founder of Susquehanna International Group, a comodities trading company
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Arthur Dantchik also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Jeff Yass Peter H Coors, Bob Kerrey, Jason Altmire, Robert Ernest Andrews, Michele Bachmann, Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, John Campbell, Eric Cantor, Steve Chabot, Jim DeMint, Charlie Dent, Mario Diaz-Balart, John Dingell, Jeff Flake, Trent Franks, Jim Gerlach, Louie Gohmert, Bobby Jindal, Paul E Kanjorski, Doug Lamborn, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Gregory W Meeks, Dennis Moore, Richard Neal, Steve Pearce, Ted Poe, Paul Ryan, William Sali, Hugh James Saxton, Allyson Y Schwartz, Richard Shelby, Adrian Smith, Tim Walberg, Ron Wyden, Chris Chocola, Rick Santorum, James Charles Greenwood, Pat Toomey, Phil Gramm, Bill Bradley, Harris Wofford, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic National Committee, Republican Federal Committee of Pennsylvania, America's Majority Trust, Michael Steele, Chicago Board of Options Exchange Inc PAC, Leadership PAC 2006, Melissa M Brown, David McSweeney, Citizens Club for Growth Inc, Ralph W M R Norman Jr, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Gregory Edward Walcher, Mark Sanford, Pro-Growth Action Team, Steve Laffey, Carl Hawkins Isett, Michael J Bouchard, Kris Kobach, Rick Odonnell, Ryan for Congress, Citizens Club for Growth Inc PAC, Jon Kyl, Harry Browne, Sharron E Angle, Philip B Krinkie, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Lynn Hardy Yeakel, Porkbuster Political Action Committee, Philadelphia Stock Exchange, Inc Political Action Committee, 7th District Republican Committee, Frank Thomas, Christopher B Reilly, Susquehanna International Group LLP Federal Political Action Committee, John H Adler, Cantor Victory Fund, Patrick Meehan, Tim Scott, Josh Mandel, Toomey Pennsylvania Victory Fund, Bryan Lentz, Citizens for Prosperity in America Today PAC, Adam Hasner, Michael Castle, Scott Perry, Michael S McGavick, Tim Scott For Senate, Ryan-NRCC Victory Cmte, Flake Victory Cmte, Kohelet Policy Forum
Joel Greenberg Robert Ernest Andrews, Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Charlie Dent, Dick Durbin, Jeff Flake, Jim Gerlach, Paul E Kanjorski, Gregory W Meeks, Dennis Moore, Richard Neal, Paul Ryan, Hugh James Saxton, Allyson Y Schwartz, Richard Shelby, Patrick Tiberi, Ron Wyden, Michael G Fitzpatrick, James Charles Greenwood, Pat Toomey, Phil Gramm, Bill Bradley, Harris Wofford, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic National Committee, Chicago Board of Options Exchange Inc PAC, Leadership PAC 2006, Melissa M Brown, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Philadelphia Stock Exchange, Inc Political Action Committee, 7th District Republican Committee, Frank Thomas, Christopher B Reilly, Susquehanna International Group LLP Federal Political Action Committee, John H Adler, Cantor Victory Fund, Patrick Meehan, Jon Runyan, Tim Scott, Josh Mandel, Bryan Lentz, Citizens for Prosperity in America Today PAC, Adam Hasner, Mike Haridopolos, Michael Castle, Scott Perry, Ryan-NRCC Victory Cmte
Dick Uihlein Peter H Coors, Michele Bachmann, John Campbell, Eric Cantor, Steve Chabot, Jim DeMint, Jeff Flake, Louie Gohmert, Doug Lamborn, Patrick McHenry, Steve Pearce, Ted Poe, Paul Ryan, William Sali, Tim Walberg, Chris Chocola, Pat Toomey, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Federal Committee of Pennsylvania, Republican Party of Minnesota, Michael Steele, Republican Party of Wisconsin, David McSweeney, Citizens Club for Growth Inc, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Mark Sanford, Pro-Growth Action Team, Missouri Republican State Committee-Federal, Steve Laffey, Carl Hawkins Isett, Michael J Bouchard, Kris Kobach, Rick Odonnell, Citizens Club for Growth Inc PAC, Jon Kyl, Sharron E Angle, Philip B Krinkie, Republican Party of Cuyahoga County Federal Campaign Committee, Tim Scott, Josh Mandel, Toomey Pennsylvania Victory Fund, Citizens for Prosperity in America Today PAC, Scott Perry, Tim Scott For Senate, WinRed
