Agnes Gund
Harvey B Gantt, Bob Kerrey, Tammy Baldwin, Barbara Boxer, Bruce Braley, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Pete Domenici, Dick Durbin, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Kirsten Gillibrand, Paul Hodes, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Claire McCaskill, Bob Menendez, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Chuck Schumer, Mark Udall, Sheldon Whitehouse, Tom Daschle, John Edwards, Jean Carnahan, Paul Wellstone, Bill Bradley, Harris Wofford, Terry Sanford, Geraldine Ferraro, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Iowa Democratic Party, New Hampshire Democratic Party, North Carolina Democratic Party - Federal, Emily's List, America Coming Together, Time Future Inc (Fka Bill Bradley for U S Senate), Scott Michael Kleeb, Pennsylvania Democratic Party, Democratic Executive Committee of Florida, Democratic Party of Virginia, Ohio Democratic Party, Michigan Democratic State Central Commitee, Wesley Clark, Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Al Franken, Colorado Democratic Party, Voters for Choice/Friends of Family Planning, Nevada State Democratic Party, Gary Peters, Scott Harper, Lauren Beth Gash, Deborah Halvorson, Chellie Pingree, Mel Eugene Carnahan, Jeanne Shaheen, Tammy Duckworth, Jeremiah W Nixon, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Elizabeth Warren, Josephine Heath, Lynn Hardy Yeakel, Betty Castor, Edwin W Eisendrath III, ActBlue, Lee Irwin Fisher, Robin Carnahan, Jay Rockefeller, Jon Tester, Richard Blumenthal, Kamala Harris, Martha Coakley, Tommy Sowers, Michelle Nunn, Andrew Romanoff, Patrick Murphy, Catherine Cortez Masto, Richard Carmona, Blanche L Lincoln, Kent Conrad, Alison Lundergan Grimes, Off the Sidelines PAC, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Hillary Victory Fund, Franken Senate Victory 2014, Maggie Hassan
Barbra Streisand
Harvey B Gantt, Bob Kerrey, Tammy Baldwin, Melissa L Bean, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Dick Durbin, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Kirsten Gillibrand, Tom Harkin, Paul Hodes, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Claire McCaskill, Kendrick B Meek, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Loretta Sanchez, Jan Schakowsky, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Lane Allen Evans, Tom Daschle, John Edwards, Jean Carnahan, Max Cleland, Paul Wellstone, Harris Wofford, Geraldine Ferraro, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, North Carolina Democratic Party - Federal, Emily's List, Scott Michael Kleeb, Matthew A Brown, Jill Lynette Long Thompson, Wesley Clark, Daniel Joseph Seals, Al Franken, Voters for Choice/Friends of Family Planning, Gary Peters, Lauren Beth Gash, Martin Heinrich, Progressive Majority, Chellie Pingree, Ann Hutchinson, Mel Eugene Carnahan, Jeanne Shaheen, Tammy Duckworth, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Elizabeth Warren, Josephine Heath, Betty Castor, Lana Pollack, Alexander Giannoulias, Thomas Geoghegan, Ann Wynia, Lee Irwin Fisher, Robin Carnahan, Jon Tester, Richard Blumenthal, Kamala Harris, Martha Coakley, Tim Kaine, Michelle Nunn, Cal Cunningham, Andrew Romanoff, Catherine Cortez Masto, Richard Carmona, Heidi Heitkamp, Cheri Bustos, Alison Lundergan Grimes, Off the Sidelines PAC, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Hillary Victory Fund, Maggie Hassan
Peter Buttenwieser
