Co founder, Gap
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Doris Fisher also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Richard R Rogers Bob Kerrey, Dennis Hastert, Lamar Alexander, Evan Bayh, Roy Blunt, Tom Cole, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Jim Cooper, John Cornyn, Anna Eshoo, Jeff Flake, Dean Heller, Kay Bailey Hutchison, John Kerry, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Denny Rehberg, Richard Shelby, John Thune, Roger Wicker, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Tom Delay, William H Frist, Rob Portman, Jim Talent, Tom Daschle, Pat Toomey, John Glenn, Bill Bradley, Bob Dole, Daniel David Rostenkowski, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, California Republican Party/V8, Republican Party of Minnesota, Nrccc - Non Federal 1, Linda Lingle, Mitt Romney, Max Baucus, John F Seymour, Bill Thomas, Scott P Brown, Jay Rockefeller, Kelly Ayotte, Rick Berg, Ron Johnson, Marco Rubio, Josh Mandel, Rudy Boschwitz, Josh Mandel Senate Victory Cmte
Sam Fox Spencer Abraham, Tommy G Thompson, Dennis Hastert, Lamar Alexander, Roy Blunt, Sam Brownback, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Jeff Flake, Chuck Grassley, Dean Heller, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Denny Rehberg, Jeff Sessions, Richard Shelby, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, John Thune, Roger Wicker, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Tom Delay, Mike DeWine, William H Frist, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Pat Toomey, William Victor Roth Jr, Dan Coats, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Tom Campbell, Frank Murkowski, Nrccc - Non Federal 1, Prosperity PAC, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, William Emerson Brock III, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Bob Smith, Scott P Brown, Kelly Ayotte, Rick Berg, Ron Johnson, Marco Rubio, Josh Mandel, Rudy Boschwitz, Senate Leadership Fund (Super PAC)
Bryce L Harlow Spencer Abraham, Lamar Alexander, Wayne Allard, Roy Blunt, Sam Brownback, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, John Ensign, Chuck Grassley, Dean Heller, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Jeff Sessions, Richard Shelby, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, John Thune, Roger Wicker, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Tom Delay, Mike DeWine, William H Frist, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Pat Toomey, Rod Grams, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Dan Coats, Bob Dole, Tim Hutchinson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, American Success Political Action Committee, Republican Party of Minnesota, Volunteer PAC, Tom Campbell, Frank Murkowski, Nrccc - Non Federal 1, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, William Emerson Brock III, Scott P Brown, Kelly Ayotte, Ron Johnson, Josh Mandel, Romney Victory
Frank Baxter Spencer Abraham, Dennis Hastert, Lamar Alexander, Evan Bayh, Roy Blunt, Sam Brownback, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, David Timothy Dreier, John Ensign, Jeff Flake, Dean Heller, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Edward Randall Royce, John Thune, George Allen, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Pat Toomey, Dan Coats, Bill Bradley, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Matthew K Fong, California Republican Party/V8, Suzanne Haik Terrell, Tom Campbell, Randy D Hoffman, John Kennedy, Majority Committee PAC--MC PAC, Prosperity PAC, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, John F Seymour, Bruce Herschensohn, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Carly Fiorina, Kelly Ayotte, Rick Berg, Ron Johnson, Marco Rubio, Josh Mandel, Ricky Gill, Parents and Teachers for Tuck, Fiorina Victory Cmte, EdVoice Independent Expenditure Committee
Helen Schwab Spencer Abraham, Roy Blunt, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, David Timothy Dreier, Dianne Feinstein, Dean Heller, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Nancy Pelosi, Denny Rehberg, Gordon Harold Smith, John E Sununu, John Thune, Roger Wicker, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Rob Portman, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Pat Toomey, Rod Grams, Dan Coats, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Charles Schwab Corporation Political Action Committee, Matthew K Fong, California Republican Party/V8, Republican Party of Minnesota, James F Cunneen, Tom Campbell, Majority Committee PAC--MC PAC, Prosperity PAC, Mitt Romney, John Reeves Raese, John F Seymour, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Kelly Ayotte, Rick Berg, Ron Johnson, Marco Rubio, Dino Rossi, Josh Mandel, Ricky Gill, Young Guns Majority Victory Fund, Romney Victory, Fiorina Victory Cmte, Senate Leadership Fund (Super PAC), Senate Georgia Battleground Fund
