Jerris Leonard
Robert Bennett, Norm Coleman, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Peter T King, Trent Lott, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, David Obey, Richard Shelby, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, George Allen, Conrad Burns, James Merrill Jeffords, Jim Talent, Slade Gorton, Bill McCollum, Al D’Amato, Lauch Faircloth, Bob Dole, Robert W. Kasten, Jr., George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michael Steele, NRSC - Nonfederal, Campaign America Inc, Bob Smith, Pete Domenici V
Richard Hohlt
Spencer Abraham, Richard Hugh Baker, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Elizabeth Dole, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Joe Lieberman, Trent Lott, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Richard Shelby, John Thune, George Allen, Lincoln Davenport Chafee, Mike DeWine, Jim Talent, John Joseph Lafalce, Slade Gorton, William Victor Roth Jr, Al D’Amato, Lauch Faircloth, Bob Dole, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Dylan C Glenn, Michael Steele, Ohio S 17 Star PAC, Mitt Romney, Pete Domenici V
Leslie Rose
Spencer Abraham, Roy Blunt, Jim Bunning, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Trent Lott, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Richard Shelby, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Jim Talent, Connie Mack III, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Al D’Amato, Bob Dole, Robert W. Kasten, Jr., Rick Lazio, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Dylan C Glenn, Michael Steele, Mitt Romney, Ted Cruz
James D Dannenbaum
Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, Elizabeth Dole, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Kay Bailey Hutchison, John P. Kline, Jr., Frank Lautenberg, John McCain, Lisa Murkowski, Richard Shelby, Arlen Specter, John Thune, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, Jim Talent, Ken Bentsen, Bill McCollum, Bob Dole, Michael Allen Andrews, Geraldine Ferraro, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Thomas H Kean Jr, Michael Steele, Defend America PAC, Mitt Romney, Bob Smith, Pete Domenici V, Ted Cruz
Peter M Flanigan
Spencer Abraham, Roy Blunt, Jim Bunning, Norm Coleman, Elizabeth Dole, Kay Bailey Hutchison, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Chuck Schumer, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, John Thune, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, Jim Talent, Amory Houghton Jr, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Bob Dole, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, New York Republican Federal Campaign Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Dylan C Glenn, Thomas H Kean Jr, Michael Steele, Steve Forbes, Mitt Romney
Russell L Carson
Roy Blunt, Jim Bunning, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Vito John Fossella, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, John Kerry, Joe Lieberman, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Chuck Schumer, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, George Allen, Sherwood Louis Boehlert, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, William Victor Roth Jr, Al D’Amato, Bob Dole, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Volunteer PAC, Thomas H Kean Jr, Michael Steele, Solutions America PAC, NRSC - Nonfederal, Campaign America Inc, Mitt Romney, John Reeves Raese, Max Baucus
Ronald J Gidwitz
Spencer Abraham, Pete Ricketts, Joe Biden, Roy Blunt, Jim Bunning, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Elizabeth Dole, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Richard Shelby, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, John Thune, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Lincoln Davenport Chafee, Jim Talent, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Al D’Amato, Bob Dole, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Dylan C Glenn, Volunteer PAC, NRSC - Nonfederal, Mitt Romney
A Jerrold Perenchio
Joe Biden, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Elizabeth Dole, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Daniel Inouye, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Joe Lieberman, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Arlen Specter, John Thune, Conrad Burns, Lincoln Davenport Chafee, Jim Talent, Al D’Amato, Bob Dole, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Republican Party of Florida, DNC-Non-Federal Individual, Michael Steele, NRSC - Nonfederal, Campaign America Inc, Steve Forbes, Mitt Romney, Max Baucus, John Gregory Chachas
John M Green
Spencer Abraham, Richard Hugh Baker, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, Trent Lott, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Thomas M Reynolds, Richard Shelby, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, John Thune, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Jim Talent, Slade Gorton, Bob Dole, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic National Committee, Dylan C Glenn, Volunteer PAC, Defend America PAC, Mitt Romney
Louis Beecherl Jr
Spencer Abraham, Elizabeth Dole, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Trent Lott, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Gordon Harold Smith, John Thune, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, Jim Talent, Slade Gorton, Connie Mack III, Lauch Faircloth, Bob Dole, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, New York Republican Federal Campaign Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Dylan C Glenn, Volunteer PAC, Michael Steele, Solutions America PAC, Campaign America Inc, Mitt Romney, President's Dinner/Aka 1992 Republican Senate-House Dinner Committee, Bob Smith, Pete Domenici V