Leslie Rose Michele Bachmann, Dave Camp, John Campbell, Eric Cantor, Steve Chabot, Jim DeMint, Jeff Flake, Louie Gohmert, Doug Lamborn, Steve Pearce, William Sali, Richard Shelby, Adrian Smith, Tim Walberg, Chris Chocola, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Phil Gramm, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michigan Republican Party, Republican Federal Committee of Pennsylvania, Republican Party of Florida, Republican Party of Minnesota, Michael Steele, David McSweeney, Citizens Club for Growth Inc, Ralph W M R Norman Jr, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Pro-Growth Action Team, Steve Laffey, Carl Hawkins Isett, Michael J Bouchard, Kris Kobach, Rick Odonnell, Citizens Club for Growth Inc PAC, Jon Kyl, Harry Browne, Sharron E Angle, Philip B Krinkie, Tim Scott, Josh Mandel, Toomey Pennsylvania Victory Fund, Adam Hasner, Scott Perry, WinRed
Allen Simon Peter H Coors, Michele Bachmann, John Campbell, Steve Chabot, Jim DeMint, Jeff Flake, Louie Gohmert, Doug Lamborn, Patrick McHenry, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Steve Pearce, Ted Poe, Paul Ryan, William Sali, Adrian Smith, Tim Walberg, Chris Chocola, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Minnesota, Arizona Republican Party, Republican Party of Wisconsin, David McSweeney, Citizens Club for Growth Inc, Ralph W M R Norman Jr, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Pro-Growth Action Team, Steve Laffey, John G Gard, Michael J Bouchard, Rick Odonnell, Citizens Club for Growth Inc PAC, Jon Kyl, Sharron E Angle, Philip B Krinkie, Jon Runyan, Tim Scott, Josh Mandel, Michael S McGavick, WinRed
Ron Cameron Peter H Coors, Michele Bachmann, Eric Cantor, Steve Chabot, Jim DeMint, Jeff Flake, Steve Pearce, Paul Ryan, Tim Walberg, Chris Chocola, Michael G Fitzpatrick, Pat Toomey, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michigan Republican Party, Republican Federal Committee of Pennsylvania, Republican Party of Florida, Republican Party of Minnesota, Michael Steele, Arizona Republican Party, Republican Party of Iowa, Republican Party of Wisconsin, David McSweeney, 2004 Joint State Victory Committee, Citizens Club for Growth Inc, Oregon Republican Party, Ralph W M R Norman Jr, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Pro-Growth Action Team, Missouri Republican State Committee-Federal, Steve Laffey, Michael J Bouchard, Rick Odonnell, Citizens Club for Growth Inc PAC, Jon Kyl, Cantor Victory Fund, Tim Scott, Josh Mandel, Michael Castle, Scott Perry, Michael S McGavick, Tim Scott For Senate, Ryan-NRCC Victory Cmte, WinRed
Thomas J Kavaler Peter H Coors, Michele Bachmann, Joe Biden, John Campbell, Steve Chabot, Jim DeMint, Jeff Flake, Louie Gohmert, Bobby Jindal, Doug Lamborn, Patrick McHenry, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Steve Pearce, Ted Poe, William Sali, Richard Shelby, Adrian Smith, Tim Walberg, Chris Chocola, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Michael Steele, Melissa M Brown, David McSweeney, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Gregory Edward Walcher, Pro-Growth Action Team, Steve Laffey, John G Gard, Michael J Bouchard, Kris Kobach, Rick Odonnell, Citizens Club for Growth Inc PAC, Sharron E Angle, Philip B Krinkie, Patrick Meehan, Tim Scott, Josh Mandel, Michael S McGavick
