Republican Party, Republican Party of Wisconsin, KPAC, Republican Party of Texas, Gregory Tarle Parke, Bill Cassidy, Peter G Olson, Allen West, John Erwin Stone II, Linda Lingle, Mitt Romney, Cory Gardner, Steven Lonegan, Sharron E Angle, Scott P Brown, Hiram Lewis, Richard E Mourdock, Joe Heck, Rick Berg, Bill Flores, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Ken Buck, Ted Cruz, Stephen Edward Broden, Tom Smith, Tom Cotton, Martha McSally, Mia Love, Tom Emmer, Ben Sasse, Ryan Zinke, Cornyn Majority Cmte, Joni Ernst
Duane R Roberts Wayne Allard, Richard Burr, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Elizabeth Dole, John Ensign, Jeff Flake, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Johnny Isakson, Mark Steven Kirk, Mel Martinez, Mitch McConnell, Denny Rehberg, Paul Ryan, Gordon Harold Smith, John E Sununu, John Thune, David Vitter, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mark Kennedy, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Pat Toomey, Bob Schaffer, Rod Grams, Bill McCollum, Dan Coats, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Thomas H Kean Jr, Michael Steele, Suzanne Haik Terrell, Republican Party of Wisconsin, John Kennedy, Republican Party of Texas, Gregory Edward Walcher, Bill Cassidy, South Dakota Republican Party, Linda Lingle, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Richard E Mourdock, Joe Heck, Rick Berg, Robert Dold, Marco Rubio, Dino Rossi, Ken Buck, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, Martha McSally, National Republican Congressional Cmte, Joni Ernst
Leslie Rose Michele Bachmann, Richard Burr, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Jim DeMint, Jeff Flake, Jeb Hensarling, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mark Steven Kirk, Connie Mack IV, Mitch McConnell, Steve Pearce, Denny Rehberg, Pete Sessions, Gordon Harold Smith, John E Sununu, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Katherine Harris, Mark Kennedy, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Pat Toomey, Dick Armey, Phil Gramm, Bob Schaffer, Rod Grams, Bill McCollum, Dan Coats, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Dylan C Glenn, McCain-Palin Victory 2008, Michael Steele, Suzanne Haik Terrell, Keith Andre Butler Sr, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Michael J Bouchard, Allen West, Linda Lingle, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Scott P Brown, Richard E Mourdock, Our Country Deserves Better PAC, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Josh Mandel, Ken Buck, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, Martha McSally, Mia Love, Ben Sasse, Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund, Joni Ernst
Paul Singer Richard Burr, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Jim DeMint, Jeff Flake, Kay Granger, Johnny Isakson, Mark Steven Kirk, Connie Mack IV, Mitch McConnell, Denny Rehberg, Paul Ryan, Gordon Harold Smith, John E Sununu, John Thune, David Vitter, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mark Kennedy, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Pat Toomey, Phil Gramm, Bob Schaffer, Rod Grams, Bill McCollum, Dan Coats, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Thomas H Kean Jr, Michael Steele, Republican Party of Wisconsin, John Kennedy, Bill Cassidy, Linda Lingle, Mitt Romney, Scott Randall Tipton, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Joe Heck, Rick Berg, Robert Dold, Marco Rubio, Dino Rossi, Ken Buck, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, Martha McSally, Mia Love, Michael S McGavick, Tom Emmer, Ben Sasse, Ryan Zinke, Joni Ernst
Dick Uihlein Peter H Coors, Wayne Allard, Michele Bachmann, Richard Burr, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, John Cornyn, Jim DeMint, John Ensign, Jeff Flake, Jeb Hensarling, Mark Steven Kirk, Mitch McConnell, Steve Pearce, Denny Rehberg, Paul Ryan, Pete Sessions, Gordon Harold Smith, John E Sununu, John Thune, Joe Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Katherine Harris, Jim Talent, Pat Toomey, Dick Armey, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Deborah Travis T Honeycutt, Michael Steele, Republican Party of Wisconsin, John Kennedy, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Bill Cassidy, Michael J Bouchard, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Richard E Mourdock, Our Country Deserves Better PAC, Joe Heck, Rick Berg, Robert Dold, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Dino Rossi, Josh Mandel, Ken Buck, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, Mia Love, Kentuckians for Strong Leadership, Ben Sasse, Ryan Zinke, Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund, Joni Ernst
Robert H Pickens Peter H Coors, Wayne Allard, Richard Burr, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, John Cornyn, Elizabeth Dole, Kay Granger, Jeb Hensarling, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Connie Mack IV, Mitch McConnell, Steve Pearce, Denny Rehberg, Pete Sessions, Gordon Harold Smith, John E Sununu, John Thune, Joe Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Katherine Harris, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Pat Toomey, Dick Armey, Phil Gramm, Rod Grams, Bill McCollum, Dan Coats, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, McCain-Palin Victory 2008, Michael Steele, Freedom Works PAC, Suzanne Haik Terrell, Dallas County Republican Party, KPAC, Republican Party of Texas, Bill Cassidy, Good Government Fund 2008, the, Allen West, Mitt Romney, Scott Randall Tipton, Jon Kyl, Christine O'Donnell, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Scott P Brown, Joe Heck, Rick Berg, Bill Flores, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Martha McSally, Mia Love, Tom Emmer, National Republican Congressional Cmte