Harvey B Gantt, Bob Kerrey, Jeff Bingaman, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Dick Durbin, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Kirsten Gillibrand, Tom Harkin, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Joe Lieberman, Claire McCaskill, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Loretta Sanchez, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Tom Daschle, John Edwards, Jean Carnahan, Max Cleland, Paul Wellstone, Bill Bradley, Harris Wofford, Douglas Wayne Owens, Terry Sanford, Howard Eliot Wolpe III, Geraldine Ferraro, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Emily's List, Pennsylvania Democratic Party, Dottie Lamm, Democratic Party of Virginia, Matthew A Brown, Ohio Democratic Party, Michigan Democratic State Central Commitee, Wesley Clark, Al Franken, Hopefund Inc., Colorado Democratic Party, Gary Peters, Chellie Pingree, Mel Eugene Carnahan, Jeanne Shaheen, Tammy Duckworth, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Josephine Heath, Paul Tsongas, Lynn Hardy Yeakel, Betty Castor, Lana Pollack, Ann Wynia, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC, Lee Irwin Fisher, Robin Carnahan, Jay Rockefeller, Jon Tester, Martha Coakley, Tim Kaine, Michelle Nunn, Patrick Murphy, Catherine Cortez Masto, Richard Carmona, Heidi Heitkamp, Blanche L Lincoln, Kent Conrad, Off the Sidelines PAC, Obama Victory Fund 2012, PAC for a Level Playing Field, Raja Krishnamoorthi
Andrew Tobias
Harvey B Gantt, Tammy Baldwin, Barbara Boxer, Bruce Braley, Sherrod Brown, Robert Byrd, Maria Cantwell, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Pete Domenici, Dick Durbin, Rahm Emanuel, Russ Feingold, Kirsten Gillibrand, Tom Harkin, Paul Hodes, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Joe Lieberman, Claire McCaskill, Kendrick B Meek, Bob Menendez, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Chuck Schumer, Debbie Stabenow, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Sheldon Whitehouse, Tom Daschle, Max Cleland, Paul Wellstone, Bill Bradley, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Iowa Democratic Party, New Hampshire Democratic Party, North Carolina Democratic Party - Federal, Scott Michael Kleeb, Pennsylvania Democratic Party, Democratic Executive Committee of Florida, Democratic Party of Virginia, Ohio Democratic Party, Michigan Democratic State Central Commitee, Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Al Franken, Colorado Democratic Party, Martha Fuller Clark, Nevada State Democratic Party, Gary Peters, Deborah Halvorson, Martin Heinrich, Chellie Pingree, Jeanne Shaheen, Tammy Duckworth, Michael Bennet, Elizabeth Warren, Paul Tsongas, Lynn Hardy Yeakel, Betty Castor, ActBlue, Alexander Giannoulias, Lee Irwin Fisher, Robin Carnahan, Jon Tester, Richard Blumenthal, Martha Coakley, Tommy Sowers, Tim Kaine, Michelle Nunn, Andrew Romanoff, Patrick Murphy, Catherine Cortez Masto, Richard Carmona, Alison Lundergan Grimes, Off the Sidelines PAC, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Hillary Victory Fund, Franken Senate Victory 2014, John E. Walsh, Maggie Hassan
Woody Kaplan
Harvey B Gantt, Bob Kerrey, Tammy Baldwin, Jeff Bingaman, Barbara Boxer, Bruce Braley, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Hillary Clinton, Pete Domenici, Joe Donnelly, Dick Durbin, Russ Feingold, Bill Foster, Kirsten Gillibrand, Tom Harkin, Paul Hodes, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Claire McCaskill, Kendrick B Meek, Bob Menendez, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Tom Daschle, John Edwards, Jean Carnahan, Max Cleland, Paul Wellstone, Bill Bradley, Harris Wofford, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, New Hampshire Democratic Party, North Carolina Democratic Party - Federal, Emily's List, Scott Michael Kleeb, New Hampshire Senate 2002, Dottie Lamm, Ohio Democratic Party, Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Al Franken, Martha Fuller Clark, Gary Peters, Martin Heinrich, Chellie Pingree, Mel Eugene Carnahan, Jeanne Shaheen, Tammy Duckworth, Michael Bennet, Elizabeth Warren, Betty Castor, ActBlue, Thomas Geoghegan, Lee Irwin Fisher, Robin Carnahan, Jon Tester, Richard Blumenthal, Martha Coakley, Tim Kaine, Michelle Nunn, Cal Cunningham, Andrew Romanoff, Catherine Cortez Masto, Richard Carmona, Heidi Heitkamp, Kent Conrad, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Maggie Hassan, Pramila Jayapal