John W Childs Michele Bachmann, Eric Cantor, Steve Chabot, Jim DeMint, Jeff Flake, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Steve Pearce, Paul Ryan, William Sali, Adrian Smith, Tim Walberg, Chris Chocola, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Phil Gramm, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Republican Federal Committee of Pennsylvania, Republican Party of Florida, Michael Steele, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Iowa, Citizens Club for Growth Inc, Oregon Republican Party, Ralph W M R Norman Jr, Steve Laffey, Michael J Bouchard, Citizens Club for Growth Inc PAC, Jon Kyl, Sharron E Angle, Philip B Krinkie, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Porkbuster Political Action Committee, Cantor Victory Fund, Tim Scott, Toomey Pennsylvania Victory Fund, Citizens for Prosperity in America Today PAC, Scott Perry, Tomorrow IS Meaningful PAC-Tim PAC, Tim Scott For Senate, Ryan-NRCC Victory Cmte, Flake Victory Cmte, WinRed
Thomas Kempner, Sr Peter H Coors, Robert Ernest Andrews, Michele Bachmann, Eric Cantor, Steve Chabot, Jim DeMint, Mario Diaz-Balart, Jeff Flake, Luis Fortuño, Trent Franks, Louie Gohmert, Doug Lamborn, Patrick McHenry, Steve Pearce, Ted Poe, William Sali, Hugh James Saxton, Richard Shelby, Tim Walberg, Chris Chocola, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michael Steele, David McSweeney, Ralph W M R Norman Jr, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Gregory Edward Walcher, Pro-Growth Action Team, Steve Laffey, Carl Hawkins Isett, John G Gard, Michael J Bouchard, Kris Kobach, Rick Odonnell, Citizens Club for Growth Inc PAC, Jon Kyl, Sharron E Angle, Philip B Krinkie, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Michael S McGavick
Thomas L Kempner Jr Peter H Coors, Robert Ernest Andrews, Michele Bachmann, Eric Cantor, Steve Chabot, Jim DeMint, Charlie Dent, Mario Diaz-Balart, Dick Durbin, Luis Fortuño, Trent Franks, Doug Lamborn, Steve Pearce, Ted Poe, Hugh James Saxton, Richard Shelby, Tim Walberg, Chris Chocola, Pat Toomey, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michael Steele, Republican Party of Wisconsin, David McSweeney, Citizens Club for Growth Inc, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Gregory Edward Walcher, Pro-Growth Action Team, Steve Laffey, Carl Hawkins Isett, John G Gard, Michael J Bouchard, Kris Kobach, Rick Odonnell, Citizens Club for Growth Inc PAC, Jon Kyl, Sharron E Angle, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Cantor Victory Fund, Tim Scott, Michael S McGavick
Mary Stewart Kohler Michele Bachmann, Jim DeMint, Bobby Jindal, Doug Lamborn, Steve Pearce, Paul Ryan, William Sali, Adrian Smith, Patrick Tiberi, Tim Walberg, Chris Chocola, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Phil Gramm, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michigan Republican Party, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Republican Federal Committee of Pennsylvania, Republican Party of Florida, Republican Party of Minnesota, Michael Steele, Republican Party of Iowa, Republican Party of Wisconsin, David McSweeney, 2004 Joint State Victory Committee, Citizens Club for Growth Inc, Oregon Republican Party, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Gregory Edward Walcher, Pro-Growth Action Team, Missouri Republican State Committee-Federal, Steve Laffey, Carl Hawkins Isett, John G Gard, Michael J Bouchard, Rick Odonnell, Citizens Club for Growth Inc PAC, Sharron E Angle, Tim Scott, Josh Mandel, Michael S McGavick, WinRed
