Investment Analyst at Highfields Capital Management
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Charles Ledley also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
John Petry Evan Bayh, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Chris Dodd, Rahm Emanuel, Kirsten Gillibrand, Paul E Kanjorski, Mary Landrieu, Joe Lieberman, Claire McCaskill, George Miller, Chris Murphy, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Democratic National Committee, Jared Polis, Jim Himes, New York State Democratic Committee, David Yassky, Daniel Joseph Seals, Al Franken, Mark Begich, Gregory John Orman, Martin Heinrich, Angus King, David A Paterson, Eliot Spitzer, Mark Warner, Democrats for Education Reform, Andrew Cuomo, Eric Dinallo, Michael Bennet, Malcolm A Smith, Kevin S Parker, ActBlue, Tom Perriello, Scott Murphy, Joshua M Zeitz, Cory Booker, Jose Peralta, Sam Hoyt, Rubén Díaz Jr, Craig Johnson, Jon Tester, Daniel Squadron, Chris Coons, Alan Khazei, Tim Kaine, Reshma M Saujani, Brad Schneider, Jeffrey Klein, Jonathan Bing, Catherine Cortez Masto, Andrei Cherny, Hakeem Jeffries, Brian Schatz, Karim Camara, Council of Urban Professionals, Mark Levine, ANDREW CUOMO FOR NEW YORK, INC., Seth Moulton, Hillary Victory Fund, Serve America PAC, Democrats for Education Reform New York State, Lynn Nunes, Basil Smikle, David J Valesky, Michael Benjamin, Michael Kaplowitz, Richard Dollinger, Maryanne Greenfield, Josh Gottheimer, Mikie Sherrill, Antonio Delgado
Jeffrey R Gural Evan Bayh, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Joe Crowley, Chris Dodd, Kirsten Gillibrand, Mary Landrieu, Joe Lieberman, Claire McCaskill, Chris Murphy, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, New York State Democratic Committee, Democratic Party of Virginia, Al Franken, Colorado Democratic Party, Mark Begich, Minnesota Democratic Farmer Labor Party, Gregory John Orman, David A Paterson, Eliot Spitzer, Mark Warner, Andrew Cuomo, Franken Recount Fund, Michael Bennet, Malcolm A Smith, ActBlue, Scott Murphy, Ann McLane Kuster, Cory Booker, Jose Peralta, Craig Johnson, Jon Tester, House Majority PAC, Daniel Squadron, Chris Coons, Tim Kaine, Brad Schneider, Tom Suozzi, Jeffrey Klein, Catherine Cortez Masto, Joe Kennedy III, Kyrsten Sinema, Hakeem Jeffries, Heidi Heitkamp, Cheri Bustos, Brian Schatz, Ruben Gallego, Seth Moulton, Hillary Victory Fund, Ro Khanna, Josh Gottheimer, Katie Porter, Harley Rouda, Mike Levin, Mikie Sherrill, Antonio Delgado
Joshua Bekenstein Evan Bayh, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Mary Landrieu, Joe Lieberman, Claire McCaskill, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Chuck Schumer, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Majority PAC, Al Franken, Mark Begich, Minnesota Democratic Farmer Labor Party, Gregory John Orman, Martin Heinrich, Angus King, Mark Warner, Franken Recount Fund, Michael Bennet, ActBlue, Ann McLane Kuster, Cory Booker, Jon Tester, House Majority PAC, Chris Coons, Alan Khazei, Tim Kaine, Brad Schneider, Catherine Cortez Masto, Andrei Cherny, Joe Kennedy III, Kyrsten Sinema, Heidi Heitkamp, Cheri Bustos, Progressive Independent Committee, Common Ground PAC, Seth Moulton, Public Charter Schools for Mass, 4MA Pac, Serve America PAC, Ro Khanna, Josh Gottheimer, Katie Porter, Harley Rouda, Mike Levin, Jahana Hayes, Dean Phillips, Mikie Sherrill, Antonio Delgado, Serve America Victory Fund, Jersey Values PAC
Boykin Curry Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Kirsten Gillibrand, Paul E Kanjorski, Mary Landrieu, Joe Lieberman, George Miller, Chris Murphy, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Jared Polis, New York State Democratic Committee, Building Relationships in Diverse Geographic Environments PAC (Bridge PAC), David Yassky, Al Franken, Colorado Democratic Party, David A Paterson, Eliot Spitzer, Mark Warner, Democrats for Education Reform, Andrew Cuomo, Michael Bennet, Malcolm A Smith, ActBlue, Tom Perriello, Scott Murphy, Joshua M Zeitz, Cory Booker, Jose Peralta, Krystal Ball, Craig Johnson, Daniel Squadron, Alan Khazei, Common Sense Colorado, Reshma M Saujani, Corypac Inc, Jeffrey Klein, Jonathan Bing, Hakeem Jeffries, Brian Schatz, Council of Urban Professionals, Mark Levine, ANDREW CUOMO FOR NEW YORK, INC., Seth Moulton, Hillary Victory Fund, Democrats for Education Reform New York State, Lynn Nunes, Basil Smikle, Michael Benjamin, Michael Kaplowitz, Richard Dollinger, Ro Khanna