Fred Eychaner
Harvey B Gantt, Bob Kerrey, Tammy Baldwin, Melissa L Bean, Robert Byrd, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Danny K Davis, Dick Durbin, Rahm Emanuel, Russ Feingold, Bill Foster, Luis Vicente Gutiérrez, Phil Hare, Tom Harkin, Jesse L Jackson Jr, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Carl Levin, Claire McCaskill, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Bobby L Rush, Loretta Sanchez, Jan Schakowsky, Chuck Schumer, Debbie Stabenow, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Lane Allen Evans, Tom Daschle, John Edwards, Rod Blagojevich, Jean Carnahan, Max Cleland, Paul Wellstone, Douglas Wayne Owens, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, North Carolina Democratic Party - Federal, Pennsylvania Democratic Party, Ohio Democratic Party, Prairie Political Action Committee, Wesley Clark, Daniel Joseph Seals, Al Franken, Hopefund Inc., F Michael Kelleher Jr, Nevada State Democratic Party, Gary Peters, Democratic Party of Illinois, Lauren Beth Gash, Deborah Halvorson, Jeanne Shaheen, Tammy Duckworth, Jeremiah W Nixon, Michael Bennet, Paul Tsongas, Edwin W Eisendrath III, Mike Quigley, Susan W Hynes, Clem Balanoff, Alexander Giannoulias, Dick Simpson, Rick Verticchio, 10th Congressional District Victory Fund - Federal, Lee Irwin Fisher, Robin Carnahan, Jay Rockefeller, Jon Tester, Martha Coakley, Tim Kaine, Catherine Cortez Masto, Heidi Heitkamp, Cheri Bustos, Blanche L Lincoln, Kent Conrad, Robin L Kelly, Raja Krishnamoorthi
John W Rogers Jr
Harvey B Gantt, Bob Kerrey, Melissa L Bean, Jeff Bingaman, Bruce Braley, Ben Cardin, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Danny K Davis, Joe Donnelly, Dick Durbin, Rahm Emanuel, Russ Feingold, Bill Foster, Kirsten Gillibrand, Luis Vicente Gutiérrez, Tom Harkin, Jesse L Jackson Jr, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Mary Landrieu, Carl Levin, Joe Lieberman, Claire McCaskill, Kendrick B Meek, Bob Menendez, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Bobby L Rush, Loretta Sanchez, Jan Schakowsky, Chuck Schumer, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Tom Daschle, Rod Blagojevich, Jean Carnahan, Paul Wellstone, Bill Bradley, Harris Wofford, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Iowa Democratic Party, Illinois Senate 2002, Emily's List, Time Future Inc (Fka Bill Bradley for U S Senate), Matthew A Brown, Prairie Political Action Committee, Jill Lynette Long Thompson, Daniel Joseph Seals, Al Franken, Nancy Kaszak, Progressive Choices PAC, Gary Peters, Illinois Senate Victory Fund, Democratic Party of Illinois, Lauren Beth Gash, Mel Eugene Carnahan, Jeanne Shaheen, Tammy Duckworth, Lance P Pressl, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Lynn Hardy Yeakel, Edwin W Eisendrath III, Martin R Castro, Mike Quigley, ActBlue, Robin Carnahan, Jay Rockefeller, Jon Tester, Richard Blumenthal, Tim Kaine, Michelle Nunn, Patrick Murphy, Catherine Cortez Masto, Alison Lundergan Grimes, Robin L Kelly, Off the Sidelines PAC, Durbin Senate Victory, John E. Walsh, Raja Krishnamoorthi
Lawrence E Hess