Tatnall Lea Hillman Peter H Coors, Michele Bachmann, John Campbell, Steve Chabot, Jim DeMint, Jeff Flake, Louie Gohmert, Doug Lamborn, Steve Pearce, Ted Poe, Paul Ryan, William Sali, Adrian Smith, Tim Walberg, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Phil Gramm, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Federal Committee of Pennsylvania, Arizona Republican Party, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Iowa, Republican Party of Wisconsin, David McSweeney, Citizens Club for Growth Inc, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Gregory Edward Walcher, Pro-Growth Action Team, Steve Laffey, Michael J Bouchard, Kris Kobach, Citizens Club for Growth Inc PAC, Sharron E Angle, Philip B Krinkie, Tim Scott, Josh Mandel, Scott Perry, Michael S McGavick, Tim Scott For Senate, Ryan-NRCC Victory Cmte, WinRed
Terry J Kohler Michele Bachmann, Jim DeMint, Jeff Flake, Bobby Jindal, Doug Lamborn, Steve Pearce, Paul Ryan, William Sali, Adrian Smith, Tim Walberg, Chris Chocola, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Phil Gramm, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michigan Republican Party, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Republican Federal Committee of Pennsylvania, Republican Party of Florida, Republican Party of Minnesota, Michael Steele, Republican Party of Wisconsin, David McSweeney, 2004 Joint State Victory Committee, Citizens Club for Growth Inc, Oregon Republican Party, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Gregory Edward Walcher, Pro-Growth Action Team, Missouri Republican State Committee-Federal, Steve Laffey, Carl Hawkins Isett, John G Gard, Michael J Bouchard, Kris Kobach, Rick Odonnell, Citizens Club for Growth Inc PAC, Sharron E Angle, Tim Scott, Josh Mandel, Michael S McGavick
James A Patterson Michele Bachmann, Steve Chabot, Jim DeMint, Jeff Flake, Paul E Kanjorski, Doug Lamborn, Gregory W Meeks, Dennis Moore, Steve Pearce, William Sali, Richard Shelby, Adrian Smith, Tim Walberg, Chris Chocola, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Phil Gramm, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michigan Republican Party, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Republican Federal Committee of Pennsylvania, Republican Party of Florida, Republican Party of Minnesota, Michael Steele, Leadership PAC 2006, Arizona Republican Party, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Iowa, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Pro-Growth Action Team, Steve Laffey, John G Gard, Michael J Bouchard, Rick Odonnell, Citizens Club for Growth Inc PAC, Jon Kyl, Sharron E Angle, Tim Scott, Michael S McGavick, WinRed
Michael Keiser Peter H Coors, Michele Bachmann, John Campbell, Eric Cantor, Jeff Flake, Luis Fortuño, Louie Gohmert, Doug Lamborn, Ted Poe, Paul Ryan, William Sali, Adrian Smith, Tim Walberg, Ron Wyden, Chris Chocola, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Phil Gramm, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Michael Steele, Republican Party of Wisconsin, David McSweeney, Citizens Club for Growth Inc, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Steve Laffey, Carl Hawkins Isett, Michael J Bouchard, Rick Odonnell, Ryan for Congress, Citizens Club for Growth Inc PAC, Jon Kyl, Sharron E Angle, Philip B Krinkie, Tim Scott, Josh Mandel, Michael S McGavick, Tim Scott For Senate, Ryan-NRCC Victory Cmte
