Marine General/Lobbyist
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Terry Paul also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
James Ervin Roscoe Gardner Bartlett, Jim Bunning, Steve Buyer, Saxby Chambliss, William Thad Cochran, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Tom Davis, Norman DeValois Dicks, Dick Durbin, John Ensign, Rodney P Frelinghuysen, Lindsey Graham, Jane Harman, Doc Hastings, Robin Hayes, David Lee Hobson, Mike Honda, Steny Hoyer, Duncan Lee Hunter, Jim Inhofe, Daniel Inouye, Marcia Carolyn Kaptur, Ted Kennedy, Jack Kingston, Jerry Lewis, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, John Michael McHugh, Howard P McKeon, Alan Bowlby Mollohan, James P Moran, Lisa Murkowski, Patty Murray, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Ben Nelson, Devin Nunes, David Obey, Denny Rehberg, Pat Roberts, Hal Rogers, Hugh James Saxton, Richard Shelby, Michael K Simpson, Isaac Newton Skelton IV, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, Gary Eugene Taylor, Todd Tiahrt, James T Walsh, Sheldon Whitehouse, Joe Wilson, Heather Wilson, Charles William Young, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Duke Cunningham, Dan Coats, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, AMERIPAC, Future Leaders Political Action Committee, Help America's Leaders Political Action Committee (Halpac), Freedom & Democracy Fund, Tom Rooney, Show ME Fund, Because All Responsible Taxpayers Like Every Truth Told PAC, Richard Neil Goddard, Jim Gibbons, Mark Warner, Peace Through Strength Political Action Committee, Duncan Duane Hunter, Bluegrass Cmte
Stu Van Scoyoc Daniel Kahikina Akaka, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Michael Everett Capuano, Saxby Chambliss, William Thad Cochran, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Norman DeValois Dicks, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, John Ensign, Dianne Feinstein, Rodney P Frelinghuysen, Lindsey Graham, Jim Inhofe, Daniel Inouye, Marcia Carolyn Kaptur, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Peter T King, Jack Kingston, Mary Landrieu, Steven C Latourette, Patrick Leahy, Jerry Lewis, Ed Markey, John McCain, Claire McCaskill, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Alan Bowlby Mollohan, Patty Murray, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Ben Nelson, David Obey, Charles W Pickering Jr, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Denny Rehberg, Harry Reid, Silvestre Reyes, Pat Roberts, Hal Rogers, Chuck Schumer, Richard Shelby, Michael K Simpson, Isaac Newton Skelton IV, Arlen Specter, Todd Tiahrt, James T Walsh, Sheldon Whitehouse, Charles William Young, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, Rick Santorum, Ernest Frederick Hollings, John Joseph Moakley, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Care Political Action Committee, Future Leaders Political Action Committee, Help America's Leaders Political Action Committee (Halpac), Fund for a Conservative Future, Preserving America's Traditions (Patpac), Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Ted Stevens, Duncan Duane Hunter
Paul Cambon Roy Blunt, Ginny Brown-Waite, Jim Bunning, Danny Lee Burton, William Thad Cochran, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Geoffrey C Davis, Norman DeValois Dicks, Dick Durbin, Rodney P Frelinghuysen, Judd Alan Gregg, David Lee Hobson, Duncan Lee Hunter, Jim Inhofe, Peter T King, Jack Kingston, John P. Kline, Jr., Mary Landrieu, Steven C Latourette, Patrick Leahy, Jerry Lewis, John McCain, Alan Bowlby Mollohan, James P Moran, Lisa Murkowski, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Ben Nelson, David Obey, Denny Rehberg, Hal Rogers, Hugh James Saxton, Richard Shelby, Michael K Simpson, Isaac Newton Skelton IV, Arlen Specter, Gary Eugene Taylor, Todd Tiahrt, James T Walsh, Joe Wilson, Heather Wilson, Charles William Young, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Duke Cunningham, Mike DeWine, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Hawkeye PAC, the, Care Political Action Committee, Future Leaders Political Action Committee, Help America's Leaders Political Action Committee (Halpac), Alice Forgy Kerr, Peter G Olson, Billy Tauzin, Peace Through Strength Political Action Committee, Preserving America's Traditions (Patpac), Duncan Duane Hunter, Tom Rice
