Paul Singer
Richard Hugh Baker, John Barrasso, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, John Boozman, Richard Burr, Danny Lee Burton, Eric Cantor, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, Scott Garrett, Dean Heller, Daniel Inouye, Johnny Isakson, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Pat Roberts, Edward Randall Royce, Chuck Schumer, Arlen Specter, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Dan Coats, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic National Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Jobs, Economy and Budget Fund (Jeb Fund), Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Jon Kyl, Jason Chaffetz, Rick Berg, Tim Scott, Randy Altschuler, Steven Daines, David Joyce, Tom Emmer, Boehner for Speaker Cmte
Sander R Gerber
Tommy Thompson, John Barrasso, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, John Boozman, Danny Lee Burton, Eric Cantor, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, Artur Davis, Scott Garrett, Tom Harkin, Dean Heller, Daniel Inouye, Johnny Isakson, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Mike Pence, Pat Roberts, Edward Randall Royce, Chuck Schumer, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Tom Delay, Rick Santorum, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Jim Talent, Peter R Deutsch, Dan Coats, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Mid Manhattan Political Action Committee (Mid PAC), AIPAC, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Jon Kyl, NORPAC, Rick Berg, Tim Scott, Robert L Turner, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Tom Emmer, Romney Victory, Boehner for Speaker Cmte
Michael L Moskowitz
John Barrasso, Robert Bennett, John Boehner, John Boozman, Danny Lee Burton, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, Artur Davis, Scott Garrett, Dean Heller, Johnny Isakson, Hank Johnson, Tim Johnson, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Patty Murray, Mike Pence, Pat Roberts, Edward Randall Royce, Chuck Schumer, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Rick Santorum, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Jim Talent, Tom Daschle, Denise L Majette, Dan Coats, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Jon Kyl, NORPAC, Rick Berg, Tim Scott, Robert L Turner, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Romney Victory, Boehner for Speaker Cmte
Michael J Leffell
John Barrasso, Evan Bayh, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, John Boozman, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, Dean Heller, Daniel Inouye, Johnny Isakson, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Patty Murray, Pat Roberts, Edward Randall Royce, Chuck Schumer, Arlen Specter, Heather Wilson, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Jim Talent, Tom Daschle, Denise L Majette, Dan Coats, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic National Committee, Free and Strong America PAC Inc., AIPAC, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Jon Kyl, Tim Scott, Robert L Turner, Randy Altschuler, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Boehner for Speaker Cmte
Jack N. Halpern
John Barrasso, Evan Bayh, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, John Boozman, Eric Cantor, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, Artur Davis, Johnny Isakson, Hank Johnson, Tim Johnson, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Patty Murray, Mike Pence, Pat Roberts, Edward Randall Royce, Chuck Schumer, Arlen Specter, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Tom Daschle, Denise L Majette, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic National Committee, AIPAC, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, NORPAC, Tim Scott, Ted Cruz, Ron DeSantis, Mark Meadows, Romney Victory, Boehner for Speaker Cmte
Kenneth S Abramowitz
Roy Blunt, John Boehner, John Boozman, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, Scott Garrett, Dean Heller, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Mike Pence, Pat Roberts, Edward Randall Royce, Chuck Schumer, Arlen Specter, Joe Wilson, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Jim Talent, Dan Coats, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Free and Strong America PAC Inc., Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Jon Kyl, Rick Berg, Tim Scott, Robert L Turner, Randy Altschuler, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Ron DeSantis, Romney Victory, Boehner for Speaker Cmte
Edward C Levy Jr
Tommy Thompson, John Barrasso, Evan Bayh, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Richard Burr, Danny Lee Burton, Eric Cantor, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, Daniel Inouye, Johnny Isakson, Hank Johnson, Mark Steven Kirk, Carolyn Maloney, John McCain, Pat Roberts, Edward Randall Royce, Chuck Schumer, Arlen Specter, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Rick Santorum, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Jim Talent, Dan Coats, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Free and Strong America PAC Inc., Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Jon Kyl, NORPAC, Tim Scott, Ted Cruz, Boehner for Speaker Cmte
Larry A Mizel
John Barrasso, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, John Boozman, Charles Boustany, Eric Cantor, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, Dean Heller, Johnny Isakson, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Pat Roberts, Edward Randall Royce, Arlen Specter, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Rick Santorum, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Jim Talent, Denise L Majette, Dan Coats, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Jon Kyl, Tim Scott, Randy Altschuler, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Romney Victory, Boehner for Speaker Cmte
Stephen Schwarzman
Tommy Thompson, John Barrasso, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, John Boozman, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Susan Collins, Dean Heller, Daniel Inouye, Johnny Isakson, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Pat Roberts, Edward Randall Royce, Chuck Schumer, Adrian Smith, Arlen Specter, Joe Wilson, Heather Wilson, Conrad Burns, Jim Talent, Tom Daschle, Dan Coats, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Rick Berg, Tim Scott, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Tom Emmer, Boehner for Speaker Cmte