Andrew Tobias Evan Bayh, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Rahm Emanuel, Kirsten Gillibrand, Mary Landrieu, Joe Lieberman, Claire McCaskill, Chris Murphy, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Jared Polis, Democratic Party of Virginia, Gerry Connolly, Al Franken, Colorado Democratic Party, Mark Begich, Minnesota Democratic Farmer Labor Party, Gregory John Orman, Martin Heinrich, Andrew Cuomo, Franken Recount Fund, Michael Bennet, ActBlue, Tom Perriello, Scott Murphy, Joshua M Zeitz, Cory Booker, Krystal Ball, Jon Tester, House Majority PAC, Chris Coons, Heather Maurine Beaven, Tim Kaine, Raj Goyle, Brad Schneider, Catherine Cortez Masto, Joe Kennedy III, Kyrsten Sinema, Hakeem Jeffries, Seth Moulton, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Jared Polis Victory Fund, Hillary Victory Fund, Josh Gottheimer, Katie Porter, Antonio Delgado
Anita Bekenstein Evan Bayh, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Kirsten Gillibrand, Mary Landrieu, Claire McCaskill, Chris Murphy, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Chuck Schumer, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Mark Begich, Gregory John Orman, Angus King, Mark Warner, Michael Bennet, ActBlue, Ann McLane Kuster, Cory Booker, Jon Tester, House Majority PAC, Chris Coons, Alan Khazei, Tim Kaine, Brad Schneider, Catherine Cortez Masto, Andrei Cherny, Joe Kennedy III, Kyrsten Sinema, Heidi Heitkamp, Cheri Bustos, Common Ground PAC, Seth Moulton, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Serve America PAC, Ro Khanna, Josh Gottheimer, Katie Porter, Harley Rouda, Mike Levin, Jahana Hayes, Dean Phillips, Mikie Sherrill, Antonio Delgado, Serve America Victory Fund, Jersey Values PAC
Naomi Aberly Evan Bayh, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, Kirsten Gillibrand, Mary Landrieu, Joe Lieberman, Claire McCaskill, Chris Murphy, Barack Obama, Adam Schiff, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Al Franken, Mark Begich, Gregory John Orman, Angus King, Mark Warner, Franken Recount Fund, Michael Bennet, Tom Perriello, Scott Murphy, Ann McLane Kuster, Cory Booker, Jon Tester, House Majority PAC, Chris Coons, Heather Maurine Beaven, Tim Kaine, Catherine Cortez Masto, Joe Kennedy III, Kyrsten Sinema, Heidi Heitkamp, Blue Hen PAC, Ruben Gallego, Seth Moulton, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Hillary Victory Fund, 4MA Pac, Ro Khanna, Katie Porter, Harley Rouda, Mike Levin, Jahana Hayes, Mikie Sherrill, Serve America Victory Fund
George Soros Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Joe Crowley, Susan A Davis, Kirsten Gillibrand, Dennis Kucinich, Mary Landrieu, Claire McCaskill, Chris Murphy, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, New York State Democratic Committee, Democratic Party of Virginia, Daniel Joseph Seals, Al Franken, Colorado Democratic Party, Minnesota Democratic Farmer Labor Party, Martin Heinrich, Andrew Cuomo, Franken Recount Fund, Michael Bennet, Kevin S Parker, Tom Perriello, Scott Murphy, Craig Johnson, Jon Tester, House Majority PAC, Chris Coons, Tim Kaine, Brad Schneider, Catherine Cortez Masto, Kyrsten Sinema, Hakeem Jeffries, Cheri Bustos, Ruben Gallego, Hillary Victory Fund, David J Valesky, Richard Dollinger, Josh Gottheimer, Katie Porter
Tony Podesta Evan Bayh, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Joe Crowley, Chris Dodd, Rahm Emanuel, Kirsten Gillibrand, Paul E Kanjorski, Mary Landrieu, Joe Lieberman, Claire McCaskill, George Miller, Chris Murphy, Mark Pryor, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Majority PAC, Al Franken, Mark Begich, Minnesota Democratic Farmer Labor Party, Martin Heinrich, Angus King, Eliot Spitzer, Mark Warner, Andrew Cuomo, Franken Recount Fund, Michael Bennet, ActBlue, Scott Murphy, Ann McLane Kuster, Chris Coons, Tim Kaine, Brad Schneider, Tom Suozzi, Catherine Cortez Masto, Joe Kennedy III, Heidi Heitkamp, Brian Schatz, Hillary Victory Fund, Josh Gottheimer