Amy Rothschild Friedkin Joe Biden, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Barbara Boxer, Danny Lee Burton, Maria Cantwell, Bob Casey, Norm Coleman, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Jane Harman, Mazie Hirono, Mike Honda, Steny Hoyer, Jim Inhofe, Daniel Inouye, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Joe Lieberman, Ed Markey, John McCain, Claire McCaskill, Mitch McConnell, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patty Murray, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Ben Nelson, Devin Nunes, David Obey, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Silvestre Reyes, Hal Rogers, Chuck Schumer, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, Sheldon Whitehouse, Heather Wilson, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Jean Carnahan, Charles Spittal Robb, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Benjamin A Gilman, Mark Warner, Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Trey Grayson, Ted Stevens, Martha Coakley, Ben Sasse
Roselyne Chroman Swig Joe Biden, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Barbara Boxer, Danny Lee Burton, Maria Cantwell, Bob Casey, William Thad Cochran, Susan Collins, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Jane Harman, Mazie Hirono, Mike Honda, Steny Hoyer, Jim Inhofe, Daniel Inouye, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Jack Kingston, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Joe Lieberman, John McCain, Claire McCaskill, Mitch McConnell, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Lisa Murkowski, Patty Murray, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Ben Nelson, David Obey, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Silvestre Reyes, Hal Rogers, Chuck Schumer, Richard Shelby, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, Sheldon Whitehouse, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, Jean Carnahan, Charles Spittal Robb, Dan Coats, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Mark Warner, Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Trey Grayson, Colleen Hanabusa, Martha Coakley, Ben Sasse
Robert L Livingston Roscoe Gardner Bartlett, Brian P Bilbray, Roy Blunt, Jim Bunning, Danny Lee Burton, Saxby Chambliss, William Thad Cochran, Norm Coleman, Geoffrey C Davis, Norman DeValois Dicks, Rodney P Frelinghuysen, Judd Alan Gregg, Duncan Lee Hunter, Jim Inhofe, Peter T King, Jack Kingston, Patrick Leahy, Jerry Lewis, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Howard P McKeon, Alan Bowlby Mollohan, Lisa Murkowski, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Denny Rehberg, Pat Roberts, Hal Rogers, Hugh James Saxton, Richard Shelby, Michael K Simpson, Isaac Newton Skelton IV, Arlen Specter, Gary Eugene Taylor, Todd Tiahrt, James T Walsh, Joe Wilson, Heather Wilson, Charles William Young, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, Anne Meagher Northup, Rick Santorum, Dan Coats, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Michael Steele, Hawkeye PAC, the, Future Leaders Political Action Committee, Help America's Leaders Political Action Committee (Halpac), R Pat Dewine, Alice Forgy Kerr, Billy Tauzin, Peace Through Strength Political Action Committee, Max Baucus, Ted Stevens, Duncan Duane Hunter, Bluegrass Cmte
Daniel C Tate Jr Joe Biden, Kit Bond, Barbara Boxer, Steve Buyer, Robert Byrd, Maria Cantwell, Bob Casey, Saxby Chambliss, William Thad Cochran, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, John Ensign, Dianne Feinstein, Jane Harman, Mike Honda, Steny Hoyer, Daniel Inouye, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Peter T King, Ray H LaHood, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Jerry Lewis, Joe Lieberman, Ed Markey, Claire McCaskill, Barbara Ann Mikulski, James P Moran, Patty Murray, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Ben Nelson, David Obey, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Hal Rogers, Chuck Schumer, Arlen Specter, James T Walsh, James H Webb, Sheldon Whitehouse, Charles William Young, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Jean Carnahan, John Joseph Moakley, Charles Spittal Robb, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Benjamin A Gilman, AMERIPAC, Mark Warner, Billy Tauzin, Max Baucus, Pete Domenici V, Ted Stevens, Martha Coakley
