Lobbyist at Quinn Gillespie
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Dave Lugar also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
David Bockorny David Perdue, Lamar Alexander, John Barrasso, Joe Barton, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, John Boozman, Richard Burr, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, William Thad Cochran, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Mike Crapo, Jim DeMint, John Ensign, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Johnny Isakson, Mitch McConnell, Denny Rehberg, Pat Roberts, Jeff Sessions, Richard Shelby, Olympia Snowe, John Sullivan, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Texas Freedom Fund, Heartland Values PAC, Alamo PAC, Preserving America's Traditions (Patpac), Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Cory Gardner, Scott P Brown, Jim Risch, Kelly Ayotte, Rick Berg, John Hoeven, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Todd Young, Common Values PAC, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, Deb Fischer, Dan Sullivan, Ben Sasse, David Young, New Republican Majority Fund, Together Holding Our Majority PAC, Freedom Project, Project West PAC, Peter Norbeck Leadership PAC, Joni Ernst
Doyce Boesch David Perdue, Lamar Alexander, John Barrasso, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, John Boozman, Richard Burr, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Mike Crapo, Jim DeMint, John Ensign, Mike Enzi, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Johnny Isakson, Mitch McConnell, Denny Rehberg, Pat Roberts, Jeff Sessions, Richard Shelby, Olympia Snowe, John Sullivan, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Dan Coats, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Michael Steele, Hawkeye PAC, the, Heartland Values PAC, Alamo PAC, Mint Political Action Committee (Mint PAC), Mitt Romney, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Cory Gardner, Trey Grayson, Scott P Brown, Jim Risch, Kelly Ayotte, Rick Berg, John Hoeven, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Todd Young, Common Values PAC, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, Dan Sullivan, Ben Sasse, David Young, Freedom Project, Joni Ernst
J Steven Hart Lamar Alexander, John Barrasso, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, John Boozman, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, William Thad Cochran, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Mike Crapo, Jim DeMint, John Ensign, Mike Enzi, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Mitch McConnell, Denny Rehberg, Pat Roberts, Jeff Sessions, Richard Shelby, John Sullivan, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Dan Coats, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Heartland Values PAC, Daniel Webster PAC, Alamo PAC, Mitt Romney, Preserving America's Traditions (Patpac), Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Cory Gardner, Trey Grayson, Jim Risch, Kelly Ayotte, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Todd Young, Common Values PAC, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, Dan Sullivan, Terri Lynn Land, David Young, Romney Victory
Raissa H Downs David Perdue, John Barrasso, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, John Boozman, Richard Burr, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Mike Crapo, Mike Enzi, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Johnny Isakson, Richard Green Lugar, Mitch McConnell, Pat Roberts, Mike Rogers, Jeff Sessions, Olympia Snowe, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, George Allen, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Hawkeye PAC, the, Texas Freedom Fund, Heartland Values PAC, Alamo PAC, Mitt Romney, Preserving America's Traditions (Patpac), Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Cory Gardner, Trey Grayson, Scott P Brown, Kelly Ayotte, John Hoeven, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Todd Young, Common Values PAC, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, Deb Fischer, Dan Sullivan, Ben Sasse, David Young, Joni Ernst
Manus Cooney David Perdue, Lamar Alexander, Joe Barton, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, Dave Camp, Shelley Moore Capito, Thomas Allen Coburn, William Thad Cochran, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Mike Crapo, John Ensign, Mike Enzi, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Johnny Isakson, Richard Green Lugar, Mitch McConnell, Pat Roberts, Jeff Sessions, Richard Shelby, John Thune, Fred Upton, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michael Steele, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Hawkeye PAC, the, Texas Freedom Fund, Heartland Values PAC, Alamo PAC, Mitt Romney, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Cory Gardner, Scott P Brown, Jim Risch, Kelly Ayotte, John Hoeven, James Lankford, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Todd Young, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Reclaim America PAC, Tom Cotton, Deb Fischer, Dan Sullivan, Ben Sasse, David Young, Romney Victory
Paul Singer David Perdue, Lamar Alexander, John Barrasso, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, John Boozman, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Mike Crapo, Jim DeMint, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Johnny Isakson, Mitch McConnell, Denny Rehberg, Pat Roberts, Olympia Snowe, John Thune, Fred Upton, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Dan Coats, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michael Steele, Hawkeye PAC, the, Mitt Romney, Cory Gardner, Scott P Brown, Jim Risch, Kelly Ayotte, Rick Berg, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Todd Young, Common Values PAC, Steven Daines, Reclaim America PAC, Tom Cotton, Deb Fischer, Dan Sullivan, Ben Sasse, David Young, Together Holding Our Majority PAC, Freedom Project, Joni Ernst
