J Steven Hart
Lamar Alexander, Wayne Allard, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Mary Bono Mack, Sam Brownback, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Thomas Allen Coburn, Tom Cole, Norm Coleman, Jim DeMint, Elizabeth Dole, John Ensign, Robin Hayes, Mel Martinez, Charles W Pickering Jr, Paul Ryan, John Thune, David Vitter, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Michael Garver Oxley, Jim Talent, Mac Collins, Ed Bryant, Steve Largent, Bob Schaffer, Julius Caesar Watts Jr, Patrick Morrisey, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, American Liberty Political Action Committee, Spirit of America PAC, Heartland Values PAC, Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Mark Emerson, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner, Chuck Hagel
Jeffrey M Mackinnon
Lamar Alexander, Roy Blunt, Mary Bono Mack, Sam Brownback, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Jim DeMint, Tom Feeney, Michael Ferguson, Darrell Issa, Connie Mack IV, Mel Martinez, Charles W Pickering Jr, Adam Putnam, George P Radanovich, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, John B Shadegg, John M Shimkus, Cliff Stearns, John Thune, David Vitter, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Mark Kennedy, Michael Garver Oxley, James E Rogan, Bill Paxon, Rick Lazio, Tim Hutchinson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Heartland Values PAC, Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner, Chuck Hagel, Chuck Fleischmann
David Bockorny
Lamar Alexander, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Mary Bono Mack, Sam Brownback, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Jim DeMint, John Ensign, Tom Feeney, Michael Ferguson, Kenny Hulshof, Charles W Pickering Jr, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, Jim Sensenbrenner, John B Shadegg, John M Shimkus, John Thune, David Vitter, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Melissa A Hart, Mark Kennedy, Michael Garver Oxley, Jim Talent, James E Rogan, Bill Paxon, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, Patrick Morrisey, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Heartland Values PAC, Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner, Chuck Hagel
Lanny Griffith
Lamar Alexander, Wayne Allard, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Sam Brownback, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Thomas Allen Coburn, Tom Cole, Norm Coleman, Jim DeMint, Elizabeth Dole, John Ensign, Tom Feeney, Michael Ferguson, Robin Hayes, Mel Martinez, Gary G Miller, Charles W Pickering Jr, Peter Roskam, Jim Sensenbrenner, John B Shadegg, John Thune, David Vitter, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Katherine Harris, Melissa A Hart, Jim Talent, Ed Bryant, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, Tim Hutchinson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Spirit of America PAC, GROWPAC, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner, Chuck Hagel
Ed Rogers
Lamar Alexander, Wayne Allard, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Sam Brownback, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Lincoln Davis, Jim DeMint, Elizabeth Dole, Tom Feeney, Michael Ferguson, Robin Hayes, Mel Martinez, Charles W Pickering Jr, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, Jim Sensenbrenner, John B Shadegg, John Thune, David Vitter, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Katherine Harris, Melissa A Hart, Mark Kennedy, Jim Talent, Ed Bryant, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, Tim Hutchinson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Spirit of America PAC, GROWPAC, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner, Chuck Hagel
Mark Isakowitz
Lamar Alexander, Roy Blunt, Sam Brownback, Richard Burr, Christopher B Cannon, Eric Cantor, Norm Coleman, Jim DeMint, Michael Ferguson, Robin Hayes, Kenny Hulshof, Darrell Issa, Connie Mack IV, Mel Martinez, Gary G Miller, Charles W Pickering Jr, Adam Putnam, Paul Ryan, John B Shadegg, John M Shimkus, John Thune, David Vitter, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Katherine Harris, Mark Kennedy, John E Sweeney, Jim Talent, Mac Collins, James E Rogan, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, Patrick Morrisey, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Heartland Values PAC, GROWPAC, Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Chuck Hagel
Dan Meyer
Wayne Allard, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Thomas Allen Coburn, Tom Cole, Norm Coleman, Jim DeMint, John Ensign, Michael Ferguson, Robin Hayes, Connie Mack IV, Mel Martinez, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, Jim Sensenbrenner, John M Shimkus, John Thune, George Allen, Katherine Harris, Melissa A Hart, Mark Kennedy, John E Sweeney, Jim Talent, Mac Collins, Ed Bryant, James E Rogan, William Thomas Redmond, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Heartland Values PAC, GROWPAC, Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Special Teams 2006 Committee, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner
Vin Weber
Lamar Alexander, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Richard Burr, Christopher B Cannon, Eric Cantor, Norm Coleman, Jim DeMint, Elizabeth Dole, John Ensign, Tom Feeney, Michael Ferguson, Robin Hayes, Connie Mack IV, Mel Martinez, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, John B Shadegg, John M Shimkus, John Thune, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Mark Kennedy, Jim Talent, Ed Bryant, Julius Caesar Watts Jr, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Spirit of America PAC, Building Our Bases (Bobs) PAC, Jon Kyl, Chuck Hagel
Bill Paxon
Wayne Allard, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Jim DeMint, Elizabeth Dole, John Ensign, Tom Feeney, Michael Ferguson, Robin Hayes, Darrell Issa, Connie Mack IV, Mel Martinez, Charles W Pickering Jr, Adam Putnam, George P Radanovich, Paul Ryan, John M Shimkus, John Thune, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Katherine Harris, Mark Kennedy, John E Sweeney, Jim Talent, Mac Collins, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund
Bryce L Harlow
Lamar Alexander, Wayne Allard, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Mary Bono Mack, Sam Brownback, Richard Burr, Christopher B Cannon, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Jim DeMint, Elizabeth Dole, John Ensign, Mel Martinez, Charles W Pickering Jr, George P Radanovich, Paul Ryan, John Thune, David Vitter, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Michael Garver Oxley, Jim Talent, Julius Caesar Watts Jr, Bill Paxon, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, Tim Hutchinson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner, Chuck Hagel
Haley Barbour
Lamar Alexander, Wayne Allard, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Sam Brownback, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Norm Coleman, Elizabeth Dole, Michael Ferguson, Darrell Issa, Charles W Pickering Jr, Paul Ryan, Cliff Stearns, John Thune, David Vitter, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Katherine Harris, John E Sweeney, Jim Talent, Ed Bryant, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, Tim Hutchinson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Spirit of America PAC, GROWPAC, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner, Chuck Hagel
Susan Hirschmann
Roy Blunt, Mary Bono Mack, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Thomas Allen Coburn, Tom Cole, Norm Coleman, Jim DeMint, John Ensign, Tom Feeney, Michael Ferguson, Jeff Fortenberry, Robin Hayes, Connie Mack IV, Mel Martinez, Charles W Pickering Jr, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, Jim Sensenbrenner, John B Shadegg, John M Shimkus, Cliff Stearns, John Thune, David Vitter, George Allen, Katherine Harris, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Cory Gardner, Chuck Fleischmann
Wayne L Berman
Lamar Alexander, Wayne Allard, Roy Blunt, Sam Brownback, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Norm Coleman, Elizabeth Dole, John Ensign, Mel Martinez, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, Jim Sensenbrenner, John Thune, David Vitter, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Melissa A Hart, Mark Kennedy, Michael Garver Oxley, John E Sweeney, Jim Talent, Bill Paxon, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Heartland Values PAC, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner, Chuck Hagel
Michael Keiser
Wayne Allard, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Sam Brownback, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Elizabeth Dole, John Ensign, Tom Feeney, Mel Martinez, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, John M Shimkus, John Thune, David Vitter, George Allen, Katherine Harris, Melissa A Hart, Jim Talent, Julius Caesar Watts Jr, James E Rogan, Bill Paxon, Rick Lazio, Tim Hutchinson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Heartland Values PAC, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner
W Timothy Locke
Lamar Alexander, Roy Blunt, Mary Bono Mack, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Thomas Allen Coburn, Tom Cole, John Ensign, Jeff Fortenberry, Robin Hayes, Connie Mack IV, Gary G Miller, Charles W Pickering Jr, George P Radanovich, Jim Sensenbrenner, John M Shimkus, John Thune, David Vitter, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Melissa A Hart, Ed Bryant, William Thomas Redmond, Rick Lazio, Tim Hutchinson, George W Bush, Mark Emerson, Cory Gardner, Chuck Hagel, Chuck Fleischmann
Shawn Smeallie
Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Mary Bono Mack, Richard Burr, Norm Coleman, Jim DeMint, Elizabeth Dole, John Ensign, Mel Martinez, Paul Ryan, Jim Sensenbrenner, John Thune, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Katherine Harris, John E Sweeney, Jim Talent, Bill Paxon, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, Patrick Morrisey, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Heartland Values PAC, Building Our Bases (Bobs) PAC, Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner, Chuck Hagel
Richard H Kimberly
Lamar Alexander, Wayne Allard, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Richard Burr, Norm Coleman, Jim DeMint, Elizabeth Dole, John Ensign, Mel Martinez, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, Jim Sensenbrenner, John Thune, David Vitter, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Mark Kennedy, Jim Talent, Mac Collins, Bob Schaffer, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, Tim Hutchinson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Heartland Values PAC, Stanley J Thompson, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner
Manus Cooney
Lamar Alexander, Wayne Allard, Roy Blunt, Mary Bono Mack, Richard Burr, Christopher B Cannon, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Elizabeth Dole, John Ensign, Tom Feeney, Darrell Issa, Connie Mack IV, Paul Ryan, Jim Sensenbrenner, John M Shimkus, John Thune, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Patrick Morrisey, Tim Hutchinson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Heartland Values PAC, Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Special Teams 2006 Committee, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner
Duane R Roberts
Lamar Alexander, Wayne Allard, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Mary Bono Mack, Richard Burr, Norm Coleman, Elizabeth Dole, John Ensign, Darrell Issa, Mel Martinez, Paul Ryan, John M Shimkus, John Thune, David Vitter, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Mark Kennedy, Jim Talent, Bob Schaffer, James E Rogan, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, Tim Hutchinson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner, Russell Ross Francis
Dick Uihlein
Wayne Allard, Sam Brownback, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Jim DeMint, John Ensign, Tom Feeney, Michael Ferguson, Darrell Issa, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, Jim Sensenbrenner, John B Shadegg, John M Shimkus, John Thune, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Katherine Harris, Michael Garver Oxley, Jim Talent, James E Rogan, Patrick Morrisey, Tim Hutchinson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Jon Kyl, Cory Gardner