Marshall A Brachman Roy Blunt, Barbara Boxer, Danny Lee Burton, Maria Cantwell, William Thad Cochran, Susan Collins, Geoffrey C Davis, Norman DeValois Dicks, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Rodney P Frelinghuysen, Lindsey Graham, Judd Alan Gregg, Robin Hayes, David Lee Hobson, Steny Hoyer, Duncan Lee Hunter, Daniel Inouye, John Kerry, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Jerry Lewis, Joe Lieberman, Ed Markey, Mitch McConnell, Jim McGovern, John Michael McHugh, Barbara Ann Mikulski, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Ben Nelson, David Obey, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Denny Rehberg, Harry Reid, Silvestre Reyes, Chuck Schumer, Richard Shelby, Michael K Simpson, Isaac Newton Skelton IV, Heather Wilson, Charles William Young, Conrad Burns, Duke Cunningham, Jean Carnahan, John Joseph Moakley, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, AMERIPAC, Gerry Connolly, Tom Rooney, Peter G Olson, Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Bluegrass Cmte
Paul L Baker Daniel Kahikina Akaka, Joe Biden, Kit Bond, Barbara Boxer, Jim Bunning, Danny Lee Burton, Bob Casey, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, John Ensign, Dianne Feinstein, Judd Alan Gregg, Steny Hoyer, Duncan Lee Hunter, Daniel Inouye, John Kerry, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Joe Lieberman, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Lisa Murkowski, Patty Murray, John Patrick Murtha Jr, David Obey, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Silvestre Reyes, Hal Rogers, Chuck Schumer, Richard Shelby, Isaac Newton Skelton IV, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, Sheldon Whitehouse, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, Anne Meagher Northup, Rick Santorum, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, AMERIPAC, Preserving America's Traditions (Patpac), Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Bob Smith, Trey Grayson, Pete Domenici V, Ted Stevens
Melvin A Dow Daniel Kahikina Akaka, Joe Biden, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Barbara Boxer, Jim Bunning, Danny Lee Burton, Maria Cantwell, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, John Ensign, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Judd Alan Gregg, Jane Harman, Steny Hoyer, Jim Inhofe, Daniel Inouye, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Joe Lieberman, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Lisa Murkowski, Patty Murray, John Patrick Murtha Jr, David Obey, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Silvestre Reyes, Hal Rogers, Chuck Schumer, Richard Shelby, Isaac Newton Skelton IV, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, Sheldon Whitehouse, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, Rick Santorum, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Ken Bentsen, Jean Carnahan, Charles Spittal Robb, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Peter G Olson, Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Bob Smith, Ted Stevens
Van D Hipp Jr Roy Blunt, Jim Bunning, Robert Byrd, Saxby Chambliss, William Thad Cochran, Susan Collins, Geoffrey C Davis, Byron Dorgan, Rodney P Frelinghuysen, Lindsey Graham, Sam Graves, Robin Hayes, Mazie Hirono, David Lee Hobson, Steny Hoyer, Duncan Lee Hunter, Walter Beaman Jones Jr, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Peter T King, Ray H LaHood, Mitch McConnell, Alan Bowlby Mollohan, James P Moran, Devin Nunes, Charles W Pickering Jr, Jack Reed, Pat Roberts, Hal Rogers, Hugh James Saxton, Michael K Simpson, Todd Tiahrt, Joe Wilson, Charles William Young, George Allen, Duke Cunningham, Anne Meagher Northup, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, AMERIPAC, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Bluegrass Committee, Help America's Leaders Political Action Committee (Halpac), Tom Rooney, Fund for a Conservative Future, Stand Tall America PAC (Stapac), Alice Forgy Kerr, Peter G Olson, Peace Through Strength Political Action Committee, Rich Nugent, Duncan Duane Hunter, Joe Kennedy III, Tom Rice