Tammy Baldwin, Melissa L Bean, Barbara Boxer, Bruce Braley, Sherrod Brown, Robert Byrd, Maria Cantwell, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Pete Domenici, Dick Durbin, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Kirsten Gillibrand, Tom Harkin, Paul Hodes, Tim Johnson, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Claire McCaskill, Bob Menendez, Gwen Moore, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Loretta Sanchez, Jan Schakowsky, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Sheldon Whitehouse, Tom Daschle, John Edwards, Geraldine Ferraro, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Emily's List, America Coming Together, Dottie Lamm, Ohio Democratic Party, Jill Lynette Long Thompson, Michigan Democratic State Central Commitee, Daniel Joseph Seals, Al Franken, Nancy Kaszak, Hopefund Inc., Colorado Democratic Party, Martha Fuller Clark, Gary Peters, Lauren Beth Gash, Martin Heinrich, Chellie Pingree, Ann Hutchinson, Jeanne Shaheen, Tammy Duckworth, Rebecca Yanisch, Michael Bennet, Elizabeth Warren, Josephine Heath, Betty Castor, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC, Lee Irwin Fisher, Robin Carnahan, Jon Tester, Richard Blumenthal, Kamala Harris, Martha Coakley, Michelle Nunn, Cal Cunningham, Andrew Romanoff, Patrick Murphy, Ilya Sheyman, Catherine Cortez Masto, Heidi Heitkamp, Blanche L Lincoln, Kent Conrad, Alison Lundergan Grimes, Obama Victory Fund 2012, John E. Walsh, Maggie Hassan, Pramila Jayapal
Celia Gilbert
Harvey B Gantt, Bob Kerrey, Tammy Baldwin, Melissa L Bean, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Robert Byrd, Maria Cantwell, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Bill Foster, Kirsten Gillibrand, Tom Harkin, Paul Hodes, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Claire McCaskill, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Gwen Moore, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Loretta Sanchez, Jan Schakowsky, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Tom Udall, Sheldon Whitehouse, Tom Daschle, John Edwards, Jean Carnahan, Max Cleland, Paul Wellstone, Bill Bradley, Geraldine Ferraro, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Emily's List, America Coming Together, Dottie Lamm, Ohio Democratic Party, Michigan Democratic State Central Commitee, Daniel Joseph Seals, Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Al Franken, Nancy Kaszak, Lampson Victory 2006, Martha Fuller Clark, Democratic Party of Illinois, Lauren Beth Gash, Deborah Halvorson, Martin Heinrich, John Morrison, Progressive Majority, Chellie Pingree, Mark W Lawrence, Mel Eugene Carnahan, Jeanne Shaheen, Tammy Duckworth, Michael Bennet, Elizabeth Warren, Betty Castor, ActBlue, Alexander Giannoulias, Thomas Geoghegan, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC, Robin Carnahan, Kamala Harris, Martha Coakley, Tim Kaine, Patrick Murphy, Catherine Cortez Masto, Heidi Heitkamp, Cheri Bustos, David Michael Gill, Blanche L Lincoln, Alison Lundergan Grimes, Robin L Kelly, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Susie Tompkins Buell
Harvey B Gantt, Tammy Baldwin, Melissa L Bean, Barbara Boxer, Bruce Braley, Robert Byrd, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Pete Domenici, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Kirsten Gillibrand, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Claire McCaskill, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Mark Udall, Sheldon Whitehouse, Tom Daschle, Jean Carnahan, Max Cleland, Paul Wellstone, Geraldine Ferraro, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, New York Senate 2000, Iowa Democratic Party, New Hampshire Democratic Party, North Carolina Democratic Party - Federal, Emily's List, Scott Michael Kleeb, Pennsylvania Democratic Party, Democratic Executive Committee of Florida, Democratic Party of Virginia, Matthew A Brown, Ohio Democratic Party, Michigan Democratic State Central Commitee, Wesley Clark, Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Al Franken, Hopefund Inc., Colorado Democratic Party, Lampson Victory 2006, Voters for Choice/Friends of Family Planning, Martha Fuller Clark, Nevada State Democratic Party, Gary Peters, Deborah Halvorson, Martin Heinrich, Progressive Majority, Chellie Pingree, Mel Eugene Carnahan, Jeanne Shaheen, Tammy Duckworth, Elizabeth Warren, Betty Castor, ActBlue, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC, Robin Carnahan, Jon Tester, Kamala Harris, Martha Coakley, Michelle Nunn, Patrick Murphy, Catherine Cortez Masto, Blanche L Lincoln, Alison Lundergan Grimes, Off the Sidelines PAC, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Colorado Senate Victory Fund, PAC for a Level Playing Field, Hillary Victory Fund, Maggie Hassan