Charles R Schwab
Tommy Thompson, Richard Hugh Baker, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, Scott Garrett, Daniel Inouye, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Pat Roberts, Adrian Smith, Arlen Specter, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Tom Daschle, Dan Coats, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Jon Kyl, Rick Berg, Tim Scott, Steven Daines, Boehner for Speaker Cmte
David Bockorny
Richard Hugh Baker, John Barrasso, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, John Boozman, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Danny Lee Burton, Eric Cantor, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, Dean Heller, Johnny Isakson, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Pat Roberts, Adrian Smith, Arlen Specter, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Mike Rounds, Jon Kyl, Rick Berg, Tim Scott, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Mark Meadows, Tom Emmer, Boehner for Speaker Cmte
Sam Fox
Tommy Thompson, John Barrasso, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, John Boozman, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Susan Collins, Dean Heller, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Pat Roberts, Arlen Specter, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Rick Santorum, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Jim Talent, Dan Coats, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic National Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Free and Strong America PAC Inc., Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Jon Kyl, Rick Berg, Tim Scott, Randy Altschuler, Steven Daines, Boehner for Speaker Cmte
Roger Hertog
John Barrasso, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, Dean Heller, Johnny Isakson, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Chuck Schumer, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Rick Santorum, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Jim Talent, Dan Coats, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Free and Strong America PAC Inc., Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Jon Kyl, Tim Scott, Robert L Turner, Randy Altschuler, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Ron DeSantis, Mark Meadows, Boehner for Speaker Cmte, Trusted Leadership Pac
Stanley Tate
John Barrasso, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, John Boozman, Richard Burr, Danny Lee Burton, Eric Cantor, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, Scott Garrett, Tom Harkin, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Mike Pence, Arlen Specter, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Rick Santorum, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Jim Talent, Dan Coats, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Free and Strong America PAC Inc., Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Jon Kyl, Rick Berg, Tim Scott, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Ron DeSantis
Dan Meyer
Tommy Thompson, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Bob Corker, Dean Heller, Johnny Isakson, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Pat Roberts, Edward Randall Royce, Adrian Smith, Arlen Specter, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Dan Coats, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Alan Nunnelee, Tim Scott, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, David Joyce, Tom Emmer, Boehner for Speaker Cmte
Paul L Baker
John Barrasso, Evan Bayh, Robert Bennett, John Boehner, Richard Burr, Danny Lee Burton, Eric Cantor, Susan Collins, Artur Davis, Tom Harkin, Daniel Inouye, Tim Johnson, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Patty Murray, Edward Randall Royce, Chuck Schumer, Arlen Specter, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Tom Daschle, Denise L Majette, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Romney Victory, Boehner for Speaker Cmte
John Catsimatidis
Evan Bayh, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, John Boozman, Richard Burr, Danny Lee Burton, Eric Cantor, Susan Collins, Artur Davis, Tom Harkin, Dean Heller, Johnny Isakson, Carolyn Maloney, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Edward Randall Royce, Chuck Schumer, Arlen Specter, Joe Wilson, Conrad Burns, Rick Santorum, Tom Daschle, Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic National Committee, Free and Strong America PAC Inc., Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Tim Scott, Robert L Turner, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Ron DeSantis, Romney Victory, Boehner for Speaker Cmte
Marc Goldman
John Barrasso, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, Artur Davis, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Mike Pence, Pat Roberts, Arlen Specter, Joe Wilson, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Jim Talent, Dan Coats, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic National Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Jason Chaffetz, Rick Berg, Chuck Fleischmann, Randy Altschuler, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Ron DeSantis, Romney Victory
Bryce L Harlow
John Barrasso, Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, John Boozman, Richard Burr, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, Dean Heller, Johnny Isakson, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Pat Roberts, Arlen Specter, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Dan Coats, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Jon Kyl, Jason Chaffetz, Alan Nunnelee, Tim Scott, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Romney Victory, Boehner for Speaker Cmte
Stanley S. Hubbard
Robert Bennett, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, John Boozman, Richard Burr, Eric Cantor, Susan Collins, Tim Johnson, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Pat Roberts, Chuck Schumer, Arlen Specter, Heather Wilson, Conrad Burns, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Tom Daschle, Dan Coats, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic National Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Alan Nunnelee, Tim Scott, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Ron DeSantis, Tom Emmer, Boehner for Speaker Cmte