Mark Gallogly Evan Bayh, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Rahm Emanuel, Kirsten Gillibrand, Mary Landrieu, Joe Lieberman, Claire McCaskill, Chris Murphy, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, New York State Democratic Committee, Democratic Party of Virginia, Colorado Democratic Party, Mark Begich, Minnesota Democratic Farmer Labor Party, Eliot Spitzer, Mark Warner, Andrew Cuomo, Michael Bennet, ActBlue, Scott Murphy, Cory Booker, Jon Tester, Alan Khazei, Common Sense Colorado, Tim Kaine, Catherine Cortez Masto, Joe Kennedy III, Kyrsten Sinema, Heidi Heitkamp, Mark Levine, Seth Moulton, Hillary Victory Fund, Serve America PAC, Ro Khanna, Josh Gottheimer, Mikie Sherrill, Serve America Victory Fund
Joel Greenblatt Evan Bayh, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Joe Crowley, Kirsten Gillibrand, Mary Landrieu, Joe Lieberman, George Miller, Chris Murphy, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Democratic National Committee, Jared Polis, Jim Himes, New York State Democratic Committee, David A Paterson, Eliot Spitzer, Democrats for Education Reform, Andrew Cuomo, Michael Bennet, Malcolm A Smith, Cory Booker, Jose Peralta, Sam Hoyt, Eva Moskowitz, Rubén Díaz Jr, Craig Johnson, Daniel Squadron, Chris Coons, Jeffrey Klein, Andrei Cherny, Hakeem Jeffries, ANDREW CUOMO FOR NEW YORK, INC., Obama Victory Fund 2012, Hillary Victory Fund, Democrats for Education Reform New York State, Nelson Denis, Lynn Nunes, Basil Smikle, David J Valesky, Michael Benjamin, Antonio Delgado
Seth Klarman Evan Bayh, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Chris Dodd, Kirsten Gillibrand, Mary Landrieu, Joe Lieberman, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Democratic Party of Virginia, Colorado Democratic Party, Minnesota Democratic Farmer Labor Party, Mark Warner, Michael Bennet, Tom Perriello, Ann McLane Kuster, Cory Booker, Jon Tester, House Majority PAC, Chris Coons, Tim Kaine, Corypac Inc, Brad Schneider, Catherine Cortez Masto, Joe Kennedy III, Hakeem Jeffries, Cheri Bustos, Public Charter Schools for Mass, Ro Khanna, Josh Gottheimer, Katie Porter, Harley Rouda, Mike Levin, Jahana Hayes, Dean Phillips, Mikie Sherrill, Antonio Delgado
Barbra Streisand Hillary Clinton, Susan A Davis, Chris Dodd, Kirsten Gillibrand, Mary Landrieu, Claire McCaskill, George Miller, Chris Murphy, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Jim Himes, Daniel Joseph Seals, Al Franken, Mark Begich, Martin Heinrich, Eliot Spitzer, Mark Warner, Andrew Cuomo, Franken Recount Fund, Michael Bennet, Tom Perriello, Ann McLane Kuster, Cory Booker, Jon Tester, Tim Kaine, Brad Schneider, Catherine Cortez Masto, Joe Kennedy III, Kyrsten Sinema, Heidi Heitkamp, Cheri Bustos, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Obama Victory Fund, Hillary Victory Fund, Katie Porter, Harley Rouda, Mikie Sherrill, Antonio Delgado
Amy Goldman Fowler Evan Bayh, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Joe Crowley, Kirsten Gillibrand, Paul E Kanjorski, Mary Landrieu, Claire McCaskill, Chris Murphy, Barack Obama, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, New York State Democratic Committee, Democratic Party of Virginia, Prairie Political Action Committee, Daniel Joseph Seals, Al Franken, Colorado Democratic Party, Mark Begich, Minnesota Democratic Farmer Labor Party, Martin Heinrich, David A Paterson, Andrew Cuomo, Franken Recount Fund, Michael Bennet, Scott Murphy, Ann McLane Kuster, Jon Tester, House Majority PAC, Chris Coons, Tim Kaine, Catherine Cortez Masto, Kyrsten Sinema, Heidi Heitkamp, Cheri Bustos, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Hillary Victory Fund, Josh Gottheimer, Katie Porter, Mike Levin, Mikie Sherrill, Antonio Delgado