Alida Rockefeller Dayton
Harvey B Gantt, Bob Kerrey, Tammy Baldwin, Melissa L Bean, Barbara Boxer, Bruce Braley, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Tom Harkin, Tim Johnson, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Claire McCaskill, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Chuck Schumer, Debbie Stabenow, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Lane Allen Evans, Tom Daschle, Jean Carnahan, Max Cleland, Paul Wellstone, Harris Wofford, Douglas Wayne Owens, Terry Sanford, Geraldine Ferraro, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Iowa Democratic Party, New Hampshire Democratic Party, North Carolina Democratic Party - Federal, Emily's List, Pennsylvania Democratic Party, Democratic Executive Committee of Florida, Dottie Lamm, Democratic Party of Virginia, Ohio Democratic Party, Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Al Franken, Colorado Democratic Party, Voters for Choice/Friends of Family Planning, Nevada State Democratic Party, Gary Peters, Democratic Party of Illinois, Lauren Beth Gash, Progressive Majority, Chellie Pingree, Mel Eugene Carnahan, Jeanne Shaheen, Tammy Duckworth, Jeremiah W Nixon, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Elizabeth Warren, Josephine Heath, Lynn Hardy Yeakel, Betty Castor, Lana Pollack, Ann Wynia, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC, Robin Carnahan, Jay Rockefeller, Jon Tester, Michelle Nunn, Patrick Murphy, Catherine Cortez Masto, Heidi Heitkamp, Kent Conrad, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Hillary Victory Fund, Franken Senate Victory 2014, Cortez Masto Victory Fund, Maggie Hassan
Tony Podesta
Bob Kerrey, Tammy Baldwin, Melissa L Bean, Jeff Bingaman, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Pete Domenici, Joe Donnelly, Dick Durbin, Rahm Emanuel, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Kirsten Gillibrand, Phil Hare, Tom Harkin, Daniel Inouye, Jesse L Jackson Jr, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Joe Lieberman, Claire McCaskill, Kendrick B Meek, Bob Menendez, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Mark Pryor, Loretta Sanchez, Jan Schakowsky, Chuck Schumer, Debbie Stabenow, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Tom Daschle, Jean Carnahan, Max Cleland, Paul Wellstone, Geraldine Ferraro, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Illinois Senate 2002, Pennsylvania Democratic Party, Wesley Clark, Al Franken, Gary Peters, Deborah Halvorson, Martin Heinrich, Jeanne Shaheen, Tammy Duckworth, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Betty Castor, ActBlue, Lee Irwin Fisher, Robin Carnahan, Jay Rockefeller, Richard Blumenthal, Kamala Harris, Martha Coakley, Tim Kaine, Michelle Nunn, Patrick Murphy, Catherine Cortez Masto, Richard Carmona, Heidi Heitkamp, Blanche L Lincoln, Kent Conrad, Alison Lundergan Grimes, Hillary Victory Fund, Maggie Hassan
Penny Pritzker
