Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Julie Hershey Carr also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Richard R Rogers John Barrasso, Joe Barton, Marsha Blackburn, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Michael C Burgess, Richard Burr, Dave Camp, Jeff Flake, Orrin Hatch, Jeb Hensarling, Johnny Isakson, Sam Johnson, Olympia Snowe, John Thune, Fred Upton, Henry Bonilla, Pat Toomey, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Cory Gardner, Kelly Ayotte, Jackie Walorski
Jennifer Larkin Lukawski John Barrasso, Joe Barton, Marsha Blackburn, John Boehner, Richard Burr, Orrin Hatch, Jeb Hensarling, Johnny Isakson, Sam Johnson, Mike Pence, John B Shadegg, Arlen Specter, John Thune, Fred Upton, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, David McIntosh, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, House Conservatives Fund, Cory Gardner, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Diane Black, Sandra Adams
Bryce L Harlow John Barrasso, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Richard Burr, Steve Buyer, Christopher B Cannon, Jim DeMint, Philip Sheridan English, Orrin Hatch, Johnny Isakson, John Elmer Linder, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, John Thune, Fred Upton, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, David McIntosh, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Cory Gardner, Kelly Ayotte
Stephen Schwarzman John Barrasso, Marsha Blackburn, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Steve Chabot, Jeff Flake, Jim Gerlach, Orrin Hatch, Jeb Hensarling, Johnny Isakson, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, John Thune, Pat Toomey, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, House Conservatives Fund, Cory Gardner, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Kelly Ayotte, Jackie Walorski
Thomas Petrizzo John Barrasso, Joe Barton, Marsha Blackburn, John Boehner, Richard Burr, Dave Camp, Jim DeMint, Johnny Isakson, Mike Rogers, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, John Thune, Fred Upton, Greg Walden, Henry Bonilla, Melissa A Hart, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Majority Initiative to Keep Electing Republicans Fund A.K.A Mike R Fund, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Kelly Ayotte
Marc Lampkin Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Steve Buyer, Dave Camp, Steve Chabot, Jeff Flake, Jeb Hensarling, Mike Rogers, Lee Raymond Terry, John Thune, Fred Upton, Melissa A Hart, Pat Toomey, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, House Conservatives Fund, Cory Gardner, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Diane Black, Kelly Ayotte
Ed Rogers Marsha Blackburn, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Jim DeMint, Philip Sheridan English, Jim Gerlach, Orrin Hatch, Jeb Hensarling, Johnny Isakson, Mike Pence, John B Shadegg, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, John Thune, Wayne Edward Whitfield, Melissa A Hart, Rick Santorum, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, House Conservatives Fund, Cory Gardner
Howard Cohen Joe Barton, John Boehner, Charles Boustany, Michael C Burgess, Richard Burr, Dave Camp, Nathan Deal, Philip Sheridan English, Jeff Flake, Orrin Hatch, Sue Myrick, Mike Rogers, Arlen Specter, John Thune, Fred Upton, Wayne Edward Whitfield, Melissa A Hart, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Majority Initiative to Keep Electing Republicans Fund A.K.A Mike R Fund, Cory Gardner
Lawrence G Willcox John Barrasso, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Dave Camp, Jim DeMint, Philip Sheridan English, Jeff Flake, Jim Gerlach, Orrin Hatch, Johnny Isakson, Sam Johnson, John B Shadegg, Gordon Harold Smith, John Thune, Fred Upton, Pat Toomey, National Republican Senatorial Committee, House Conservatives Fund, Senate Conservatives Fund, Cory Gardner, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Diane Black, Kelly Ayotte, Jackie Walorski
Patrick J Raffaniello John Barrasso, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Dave Camp, Jim DeMint, Philip Sheridan English, Jeff Flake, Orrin Hatch, Johnny Isakson, Sam Johnson, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, John Thune, Henry Bonilla, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Diane Black, Kelly Ayotte
Dean Rosen John Barrasso, Marsha Blackburn, Roy Blunt, Charles Boustany, Michael C Burgess, Richard Burr, Dave Camp, Steve Chabot, Jim DeMint, Jim Gerlach, Phil Gingrey, Orrin Hatch, Johnny Isakson, John B Shadegg, Arlen Specter, John Thune, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Cory Gardner, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Kelly Ayotte
Elise Finley Pickering John Barrasso, John Boehner, Michael C Burgess, Richard Burr, Steve Buyer, Dave Camp, Jeff Flake, Jim Gerlach, Jeb Hensarling, Johnny Isakson, Sue Myrick, Joseph R Pitts, John B Shadegg, Lee Raymond Terry, Fred Upton, Pat Toomey, National Republican Congressional Committee, Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, House Conservatives Fund, Cory Gardner, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Kelly Ayotte, Jackie Walorski
John W Howard John Barrasso, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Dave Camp, Orrin Hatch, Johnny Isakson, Joseph R Pitts, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, John Thune, Fred Upton, Greg Walden, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Majority Initiative to Keep Electing Republicans Fund A.K.A Mike R Fund, Cory Gardner, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Kelly Ayotte
Rodney C Hoppe Joe Barton, Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, Christopher B Cannon, Jim DeMint, Jeff Flake, Jim Gerlach, Jeb Hensarling, Sue Myrick, Mike Rogers, John B Shadegg, Olympia Snowe, Greg Walden, Wayne Edward Whitfield, Rick Santorum, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Majority Initiative to Keep Electing Republicans Fund A.K.A Mike R Fund, Senate Conservatives Fund, Cory Gardner, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Kelly Ayotte
John M Green John Barrasso, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Richard Burr, Jim DeMint, Jeb Hensarling, Johnny Isakson, Mike Pence, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, John Thune, Greg Walden, Wayne Edward Whitfield, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Restore America PAC, Inc., Cory Gardner, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Kelly Ayotte
C Boyden Gray Joe Barton, Marsha Blackburn, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Richard Burr, Jeff Flake, Jim Gerlach, Orrin Hatch, Mike Pence, John B Shadegg, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, John Thune, Fred Upton, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, David McIntosh, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Principles Exalt a Nation Political Action Committee, Kelly Ayotte
J Allen Martin John Barrasso, Joe Barton, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Steve Chabot, Jim DeMint, Jim Gerlach, Orrin Hatch, Lee Raymond Terry, John Thune, Wayne Edward Whitfield, Melissa A Hart, Rick Santorum, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, House Conservatives Fund, Cory Gardner, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Kelly Ayotte, Tim Burns
Doyle Bartlett Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Christopher B Cannon, Steve Chabot, Nathan Deal, Jeff Flake, Jim Gerlach, Orrin Hatch, Jeb Hensarling, Johnny Isakson, Mike Pence, Mike Rogers, Greg Walden, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, House Conservatives Fund, Majority Initiative to Keep Electing Republicans Fund A.K.A Mike R Fund, Cory Gardner, Principles Exalt a Nation Political Action Committee, Sandra Adams, Kelly Ayotte
Shawn Smeallie Marsha Blackburn, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Richard Burr, Jim DeMint, Philip Sheridan English, Orrin Hatch, Sue Myrick, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, John Thune, Fred Upton, Henry Bonilla, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Cory Gardner, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Kelly Ayotte
Charles R. Black John Barrasso, Joe Barton, Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, Steve Chabot, Jim DeMint, Jeff Flake, Orrin Hatch, Jeb Hensarling, Mike Pence, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, John Thune, Fred Upton, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, David McIntosh, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Kelly Ayotte