Woody Johnson
Spencer Abraham, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Elizabeth Dole, Vito John Fossella, Lindsey Graham, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Frank Lautenberg, Nita M Lowey, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, Richard Shelby, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, John Thune, George Allen, Jim Talent, Al D’Amato, Bob Dole, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, New York Republican Federal Campaign Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Thomas H Kean Jr, Solutions America PAC, NRSC - Nonfederal, Campaign America Inc, Mitt Romney
Donald C Alexander
Hank Brown, Richard Hugh Baker, Jim Bunning, Susan Collins, Barney Frank, Orrin Hatch, Kay Bailey Hutchison, John Kerry, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, Lincoln Davenport Chafee, Mike DeWine, James Merrill Jeffords, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Amory Houghton Jr, John Hubbard Chafee, Slade Gorton, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, William Victor Roth Jr, Lauch Faircloth, Bob Dole, Michael Allen Andrews, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Volunteer PAC, NRSC - Nonfederal, Mitt Romney, Max Baucus, Pete Domenici V
Giuseppe Cecchi
Jim Bunning, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Elizabeth Dole, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, John Thune, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Lincoln Davenport Chafee, Mike DeWine, Jim Talent, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic National Committee, New York Republican Federal Campaign Committee, Volunteer PAC, Thomas H Kean Jr, Michael Steele, NRSC - Nonfederal, Campaign America Inc, Mitt Romney, John Reeves Raese, Bob Smith, John Gregory Chachas, Ted Cruz
Ronald Perelman
Joe Biden, Timothy H Bishop, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Dole, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, John Kerry, Peter T King, Frank Lautenberg, Joe Lieberman, Carolyn Maloney, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, David Obey, Chuck Schumer, Richard Shelby, Arlen Specter, Conrad Burns, John Joseph Lafalce, Bill McCollum, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Al D’Amato, Bob Dole, Michael Allen Andrews, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, DNC-Non-Federal Individual, Thomas H Kean Jr, Campaign America Inc, Defend America PAC, Mitt Romney, Prostate Cancer Foundation
Haley Barbour
Spencer Abraham, Richard Hugh Baker, Roy Blunt, Jim Bunning, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Elizabeth Dole, Vito John Fossella, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Trent Lott, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Richard Shelby, Gordon Harold Smith, John Thune, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Jim Talent, Robert Douglas Franks, Slade Gorton, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Lauch Faircloth, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Dylan C Glenn, Campaign America Inc, Defend America PAC
Donald Diamond
Robert Bennett, Joe Biden, Jim Bunning, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Orrin Hatch, Daniel Inouye, John Kerry, Frank Lautenberg, Joe Lieberman, Nita M Lowey, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, David Obey, Richard Shelby, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Jim Talent, Connie Mack III, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Al D’Amato, Robert W. Kasten, Jr., George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Mitt Romney, Max Baucus, Pete Domenici V
Harlan Crow
Spencer Abraham, Roy Blunt, Jim Bunning, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Vito John Fossella, Orrin Hatch, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Joe Lieberman, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Richard Shelby, Gordon Harold Smith, John Thune, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, Jim Talent, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Dylan C Glenn, Volunteer PAC, Michael Steele, NRSC - Nonfederal, Mitt Romney, Bob Smith, Ted Cruz
John L Nau III
Spencer Abraham, Roy Blunt, Jim Bunning, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Trent Lott, Nita M Lowey, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, John Thune, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Lincoln Davenport Chafee, Mike DeWine, Jim Talent, Ken Bentsen, Slade Gorton, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Bob Dole, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic National Committee, Thomas H Kean Jr, Michael Steele, Mitt Romney, Ted Cruz
Terry Paul
Joe Biden, Roy Blunt, Jim Bunning, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, Daniel Inouye, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Peter T King, John P. Kline, Jr., Joe Lieberman, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, David Obey, Chuck Schumer, Richard Shelby, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, Ken Bentsen, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Michael Steele, Max Baucus, Bob Smith, Pete Domenici V
Jack R. Anderson
Spencer Abraham, Jim Bunning, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Elizabeth Dole, Vito John Fossella, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Joe Lieberman, John McCain, Lisa Murkowski, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, John Thune, George Allen, Lincoln Davenport Chafee, Mike DeWine, Jim Talent, Slade Gorton, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Lauch Faircloth, Bob Dole, Rick Lazio, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Michael Steele, NRSC - Nonfederal, Steve Forbes, Mitt Romney