Harvey B Gantt, Bob Kerrey, Melissa L Bean, Jeff Bingaman, Barbara Boxer, Robert Byrd, Ben Cardin, Hillary Clinton, Joe Donnelly, Dick Durbin, Rahm Emanuel, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Bill Foster, Tom Harkin, Paul Hodes, Daniel Inouye, Jesse L Jackson Jr, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Joe Lieberman, Claire McCaskill, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Chuck Schumer, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Ron Wyden, Tom Daschle, John Edwards, Rod Blagojevich, Jean Carnahan, Paul Wellstone, Bill Bradley, Harris Wofford, Terry Sanford, Geraldine Ferraro, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Iowa Democratic Party, New Hampshire Democratic Party, North Carolina Democratic Party - Federal, Emily's List, Pennsylvania Democratic Party, Democratic Executive Committee of Florida, Democratic Party of Virginia, Ohio Democratic Party, Michigan Democratic State Central Commitee, Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Nancy Kaszak, Hopefund Inc., Colorado Democratic Party, F Michael Kelleher Jr, Nevada State Democratic Party, Gary Peters, Democratic Party of Illinois, Lauren Beth Gash, Martin Heinrich, Mel Eugene Carnahan, Jeanne Shaheen, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Josephine Heath, Edwin W Eisendrath III, Mike Quigley, Alexander Giannoulias, Robin Carnahan, Jay Rockefeller, Jon Tester, Tim Kaine, Catherine Cortez Masto, Cheri Bustos, Kent Conrad, Stand For Children Illinois PAC, Maggie Hassan, Raja Krishnamoorthi
Bayard T Storey
Harvey B Gantt, Bob Kerrey, Tammy Baldwin, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Robert Byrd, Maria Cantwell, Bob Casey, Pete Domenici, Dick Durbin, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Bill Foster, Kirsten Gillibrand, Paul Hodes, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Joe Lieberman, Claire McCaskill, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Tom Daschle, John Edwards, Jean Carnahan, Max Cleland, Paul Wellstone, Bill Bradley, Harris Wofford, Geraldine Ferraro, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, New Hampshire Democratic Party, North Carolina Democratic Party - Federal, Emily's List, America Coming Together, Pennsylvania Democratic Party, Dottie Lamm, Ohio Democratic Party, Michigan Democratic State Central Commitee, Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Al Franken, Hopefund Inc., Gary Peters, Democratic Party of Illinois, Progressive Majority, Chellie Pingree, Mel Eugene Carnahan, Jeanne Shaheen, Tammy Duckworth, Rebecca Yanisch, Elizabeth Warren, Lynn Hardy Yeakel, Betty Castor, ActBlue, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC, Lee Irwin Fisher, Robin Carnahan, Jon Tester, Martha Coakley, Tim Kaine, Catherine Cortez Masto, Richard Carmona, Heidi Heitkamp, Cheri Bustos, Blanche L Lincoln, Kent Conrad
Anne Bartley
Harvey B Gantt, Tammy Baldwin, Barbara Boxer, Bruce Braley, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Joe Donnelly, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Bill Foster, Tom Harkin, Paul Hodes, Tim Johnson, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Claire McCaskill, Bob Menendez, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Loretta Sanchez, Chuck Schumer, Debbie Stabenow, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Lane Allen Evans, Tom Daschle, John Edwards, Jean Carnahan, Max Cleland, Paul Wellstone, Harris Wofford, Douglas Wayne Owens, Terry Sanford, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Iowa Democratic Party, New Hampshire Democratic Party, North Carolina Democratic Party - Federal, Emily's List, America Coming Together, Democratic Executive Committee of Florida, Dottie Lamm, Democratic Party of Virginia, Ohio Democratic Party, Jill Lynette Long Thompson, Daniel Joseph Seals, Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Colorado Democratic Party, Voters for Choice/Friends of Family Planning, Nevada State Democratic Party, Gary Peters, Lauren Beth Gash, Deborah Halvorson, Martin Heinrich, Progressive Majority, Chellie Pingree, Mel Eugene Carnahan, Jeanne Shaheen, Tammy Duckworth, Jeremiah W Nixon, Michael Bennet, Josephine Heath, ActBlue, Ann Wynia, Lee Irwin Fisher, Robin Carnahan, Jon Tester, Martha Coakley, Tim Kaine, Richard Carmona, Heidi Heitkamp, David Michael Gill, Blanche L Lincoln