Daniel McNamara Daniel Kahikina Akaka, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Steve Buyer, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Rodney P Frelinghuysen, Sam Graves, Doc Hastings, Jim Inhofe, Marcia Carolyn Kaptur, Jack Kingston, John P. Kline, Jr., Ray H LaHood, Mary Landrieu, Steven C Latourette, Jerry Lewis, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, John Michael McHugh, Howard P McKeon, Alan Bowlby Mollohan, Lisa Murkowski, Jon C Porter, Pat Roberts, Hal Rogers, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, Todd Tiahrt, James T Walsh, Joe Wilson, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, Rick Santorum, Ernest Frederick Hollings, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, America's Foundation, Benjamin A Gilman, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Michael Steele, Bluegrass Committee, Care Political Action Committee, Future Leaders Political Action Committee, Help America's Leaders Political Action Committee (Halpac), R Pat Dewine, Fund for a Conservative Future, Billy Tauzin, Cassidy & Associates, Inc. Political Action Committee, Jon Kyl, Pete Domenici V, Ted Stevens, Rich Nugent
Lionel Kaplan Joe Biden, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Barbara Boxer, Danny Lee Burton, Maria Cantwell, Bob Casey, Tom Davis, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, John Ensign, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Judd Alan Gregg, Jane Harman, Steny Hoyer, Daniel Inouye, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Joe Lieberman, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Patty Murray, Ben Nelson, David Obey, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Silvestre Reyes, Hugh James Saxton, Chuck Schumer, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, Sheldon Whitehouse, Mike DeWine, Anne Meagher Northup, Rick Santorum, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Jean Carnahan, Charles Spittal Robb, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, America's Foundation, Mark Warner, Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Bob Smith, Trey Grayson, Ted Stevens, Martha Coakley
Thomas A Davis Brian P Bilbray, Kit Bond, Barbara Boxer, Jim Bunning, Michael Everett Capuano, Bob Casey, Saxby Chambliss, William Thad Cochran, Norm Coleman, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, John Ensign, Lindsey Graham, Judd Alan Gregg, Robin Hayes, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John P. Kline, Jr., Ray H LaHood, Patrick Leahy, Jerry Lewis, Joe Lieberman, Ed Markey, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Ben Nelson, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Pat Roberts, Hal Rogers, Hugh James Saxton, Chuck Schumer, Richard Shelby, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Nancy Lee Johnson, Anne Meagher Northup, Rick Santorum, Charles Spittal Robb, Dan Coats, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Bluegrass Committee, Hawkeye PAC, the, Tom Rooney, Mark Warner, Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Pete Domenici V, Ted Stevens
David Bockorny Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Jim Bunning, Danny Lee Burton, Saxby Chambliss, William Thad Cochran, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Tom Davis, John Ensign, Lindsey Graham, Sam Graves, Judd Alan Gregg, David Lee Hobson, Duncan Lee Hunter, Peter T King, Ray H LaHood, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, John Michael McHugh, Howard P McKeon, Lisa Murkowski, Devin Nunes, Charles W Pickering Jr, Jon C Porter, Denny Rehberg, Pat Roberts, Richard Shelby, Michael K Simpson, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, Rick Santorum, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, America's Foundation, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Bluegrass Committee, Care Political Action Committee, Freedom & Democracy Fund, R Pat Dewine, Peter G Olson, Billy Tauzin, Preserving America's Traditions (Patpac), Jon Kyl, Bob Smith, Billy Long, Ted Stevens, Ben Sasse, Bluegrass Cmte
Bernice Manocherian Joe Biden, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Barbara Boxer, Danny Lee Burton, Maria Cantwell, Norm Coleman, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Judd Alan Gregg, Jane Harman, Mazie Hirono, Steny Hoyer, Daniel Inouye, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Peter T King, Jack Kingston, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Joe Lieberman, John McCain, Claire McCaskill, Mitch McConnell, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Lisa Murkowski, Patty Murray, John Patrick Murtha Jr, David Obey, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Silvestre Reyes, Chuck Schumer, Richard Shelby, Isaac Newton Skelton IV, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, Todd Tiahrt, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Jean Carnahan, Charles Spittal Robb, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Mark Warner, Trey Grayson, Pete Domenici V, Ted Stevens, Joe Kennedy III