Larry A Mizel David Perdue, John Barrasso, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, John Boozman, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Mike Crapo, Jim DeMint, John Ensign, Mike Enzi, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Johnny Isakson, Mitch McConnell, Pat Roberts, Jeff Sessions, Richard Shelby, John Thune, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Dan Coats, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Hawkeye PAC, the, Mitt Romney, Cory Gardner, Trey Grayson, Scott P Brown, Jim Risch, Kelly Ayotte, John Hoeven, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Todd Young, Common Values PAC, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Reclaim America PAC, Tom Cotton, Deb Fischer, Dan Sullivan, Ben Sasse, David Young, Romney Victory, Joni Ernst
Wayne L Berman Lamar Alexander, John Barrasso, Joe Barton, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, William Thad Cochran, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Mike Crapo, John Ensign, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Johnny Isakson, Richard Green Lugar, Mitch McConnell, Pat Roberts, Mike Rogers, Jeff Sessions, Richard Shelby, Olympia Snowe, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Michael Steele, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Hawkeye PAC, the, Heartland Values PAC, Daniel Webster PAC, Mitt Romney, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Cory Gardner, Scott P Brown, Kelly Ayotte, Robert Hurt, Ron Johnson, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Todd Young, Common Values PAC, Steven Daines, Reclaim America PAC, Tom Cotton, David Young, Freedom Project
Hazen Marshall David Perdue, John Barrasso, Roy Blunt, John Boozman, Richard Burr, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Mike Crapo, Jim DeMint, John Ensign, Mike Enzi, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Richard Green Lugar, Mitch McConnell, Denny Rehberg, Pat Roberts, Jeff Sessions, Richard Shelby, John Sullivan, John Thune, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Dan Coats, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michael Steele, Alamo PAC, Mint Political Action Committee (Mint PAC), Mitt Romney, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Cory Gardner, Trey Grayson, Scott P Brown, Jim Risch, Kelly Ayotte, Rick Berg, John Hoeven, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Common Values PAC, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, Deb Fischer, Dan Sullivan, Ben Sasse, Joni Ernst
Lanny Griffith David Perdue, Lamar Alexander, John Barrasso, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, William Thad Cochran, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Jim DeMint, John Ensign, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Johnny Isakson, Richard Green Lugar, Mitch McConnell, Denny Rehberg, Pat Roberts, Jeff Sessions, Richard Shelby, Olympia Snowe, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Michael Steele, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Texas Freedom Fund, Daniel Webster PAC, People for Enterprise Trade and Economic Growth, Mitt Romney, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Cory Gardner, Scott P Brown, Jim Risch, Ron Johnson, Marco Rubio, Todd Young, Reclaim America PAC, Tom Cotton, Dan Sullivan, Terri Lynn Land, New Republican Majority Fund, Freedom Project
Bryce L Harlow Lamar Alexander, John Barrasso, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, John Boozman, Richard Burr, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, William Thad Cochran, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Mike Crapo, Jim DeMint, John Ensign, Mike Enzi, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Johnny Isakson, Richard Green Lugar, Mitch McConnell, Pat Roberts, Jeff Sessions, Richard Shelby, Olympia Snowe, John Thune, Fred Upton, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Dan Coats, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Mitt Romney, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Cory Gardner, Scott P Brown, Jim Risch, Kelly Ayotte, John Hoeven, Robert Hurt, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Tim Scott, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, David Young, Romney Victory, New Republican Majority Fund, Freedom Project
Mark Isakowitz Lamar Alexander, John Barrasso, Roy Blunt, John Boozman, Richard Burr, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Mike Crapo, Jim DeMint, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Johnny Isakson, Richard Green Lugar, Mitch McConnell, Pat Roberts, Mike Rogers, Richard Shelby, Olympia Snowe, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Dan Coats, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Michael Steele, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Hawkeye PAC, the, Texas Freedom Fund, Heartland Values PAC, Daniel Webster PAC, Alamo PAC, Mitt Romney, Trey Grayson, Scott P Brown, Jim Risch, Kelly Ayotte, John Hoeven, Robert Hurt, Tim Scott, Reclaim America PAC, Tom Cotton, Dan Sullivan, Terri Lynn Land, Ben Sasse
John M Green David Perdue, John Barrasso, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, John Boozman, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Saxby Chambliss, William Thad Cochran, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Jim DeMint, John Ensign, Lindsey Graham, Dean Heller, Johnny Isakson, Mitch McConnell, Denny Rehberg, Jeff Sessions, Richard Shelby, Olympia Snowe, John Thune, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Heartland Values PAC, Daniel Webster PAC, Mitt Romney, Cory Gardner, Trey Grayson, Kelly Ayotte, John Hoeven, Robert Hurt, Ron Johnson, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Common Values PAC, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, Deb Fischer, Ben Sasse, David Young, Romney Victory, New Republican Majority Fund, Together Holding Our Majority PAC, Freedom Project, Joni Ernst