Leslie Rose Spencer Abraham, Dennis Hastert, Roy Blunt, Sam Brownback, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Jeff Flake, Chuck Grassley, Dean Heller, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Denny Rehberg, Edward Randall Royce, Richard Shelby, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Tom Delay, Mike DeWine, James Thomas Kolbe, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Pat Toomey, Bob Schaffer, Rod Grams, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Dan Coats, Bob Dole, Tim Hutchinson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Minnesota, Suzanne Haik Terrell, George H W Bush, Linda Lingle, Mitt Romney, William Emerson Brock III, Bruce Herschensohn, Scott P Brown, Richard E Mourdock, Kelly Ayotte, Ron Johnson, Marco Rubio, Josh Mandel, Rudy Boschwitz, Romney Victory
Charles R. Black Spencer Abraham, Tommy G Thompson, Lamar Alexander, Roy Blunt, Saxby Chambliss, Tom Cole, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, John Ensign, Jeff Flake, Chuck Grassley, Dean Heller, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Ralph Straus Regula, Denny Rehberg, Edward Randall Royce, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, John Thune, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Tom Delay, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Pat Toomey, Rod Grams, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Dan Coats, Bob Dole, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Matthew K Fong, Volunteer PAC, Care Political Action Committee, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, William Emerson Brock III, Bob Smith, Bill Thomas, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Kelly Ayotte, Ron Johnson, Marco Rubio, Josh Mandel, Romney Victory
Dan Meyer Spencer Abraham, Tommy G Thompson, Dennis Hastert, Wayne Allard, Roy Blunt, Saxby Chambliss, Tom Cole, Norm Coleman, John Ensign, Chuck Grassley, Dean Heller, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Deborah D Pryce, Denny Rehberg, Edward Randall Royce, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Tom Delay, William H Frist, James Thomas Kolbe, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Pat Toomey, Rod Grams, William Victor Roth Jr, Dan Coats, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, American Success Political Action Committee, Matthew K Fong, Republican Party of Minnesota, Care Political Action Committee, Heartland Values PAC, Nrccc - Non Federal 1, Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee (Campac), Majority Committee PAC--MC PAC, Linda Lingle, Mitt Romney, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Kelly Ayotte, Ron Johnson, Marco Rubio, Dino Rossi
Roselyne Chroman Swig Harvey B Gantt, Ronald Kirk, Bob Kerrey, Dennis Hastert, Wayne Allard, Evan Bayh, Roy Blunt, Barbara Boxer, Lois Capps, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Chris Dodd, Anna Eshoo, Dianne Feinstein, Chuck Grassley, Dean Heller, John Kerry, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Nancy Pelosi, Edward Randall Royce, Jeff Sessions, Richard Shelby, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Tom Delay, Mike DeWine, James Thomas Kolbe, Rob Portman, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Tom Daschle, Calvin M Dooley, Pat Toomey, William Victor Roth Jr, Dan Coats, John Glenn, Alan Cranston, Mel Levine, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Tim Hutchinson, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Bob Graham, Ember Reichgott Junge, Mel Eugene Carnahan, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Louise Renne, Cory Booker, Jay Rockefeller, Marco Rubio, Josh Mandel