Thomas Safran
Bob Kerrey, Tammy Baldwin, Barbara Boxer, Bruce Braley, Sherrod Brown, Robert Byrd, Maria Cantwell, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Joe Donnelly, Dick Durbin, Rahm Emanuel, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Paul Hodes, Tim Johnson, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Claire McCaskill, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Loretta Sanchez, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Tom Daschle, John Edwards, Bill Bradley, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, New York Senate 2000, Iowa Democratic Party, New Hampshire Democratic Party, America Coming Together, Scott Michael Kleeb, Democratic Executive Committee of Florida, Democratic Party of Virginia, Ohio Democratic Party, Michigan Democratic State Central Commitee, Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Al Franken, Colorado Democratic Party, Nevada State Democratic Party, Gary Peters, Martin Heinrich, Chellie Pingree, Jeanne Shaheen, Tammy Duckworth, Michael Bennet, Elizabeth Warren, Paul Tsongas, ActBlue, Alexander Giannoulias, Thomas Geoghegan, Lee Irwin Fisher, Robin Carnahan, Jon Tester, Martha Coakley, Tommy Sowers, Tim Kaine, Michelle Nunn, Patrick Murphy, Catherine Cortez Masto, Heidi Heitkamp, Kent Conrad, Alison Lundergan Grimes, Dan Kildee, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Hillary Victory Fund, Maggie Hassan
George Soros
Harvey B Gantt, Bob Kerrey, Tammy Baldwin, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Dick Durbin, Russ Feingold, Kirsten Gillibrand, Tom Harkin, Paul Hodes, Tim Johnson, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Claire McCaskill, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Loretta Sanchez, Chuck Schumer, Debbie Stabenow, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Sheldon Whitehouse, Lane Allen Evans, Tom Daschle, Jean Carnahan, Paul Wellstone, Bill Bradley, Harris Wofford, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, New Hampshire Democratic Party, North Carolina Democratic Party - Federal, Scott Michael Kleeb, Pennsylvania Democratic Party, Democratic Executive Committee of Florida, Democratic Party of Virginia, Ohio Democratic Party, Michigan Democratic State Central Commitee, Wesley Clark, Daniel Joseph Seals, Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Al Franken, Colorado Democratic Party, Nevada State Democratic Party, Gary Peters, Lauren Beth Gash, Martin Heinrich, Chellie Pingree, Mel Eugene Carnahan, Jeanne Shaheen, Tammy Duckworth, Michael Bennet, Elizabeth Warren, Lynn Hardy Yeakel, Alexander Giannoulias, Lee Irwin Fisher, Robin Carnahan, Jon Tester, Richard Blumenthal, Kamala Harris, Martha Coakley, Tim Kaine, Michelle Nunn, Andrew Romanoff, Patrick Murphy, Catherine Cortez Masto, Cheri Bustos, Alison Lundergan Grimes, Colorado Senate Victory Fund, PAC for a Level Playing Field, Hillary Victory Fund, Pramila Jayapal
Annette P Cumming
Harvey B Gantt, Tammy Baldwin, Melissa L Bean, Barbara Boxer, Bruce Braley, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Joe Donnelly, Dianne Feinstein, Kirsten Gillibrand, Tom Harkin, Tim Johnson, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Claire McCaskill, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Jan Schakowsky, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Ron Wyden, Tom Daschle, John Edwards, Jean Carnahan, Bill Bradley, Douglas Wayne Owens, Geraldine Ferraro, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, North Carolina Democratic Party - Federal, Emily's List, America Coming Together, Pennsylvania Democratic