Ray Oden Jr Peter H Coors, Michele Bachmann, Richard Burr, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, John Cornyn, Jim DeMint, Elizabeth Dole, Jeff Flake, Jeb Hensarling, Peter Hoekstra, Mel Martinez, Mitch McConnell, Steve Pearce, Denny Rehberg, Paul Ryan, John Thune, David Vitter, George Allen, Katherine Harris, Mark Kennedy, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Pat Toomey, Bob Schaffer, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Deborah Travis T Honeycutt, Dylan C Glenn, McCain-Palin Victory 2008, Michael Steele, Freedom Works PAC, Suzanne Haik Terrell, Keith Andre Butler Sr, John Kennedy, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Gregory Tarle Parke, Bill Cassidy, Peter G Olson, Allen West, South Dakota Republican Party, Linda Lingle, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Christine O'Donnell, Sharron E Angle, Hiram Lewis, Richard E Mourdock, Our Country Deserves Better PAC, Rick Berg, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Josh Mandel, Ken Buck, Ted Cruz, Anna C Little, John H Cox, Tom Smith, Tom Cotton, Michael S McGavick, National Republican Congressional Cmte
Dian Graves Stai Michele Bachmann, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Jim DeMint, Elizabeth Dole, Kay Granger, Jeb Hensarling, Peter Hoekstra, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mitch McConnell, Steve Pearce, Denny Rehberg, Paul Ryan, Pete Sessions, John Thune, David Vitter, Joe Wilson, Conrad Burns, Katherine Harris, Mark Kennedy, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Pat Toomey, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Deborah Travis T Honeycutt, Thomas H Kean Jr, Good Government Fund, Republican Party of Wisconsin, John Kennedy, KPAC, Republican Party of Texas, Bill Cassidy, Allen West, South Dakota Republican Party, Mitt Romney, Christine O'Donnell, Sharron E Angle, Scott P Brown, Richard E Mourdock, Our Country Deserves Better PAC, Bill Flores, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Dino Rossi, Josh Mandel, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, Martha McSally, Mia Love, Kentuckians for Strong Leadership, Ben Sasse, Ryan Zinke, National Republican Congressional Cmte, Good Government Fund, Joni Ernst
Robert E Murray Wayne Allard, Richard Burr, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Jim DeMint, Elizabeth Dole, John Ensign, Jeff Flake, Peter Hoekstra, Johnny Isakson, Mark Steven Kirk, Mitch McConnell, Steve Pearce, Denny Rehberg, Gordon Harold Smith, John E Sununu, John Thune, David Vitter, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Katherine Harris, Mark Kennedy, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Pat Toomey, Bob Schaffer, Rod Grams, Dan Coats, Rick Lazio, Jay Dickey, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Thomas H Kean Jr, Michael Steele, John Kennedy, Gregory Tarle Parke, Bill Cassidy, Linda Lingle, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Richard E Mourdock, Rick Berg, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Dino Rossi, Josh Mandel, Ken Buck, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Tom Smith, Tom Cotton, Michael S McGavick, Ben Sasse, Joni Ernst
Robert Rowling Richard Burr, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Jim DeMint, Elizabeth Dole, Kay Granger, Jeb Hensarling, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Johnny Isakson, Mel Martinez, Mitch McConnell, Steve Pearce, Denny Rehberg, Pete Sessions, Gordon Harold Smith, John E Sununu, John Thune, David Vitter, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mark Kennedy, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Pat Toomey, Phil Gramm, Bob Schaffer, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Dylan C Glenn, Thomas H Kean Jr, Michael Steele, Freedom Works PAC, Suzanne Haik Terrell, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Kirk Humphreys, John Kennedy, KPAC, Republican Party of Texas, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Bill Cassidy, Peter G Olson, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner, Scott P Brown, Richard E Mourdock, Rick Berg, Bill Flores, Marco Rubio, Josh Mandel, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, Good Government Fund, Joni Ernst
Dana K Anderson Peter H Coors, Michele Bachmann, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Jim DeMint, Elizabeth Dole, Jeff Flake, Jeb Hensarling, Connie Mack IV, Mel Martinez, Mitch McConnell, Steve Pearce, Denny Rehberg, Pete Sessions, John E Sununu, John Thune, David Vitter, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Katherine Harris, Mark Kennedy, Pat Toomey, Dick Armey, Phil Gramm, Bob Schaffer, Bill McCollum, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Dylan C Glenn, Michael Steele, Suzanne Haik Terrell, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Gregory Edward Walcher, Bill Cassidy, Michael J Bouchard, Allen West, Linda Lingle, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Carly Fiorina, Richard E Mourdock, Our Country Deserves Better PAC, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Josh Mandel, Ken Buck, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Tom Smith, Tom Cotton, Martha McSally, Mia Love, Michael S McGavick, Joni Ernst