Tonio Burgos Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Joe Crowley, Kirsten Gillibrand, Joe Lieberman, Barack Obama, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, New York State Democratic Committee, Democratic Party of Virginia, Prairie Political Action Committee, David Yassky, David A Paterson, Eliot Spitzer, Mark Warner, Andrew Cuomo, Scott Murphy, Ann McLane Kuster, Cory Booker, Jose Peralta, Rubén Díaz Jr, Craig Johnson, House Majority PAC, Daniel Squadron, Chris Coons, Tim Kaine, Tom Suozzi, Jeffrey Klein, Jonathan Bing, Catherine Cortez Masto, Joe Kennedy III, Kyrsten Sinema, Hakeem Jeffries, Cheri Bustos, Common Ground PAC, Ruben Gallego, Josh Gottheimer, Mikie Sherrill, Antonio Delgado
Gail Furman Hillary Clinton, Kirsten Gillibrand, Mary Landrieu, Joe Lieberman, Claire McCaskill, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Chuck Schumer, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Jared Polis, New York State Democratic Committee, David Yassky, Al Franken, Mark Begich, Minnesota Democratic Farmer Labor Party, Martin Heinrich, Angus King, David A Paterson, Eliot Spitzer, Mark Warner, Franken Recount Fund, ActBlue, Tom Perriello, Scott Murphy, Ann McLane Kuster, Joshua M Zeitz, Cory Booker, Jon Tester, Daniel Squadron, Jonathan Bing, Andrei Cherny, Joe Kennedy III, Hakeem Jeffries, Heidi Heitkamp, Seth Moulton, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Hillary Victory Fund, Richard Dollinger, Josh Gottheimer, Antonio Delgado
Steven M Champlin Evan Bayh, Andre Carson, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Joe Crowley, Susan A Davis, Chris Dodd, Kirsten Gillibrand, Mary Landrieu, Joe Lieberman, Stephen F Lynch, George Miller, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Jim Himes, Building Relationships in Diverse Geographic Environments PAC (Bridge PAC), Gerry Connolly, Prairie Political Action Committee, Al Franken, Mark Begich, Mark Warner, Andrew Cuomo, Franken Recount Fund, Michael Bennet, Ann McLane Kuster, Jon Tester, House Majority PAC, Chris Coons, Brad Schneider, Joe Kennedy III, Kyrsten Sinema, Cheri Bustos, Blue Hen PAC, Brian Schatz, Seth Moulton, BRIDGE PAC
Agnes Gund Evan Bayh, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, Kirsten Gillibrand, Mary Landrieu, Claire McCaskill, Chris Murphy, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Chuck Schumer, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Jim Himes, New York State Democratic Committee, Democratic Party of Virginia, Majority PAC, Al Franken, Colorado Democratic Party, Mark Begich, Minnesota Democratic Farmer Labor Party, Gregory John Orman, Mark Warner, Michael Bennet, ActBlue, Scott Murphy, Ann McLane Kuster, Joshua M Zeitz, Cory Booker, Jon Tester, House Majority PAC, Corypac Inc, Catherine Cortez Masto, Joe Kennedy III, Kyrsten Sinema, Hakeem Jeffries, Common Ground PAC, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Hillary Victory Fund, Antonio Delgado
Thomas Safran Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, Rahm Emanuel, Mary Landrieu, Claire McCaskill, Barack Obama, Adam Schiff, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Democratic Party of Virginia, Al Franken, Colorado Democratic Party, Mark Begich, Martin Heinrich, Mark Warner, Michael Bennet, ActBlue, Scott Murphy, Cory Booker, Jon Tester, House Majority PAC, Chris Coons, Alan Khazei, Tim Kaine, Catherine Cortez Masto, Andrei Cherny, Joe Kennedy III, Hakeem Jeffries, Heidi Heitkamp, Brian Schatz, Seth Moulton, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Obama Victory Fund, Hillary Victory Fund, Ro Khanna, Katie Porter, Harley Rouda, Mike Levin, Dean Phillips
Heather Podesta Evan Bayh, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, Kirsten Gillibrand, Mary Landrieu, Joe Lieberman, Claire McCaskill, George Miller, Chris Murphy, Barack Obama, Mark Pryor, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Jared Polis, Jim Himes, Al Franken, Mark Begich, Martin Heinrich, Mark Warner, Andrew Cuomo, Michael Bennet, ActBlue, Scott Murphy, Ann McLane Kuster, Cory Booker, Jon Tester, House Majority PAC, Chris Coons, Common Sense Colorado, Tim Kaine, Catherine Cortez Masto, Andrei Cherny, Joe Kennedy III, Heidi Heitkamp, Hillary Victory Fund, Josh Gottheimer