Robert E Murray Spencer Abraham, Tommy G Thompson, Lamar Alexander, Wayne Allard, Roy Blunt, Sam Brownback, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, John Ensign, Jeff Flake, Chuck Grassley, Dean Heller, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Deborah D Pryce, Denny Rehberg, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Roger Wicker, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Pat Toomey, Bob Schaffer, Rod Grams, Dan Coats, Tim Hutchinson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, John Kennedy, Linda Lingle, Mitt Romney, Bob Smith, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Richard E Mourdock, Kelly Ayotte, Rick Berg, Ron Johnson, Marco Rubio, Dino Rossi, Josh Mandel, Romney Victory, Fiorina Victory Cmte
Russell L Carson Bob Kerrey, Lamar Alexander, Evan Bayh, Roy Blunt, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Jim Cooper, John Cornyn, Chris Dodd, Jeff Flake, Chuck Grassley, John Kerry, Mark Steven Kirk, Kevin McCarthy, Charles Rangel, Denny Rehberg, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, George Allen, William H Frist, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Pat Toomey, William Victor Roth Jr, Bill Bradley, Bob Dole, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Volunteer PAC, Suzanne Haik Terrell, Tom Campbell, Terrell Victory Committee, Nrccc - Non Federal 1, Majority Committee PAC--MC PAC, Prosperity PAC, Linda Lingle, Mitt Romney, John Reeves Raese, Max Baucus, Bill Thomas, Scott P Brown, Cory Booker, Kelly Ayotte, Ron Johnson, Marco Rubio, Josh Mandel, Josh Mandel Senate Victory Cmte, Senate Leadership Fund (Super PAC)
Jane L Bainum Spencer Abraham, Tommy G Thompson, Lamar Alexander, Wayne Allard, Roy Blunt, Sam Brownback, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, John Ensign, Chuck Grassley, Dean Heller, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Denny Rehberg, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, John Thune, Roger Wicker, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Pat Toomey, Bob Schaffer, Rod Grams, William Victor Roth Jr, Dan Coats, Bill Bradley, Bob Dole, Tim Hutchinson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Matthew K Fong, Linda Lingle, Mitt Romney, William Emerson Brock III, Scott P Brown, Kelly Ayotte, Rick Berg, Ron Johnson, Dino Rossi, Josh Mandel, Rudy Boschwitz, Deb Fischer, Romney Victory, Josh Mandel Senate Victory Cmte
Stanley S. Hubbard Bob Kerrey, Lamar Alexander, Roy Blunt, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Chris Dodd, Chuck Grassley, Kay Bailey Hutchison, John Kerry, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Denny Rehberg, Richard Shelby, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, John Thune, Heather Wilson, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Tom Daschle, Pat Toomey, Bob Schaffer, Rod Grams, Dan Coats, Bob Dole, Daniel David Rostenkowski, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Bob Graham, Republican Party of Minnesota, Tom Campbell, Heartland Values PAC, Nrccc - Non Federal 1, Prosperity PAC, Mitt Romney, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Bob Smith, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Richard E Mourdock, Kelly Ayotte, Ron Johnson, Marco Rubio, Rudy Boschwitz, Senate Leadership Fund (Super PAC), Senate Georgia Battleground Fund
Foster Friess Spencer Abraham, Lamar Alexander, Wayne Allard, Roy Blunt, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, John Ensign, Jeff Flake, Dean Heller, Kay Bailey Hutchison, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Denny Rehberg, Edward Randall Royce, Gordon Harold Smith, John E Sununu, John Thune, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Pat Toomey, Bob Schaffer, William Victor Roth Jr, Dan Coats, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, California Republican Party/V8, Republican Party of Minnesota, Suzanne Haik Terrell, Heartland Values PAC, John Kennedy, Frank Murkowski, Nrccc - Non Federal 1, Prosperity PAC, Linda Lingle, Mitt Romney, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Bob Smith, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Richard E Mourdock, Kelly Ayotte, Ron Johnson, Marco Rubio, Josh Mandel, Rudy Boschwitz
John L Nau III Spencer Abraham, Dennis Hastert, Roy Blunt, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, John Ensign, Jeff Flake, Chuck Grassley, Dean Heller, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Denny Rehberg, Gordon Harold Smith, John E Sununu, John Thune, Roger Wicker, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Tom Delay, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Pat Toomey, Rod Grams, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Dan Coats, Bob Dole, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Matthew K Fong, Republican Party of Minnesota, Suzanne Haik Terrell, John Kennedy, Prosperity PAC, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Jay Rockefeller, Kelly Ayotte, Rick Berg, Ron Johnson, Marco Rubio, Josh Mandel, Senate Leadership Fund (Super PAC), Senate Georgia Battleground Fund