G Hunter Bates David Perdue, Lamar Alexander, John Barrasso, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, Dave Camp, Shelley Moore Capito, Thomas Allen Coburn, William Thad Cochran, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Jim DeMint, John Ensign, Mike Enzi, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Johnny Isakson, Richard Green Lugar, Mitch McConnell, Denny Rehberg, Pat Roberts, Richard Shelby, John Thune, George Allen, Rob Portman, Pat Toomey, Dan Coats, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Michael Steele, Hawkeye PAC, the, Heartland Values PAC, Alamo PAC, Mitt Romney, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Cory Gardner, Trey Grayson, Scott P Brown, Jim Risch, Kelly Ayotte, Rick Berg, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Todd Young, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Reclaim America PAC, Tom Cotton, Dan Sullivan, Ben Sasse, David Young, Romney Victory, Project West PAC, Joni Ernst
James Ervin David Perdue, Lamar Alexander, John Barrasso, Robert Bennett, John Boozman, Richard Burr, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, William Thad Cochran, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Mike Crapo, Jim DeMint, John Ensign, Mike Enzi, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Johnny Isakson, Mitch McConnell, Denny Rehberg, Pat Roberts, Mike Rogers, Jeff Sessions, Richard Shelby, Olympia Snowe, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Dan Coats, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Heartland Values PAC, Alamo PAC, People for Enterprise Trade and Economic Growth, Mitt Romney, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Cory Gardner, Scott P Brown, Jim Risch, Kelly Ayotte, Rick Berg, John Hoeven, Ron Johnson, Tim Scott, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, Deb Fischer, Freedom Project, Peter Norbeck Leadership PAC, Joni Ernst
Sam Geduldig David Perdue, John Barrasso, Roy Blunt, John Boozman, Richard Burr, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, Mike Crapo, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Mitch McConnell, Denny Rehberg, Pat Roberts, Mike Rogers, Richard Shelby, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, Rob Portman, Pat Toomey, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Heartland Values PAC, Alamo PAC, People for Enterprise Trade and Economic Growth, Mitt Romney, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Cory Gardner, Kelly Ayotte, Rick Berg, John Hoeven, Robert Hurt, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Todd Young, Common Values PAC, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Reclaim America PAC, Tom Cotton, Deb Fischer, Dan Sullivan, Ben Sasse, David Young, Together Holding Our Majority PAC, Freedom Project
Robert E Murray David Perdue, Lamar Alexander, John Barrasso, Joe Barton, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, John Boozman, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Mike Crapo, Jim DeMint, John Ensign, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Dean Heller, Johnny Isakson, Mitch McConnell, Denny Rehberg, Pat Roberts, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Dan Coats, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michael Steele, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Jim Risch, Kelly Ayotte, Rick Berg, John Hoeven, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, Dan Sullivan, Ben Sasse, Romney Victory, Joni Ernst
Dan Meyer Joe Barton, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Richard Burr, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Bob Corker, Jim DeMint, John Ensign, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Johnny Isakson, Denny Rehberg, Pat Roberts, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Dan Coats, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Heartland Values PAC, Daniel Webster PAC, Alamo PAC, Mint Political Action Committee (Mint PAC), Mitt Romney, Cory Gardner, Trey Grayson, Scott P Brown, Kelly Ayotte, John Hoeven, Robert Hurt, Ron Johnson, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Todd Young, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Reclaim America PAC, Tom Cotton, Dan Sullivan, Ben Sasse, Freedom Project, Project West PAC
John R Kopec David Perdue, Lamar Alexander, John Barrasso, Joe Barton, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, John Boozman, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, William Thad Cochran, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Mike Crapo, Jim DeMint, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Dean Heller, Johnny Isakson, Mitch McConnell, Denny Rehberg, Pat Roberts, John Thune, Fred Upton, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michael Steele, Mitt Romney, Cory Gardner, Scott P Brown, Jim Risch, Kelly Ayotte, Rick Berg, John Hoeven, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, Deb Fischer, Dan Sullivan, Ben Sasse, Joni Ernst
Richard R Rogers David Perdue, Lamar Alexander, John Barrasso, Joe Barton, Roy Blunt, John Boozman, Richard Burr, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Mike Crapo, Mike Enzi, Jeff Flake, Orrin Hatch, Dean Heller, Johnny Isakson, Richard Green Lugar, Mitch McConnell, Denny Rehberg, Richard Shelby, Olympia Snowe, John Thune, Fred Upton, George Allen, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Pat Toomey, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michael Steele, Texas Freedom Fund, Alamo PAC, People for Enterprise Trade and Economic Growth, Mitt Romney, Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (Tenn PAC), Cory Gardner, Scott P Brown, Kelly Ayotte, Rick Berg, John Hoeven, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Todd Young, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, Dan Sullivan, Ben Sasse, Freedom Project, Joni Ernst