Leadership & Staff
Neil Chatterjee
former FERC Commissioner
Peter Freeman
Wall Street lobbyist and former staffer to Rep Deb Pryce, House Financial Services committee
Board Memberships
Government Positions
Federal Election Campaign Contributions
Judy Borg Biggert
US Representative from Illinois
Steve Stivers
US Representative from Ohio; chairman, National Republican Congressional Committee
Bob Ney
Talk Media News political analyst, Former US Representative from Ohio
Thomas Latham
US Representative from Iowa
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
Former US Representative from Florida
Dave Camp
former US Representative from Michigan
Douglas G Borror
Chairman of Dominion Homes, Inc
Edgar W Ingram III
Board Member, OSU Foundation; president, White Castle Systems
Les Wexner
Founder, chairman and chief executive officer of L Brands
John P McConnell
CEO of Worthington Industries; majority owner of the Columbus Blue Jackets NH franchise
James Allen Rhodes
Former Governor of Ohio
William Jurgensen
former CEO of Nationwide
Thomas B Whatman
President, Strategic Public Partners
Republican Party
The U.S. Republican Party
US House of Representatives
lower house of the United States Congress
Ohio State University
Public research university in Columbus, Ohio