C Boyden Gray Spencer Abraham, Lamar Alexander, Roy Blunt, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, John Ensign, Jeff Flake, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Jeff Sessions, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, John Thune, George Allen, Mike DeWine, William H Frist, James Thomas Kolbe, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Bill McCollum, Dan Coats, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, California Republican Party/V8, Volunteer PAC, Heartland Values PAC, John Kennedy, Nrccc - Non Federal 1, Majority Committee PAC--MC PAC, George H W Bush, Linda Lingle, Mitt Romney, Max Baucus, William Emerson Brock III, Bob Smith, Kelly Ayotte, Ron Johnson, Marco Rubio, Josh Mandel, Rudy Boschwitz, Deb Fischer, Senate Leadership Fund (Super PAC)
Kenneth J Bialkin Bob Kerrey, Dennis Hastert, Roy Blunt, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Chuck Grassley, Dean Heller, John Kerry, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Charles Rangel, Denny Rehberg, Jeff Sessions, Richard Shelby, Arlen Specter, Roger Wicker, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Jim Talent, Pat Toomey, Bill Bradley, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, Mel Levine, Tim Hutchinson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Bob Graham, Volunteer PAC, Tom Campbell, Majority Committee PAC--MC PAC, George H W Bush, Linda Lingle, Mitt Romney, Max Baucus, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Jay Rockefeller, Kelly Ayotte, Rick Berg, Ron Johnson, Marco Rubio, Dino Rossi, Josh Mandel, Rudy Boschwitz
Roy Pfautch Spencer Abraham, Dennis Hastert, Roy Blunt, Sam Brownback, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Jeff Flake, Dean Heller, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Jeff Sessions, Richard Shelby, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, John Thune, Roger Wicker, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Mike DeWine, William H Frist, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Pat Toomey, Dan Coats, Bob Dole, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, California Republican Party/V8, Volunteer PAC, John Kennedy, Frank Murkowski, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, William Emerson Brock III, John F Seymour, Bill Thomas, Scott P Brown, Kelly Ayotte, Ron Johnson, Marco Rubio, Dino Rossi, Josh Mandel, Rudy Boschwitz, Deb Fischer
Marc I Stern Dennis Hastert, Barbara Boxer, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, David Timothy Dreier, John Ensign, Dianne Feinstein, Jeff Flake, Chuck Grassley, Dean Heller, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Edward Randall Royce, Gordon Harold Smith, John E Sununu, John Thune, Roger Wicker, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Pat Toomey, Alan Cranston, Pete Wilson, Mel Levine, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Matthew K Fong, California Republican Party/V8, Bob Graham, Republican Party of Minnesota, Tom Campbell, John Kennedy, Majority Committee PAC--MC PAC, Prosperity PAC, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Kelly Ayotte, Rick Berg, Ron Johnson, Marco Rubio, Romney Victory, Fiorina Victory Cmte, Senate Leadership Fund (Super PAC)
Robert H Asher Spencer Abraham, Tommy G Thompson, Dennis Hastert, Wayne Allard, Evan Bayh, Barbara Boxer, Sam Brownback, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Chris Dodd, Jeff Flake, Chuck Grassley, Kay Bailey Hutchison, John Kerry, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Nancy Pelosi, Jeff Sessions, Richard Shelby, Arlen Specter, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Tom Delay, Mike DeWine, William H Frist, James Thomas Kolbe, Rick Santorum, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Tom Daschle, Pat Toomey, Rod Grams, Bill McCollum, Dan Coats, John Glenn, Bob Dole, Daniel David Rostenkowski, Alan Cranston, Mel Levine, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Bob Graham, Linda Lingle, Mitt Romney, Max Baucus, Bob Smith, Jay Rockefeller, Rick Berg, Rudy Boschwitz