Richard R Rogers Bob Kerrey, Michele Bachmann, Evan Bayh, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, John Dingell, Dick Durbin, Jeff Flake, Louie Gohmert, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Gregory W Meeks, Ted Poe, Paul Ryan, Richard Shelby, Ron Wyden, Pat Toomey, Phil Gramm, Bill Bradley, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michigan Republican Party, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Republican Federal Committee of Pennsylvania, Republican Party of Minnesota, Michael Steele, Republican Party of Iowa, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Missouri Republican State Committee-Federal, Patrick Meehan, Tim Scott, Josh Mandel, Toomey Pennsylvania Victory Fund, Michael Castle, Tomorrow IS Meaningful PAC-Tim PAC, Josh Mandel Senate Victory Cmte, Tim Scott For Senate, Ryan-NRCC Victory Cmte
Travis K Anderson Peter H Coors, Michele Bachmann, Steve Chabot, Jim DeMint, Mario Diaz-Balart, Jeff Flake, Luis Fortuño, Trent Franks, Louie Gohmert, Bobby Jindal, Doug Lamborn, Patrick McHenry, Steve Pearce, Ted Poe, Paul Ryan, William Sali, Adrian Smith, Tim Walberg, Chris Chocola, Pat Toomey, Phil Gramm, Rudy Giuliani, Michael Steele, David McSweeney, Citizens Club for Growth Inc, Ralph W M R Norman Jr, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Pro-Growth Action Team, Steve Laffey, Carl Hawkins Isett, John G Gard, Michael J Bouchard, Citizens Club for Growth Inc PAC, Sharron E Angle, Philip B Krinkie, Tim Scott, Josh Mandel, Scott Perry, Michael S McGavick, WinRed
Victor Mavar Peter H Coors, Michele Bachmann, John Campbell, Steve Chabot, Jim DeMint, Jeff Flake, Luis Fortuño, Louie Gohmert, Bobby Jindal, Doug Lamborn, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Steve Pearce, Ted Poe, William Sali, Adrian Smith, Tim Walberg, Chris Chocola, Pat Toomey, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michael Steele, David McSweeney, Citizens Club for Growth Inc, Ralph W M R Norman Jr, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Gregory Edward Walcher, Pro-Growth Action Team, Steve Laffey, Carl Hawkins Isett, John G Gard, Michael J Bouchard, Kris Kobach, Rick Odonnell, Citizens Club for Growth Inc PAC, Jon Kyl, Sharron E Angle, Philip B Krinkie, Tim Scott, Josh Mandel, Michael S McGavick
Thomas W Smith Peter H Coors, Bob Kerrey, John Campbell, Jim DeMint, Jeff Flake, Louie Gohmert, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Steve Pearce, Ted Poe, Paul Ryan, William Sali, Chris Chocola, Pat Toomey, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic National Committee, Michigan Republican Party, Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, Republican Federal Committee of Pennsylvania, Republican Party of Florida, Republican Party of Minnesota, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Citizens Club for Growth Inc, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Gregory Edward Walcher, Mark Sanford, Pro-Growth Action Team, Missouri Republican State Committee-Federal, Carl Hawkins Isett, Kris Kobach, Citizens Club for Growth Inc PAC, Sharron E Angle, Philip B Krinkie, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Republican Party of Cuyahoga County Federal Campaign Committee, Tim Scott, Josh Mandel, Ryan-NRCC Victory Cmte, WinRed
Dana K Anderson Peter H Coors, Michele Bachmann, Steve Chabot, Jim DeMint, Charlie Dent, Jeff Flake, Louie Gohmert, Doug Lamborn, Richard Neal, Steve Pearce, Ted Poe, William Sali, Adrian Smith, Tim Walberg, Pat Toomey, Phil Gramm, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michael Steele, David McSweeney, Ralph W M R Norman Jr, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Gregory Edward Walcher, Pro-Growth Action Team, Steve Laffey, Carl Hawkins Isett, John G Gard, Michael J Bouchard, Kris Kobach, Rick Odonnell, Citizens Club for Growth Inc PAC, Jon Kyl, Sharron E Angle, Tim Scott, Josh Mandel, Scott Perry, Michael S McGavick, Tim Scott For Senate, WinRed