Kevin F Kelly Roscoe Gardner Bartlett, Joe Biden, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Robert Byrd, Bob Casey, Norman DeValois Dicks, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, John Ensign, Dianne Feinstein, Rodney P Frelinghuysen, Sam Graves, Steny Hoyer, Daniel Inouye, Marcia Carolyn Kaptur, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Jerry Lewis, John McCain, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Alan Bowlby Mollohan, Patty Murray, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Ben Nelson, David Obey, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Hal Rogers, Chuck Schumer, Richard Shelby, Michael K Simpson, Isaac Newton Skelton IV, Arlen Specter, James T Walsh, Charles William Young, George Allen, Duke Cunningham, Nancy Lee Johnson, Rick Santorum, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Charles Spittal Robb, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, America's Foundation, AMERIPAC, Care Political Action Committee, Help America's Leaders Political Action Committee (Halpac), Mark Warner, Bob Smith, Ted Stevens
Vincent M Versage Daniel Kahikina Akaka, Joe Biden, Kit Bond, Barbara Boxer, Steve Buyer, Robert Byrd, Maria Cantwell, Bob Casey, Norman DeValois Dicks, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Jane Harman, Mazie Hirono, Steny Hoyer, Jim Inhofe, Daniel Inouye, Marcia Carolyn Kaptur, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Ray H LaHood, Jerry Lewis, Ed Markey, Jim McGovern, John Michael McHugh, Barbara Ann Mikulski, James P Moran, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Ben Nelson, David Obey, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Hugh James Saxton, Chuck Schumer, Arlen Specter, James T Walsh, Charles William Young, Conrad Burns, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Jean Carnahan, John Joseph Moakley, Julian Carey Dixon, Charles Spittal Robb, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Benjamin A Gilman, AMERIPAC, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Mark Warner, Max Baucus, Colleen Hanabusa, Martha Coakley
Tim Wuliger Daniel Kahikina Akaka, Joe Biden, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Maria Cantwell, Bob Casey, Saxby Chambliss, William Thad Cochran, Norm Coleman, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Jane Harman, Steny Hoyer, Daniel Inouye, Marcia Carolyn Kaptur, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Mary Landrieu, Steven C Latourette, Patrick Leahy, Joe Lieberman, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Lisa Murkowski, Patty Murray, Ben Nelson, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Pat Roberts, Hal Rogers, Chuck Schumer, Richard Shelby, Isaac Newton Skelton IV, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, Anne Meagher Northup, Rick Santorum, Charles Spittal Robb, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, AMERIPAC, Care Political Action Committee, R Pat Dewine, Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Trey Grayson, Ted Stevens
Manus Cooney Roscoe Gardner Bartlett, Joe Biden, Roy Blunt, Jim Bunning, Maria Cantwell, William Thad Cochran, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Dick Durbin, John Ensign, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Judd Alan Gregg, Jim Inhofe, Peter T King, Patrick Leahy, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Lisa Murkowski, Devin Nunes, Jon C Porter, Jack Reed, Pat Roberts, Chuck Schumer, Richard Shelby, Michael K Simpson, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, Rick Santorum, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, America's Foundation, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Michael Steele, Bluegrass Committee, Hawkeye PAC, the, Longhorn PAC, Tom Rooney, R Pat Dewine, Peter G Olson, Billy Tauzin, Jon Kyl, Bob Smith, Pete Domenici V, Billy Long, Ted Stevens, Tom Marino, Tom Rice, Ben Sasse