Party, Democratic Executive Committee of Florida, Dottie Lamm, Democratic Party of Virginia, Ohio Democratic Party, Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Nancy Kaszak, Colorado Democratic Party, Voters for Choice/Friends of Family Planning, Martha Fuller Clark, Nevada State Democratic Party, Lauren Beth Gash, Deborah Halvorson, Martin Heinrich, Jeanne Shaheen, Tammy Duckworth, Rebecca Yanisch, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Elizabeth Warren, Betty Castor, Ann Wynia, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC, Robin Carnahan, Jon Tester, Richard Blumenthal, Kamala Harris, Martha Coakley, Tim Kaine, Michelle Nunn, Catherine Cortez Masto, Heidi Heitkamp, Blanche L Lincoln, Kent Conrad, Alison Lundergan Grimes, Off the Sidelines PAC, Hillary Victory Fund, Maggie Hassan
Joanie Bronfman
Harvey B Gantt, Bob Kerrey, Tammy Baldwin, Melissa L Bean, Barbara Boxer, Bruce Braley, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Joe Donnelly, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Kirsten Gillibrand, Tom Harkin, Paul Hodes, Tim Johnson, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Claire McCaskill, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Gwen Moore, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Loretta Sanchez, Jan Schakowsky, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, Debbie Stabenow, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Tom Daschle, Jean Carnahan, Max Cleland, Paul Wellstone, Geraldine Ferraro, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Iowa Democratic Party, New Hampshire Democratic Party, North Carolina Democratic Party - Federal, Emily's List, Scott Michael Kleeb, Pennsylvania Democratic Party, Democratic Executive Committee of Florida, Dottie Lamm, Democratic Party of Virginia, Ohio Democratic Party, Jill Lynette Long Thompson, Michigan Democratic State Central Commitee, Daniel Joseph Seals, Nancy Kaszak, Colorado Democratic Party, Martha Fuller Clark, Nevada State Democratic Party, Lauren Beth Gash, Deborah Halvorson, Progressive Majority, Chellie Pingree, Ann Hutchinson, Jeanne Shaheen, Tammy Duckworth, Rebecca Yanisch, Elizabeth Warren, Josephine Heath, Lynn Hardy Yeakel, Betty Castor, Ann Wynia, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC, Robin Carnahan, Jon Tester, Martha Coakley, Tim Kaine, Richard Carmona, Heidi Heitkamp, Cheri Bustos, Blanche L Lincoln
Daniel E Levin
Bob Kerrey, Tammy Baldwin, Melissa L Bean, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Robert Byrd, Maria Cantwell, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Danny K Davis, Joe Donnelly, Dick Durbin, Bill Foster, Luis Vicente Gutiérrez, Phil Hare, Tom Harkin, Daniel Inouye, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Joe Lieberman, Claire McCaskill, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Barack Obama, Bobby L Rush, Jan Schakowsky, Debbie Stabenow, Mark Udall, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Tom Daschle, Rod Blagojevich, Jean Carnahan, Paul Wellstone, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, New York Senate 2000, Illinois Senate 2002, Emily's List, Prairie Political Action Committee, Jill Lynette Long Thompson, Michigan Democratic State Central Commitee, Wesley Clark, Daniel Joseph Seals, Richard J Phelps, Al Franken, Hopefund Inc., Lampson Victory 2006, F Michael Kelleher Jr, Gary Peters, Democratic Party of Illinois, Lauren Beth Gash, Deborah Halvorson, Martin Heinrich, Progressive Majority, Tammy Duckworth, Jeremiah W Nixon, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Elizabeth Warren, Edwin W Eisendrath III, Mike Quigley, Clem Balanoff, Alexander Giannoulias, Jay Rockefeller, Jon Tester, Tim Kaine, Ilya Sheyman, Heidi Heitkamp, Blanche L Lincoln, Kent Conrad, Raja Krishnamoorthi