Chairman and CEO, General Dynamics
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Phebe N Novakovic also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Kevin F Kelly Hillary Clinton, Joe Courtney, Ander Crenshaw, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Daniel Inouye, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Joseph Knollenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Bill Nelson, Isaac Newton Skelton IV, Olympia Snowe, Rob Portman, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Mitt Romney, Mark Warner, Judith Feder, Ted Stevens, Richard Blumenthal
Roselyne Chroman Swig Hillary Clinton, Susan Collins, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Jim Inhofe, Daniel Inouye, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Bill Nelson, Barack Obama, Louise McIntosh Slaughter, Debbie Stabenow, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Mark Warner, Richard Blumenthal
Amy Rothschild Friedkin Hillary Clinton, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Jim Inhofe, Daniel Inouye, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Bill Nelson, Barack Obama, Louise McIntosh Slaughter, Debbie Stabenow, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Mark Warner, Ted Stevens, Richard Blumenthal
Bernice Manocherian Hillary Clinton, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Daniel Inouye, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Joseph Knollenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Bill Nelson, Barack Obama, Isaac Newton Skelton IV, Louise McIntosh Slaughter, Debbie Stabenow, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Mark Warner, Ted Stevens, Richard Blumenthal
John D Raffaelli Hillary Clinton, Susan Collins, Dick Durbin, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Bill Nelson, Barack Obama, Isaac Newton Skelton IV, Louise McIntosh Slaughter, Olympia Snowe, Debbie Stabenow, Rob Portman, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Dina Titus, Mark Warner, Richard Blumenthal
Tony Podesta Hillary Clinton, Joe Courtney, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Daniel Inouye, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Joseph Knollenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Bill Nelson, Louise McIntosh Slaughter, Debbie Stabenow, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Dina Titus, Mark Warner, Richard Blumenthal
James Ervin W Todd Akin, Susan Collins, Ander Crenshaw, Dick Durbin, Jim Inhofe, Daniel Inouye, Johnny Isakson, Joseph Knollenberg, Carl Levin, Howard P McKeon, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Isaac Newton Skelton IV, Olympia Snowe, Rob Portman, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Mitt Romney, Mark Warner, Richard Blumenthal
Nicholas D Chabraja Hillary Clinton, Susan Collins, Dianne Feinstein, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Joseph Knollenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Bill Nelson, Isaac Newton Skelton IV, Olympia Snowe, Debbie Stabenow, Mike DeWine, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Judith Feder, Ted Stevens, General Dynamics Voluntary Political Contribution Plan (Gdvpcp)
Robert M Kargman Hillary Clinton, Susan Collins, Daniel Inouye, James Langevin, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Howard P McKeon, Bill Nelson, Barack Obama, Isaac Newton Skelton IV, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Mitt Romney, Mark Warner, Ted Stevens, Richard Blumenthal
Thomas Boggs Hillary Clinton, Susan Collins, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Daniel Inouye, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Joseph Knollenberg, Patrick Leahy, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Bill Nelson, Isaac Newton Skelton IV, Louise McIntosh Slaughter, Debbie Stabenow, Rob Portman, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Mark Warner
Daniel C Tate Jr Hillary Clinton, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Daniel Inouye, Johnny Isakson, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Bill Nelson, Louise McIntosh Slaughter, Debbie Stabenow, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Dina Titus, Mark Warner, Ted Stevens
Michael B Levy Hillary Clinton, Susan Collins, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Daniel Inouye, Carl Levin, Bill Nelson, Barack Obama, Isaac Newton Skelton IV, Debbie Stabenow, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Dina Titus, Mitt Romney, Mark Warner, Judith Feder, Richard Blumenthal
Michael A Feiner Hillary Clinton, Susan Collins, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Daniel Inouye, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Bill Nelson, Barack Obama, Debbie Stabenow, Rob Portman, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Mitt Romney, Mark Warner, Richard Blumenthal
Stu Van Scoyoc Susan Collins, Ander Crenshaw, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Jim Inhofe, Daniel Inouye, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Joseph Knollenberg, Patrick Leahy, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Bill Nelson, Isaac Newton Skelton IV, Olympia Snowe, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Ted Stevens
Norm Brownstein Hillary Clinton, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Daniel Inouye, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Bill Nelson, Debbie Stabenow, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Mitt Romney, Mark Warner, Richard Blumenthal
Frederick Graefe Hillary Clinton, Joe Courtney, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Patrick Leahy, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Bill Nelson, Barack Obama, Olympia Snowe, Debbie Stabenow, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Dina Titus, Mark Warner
Russell S Holdstein Susan Collins, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Daniel Inouye, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Joseph Knollenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Bill Nelson, Barack Obama, Isaac Newton Skelton IV, Mike DeWine, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Mark Warner, Ted Stevens, Richard Blumenthal
David R Victor Hillary Clinton, Susan Collins, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Daniel Inouye, Joseph Knollenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Howard P McKeon, Bill Nelson, Isaac Newton Skelton IV, Debbie Stabenow, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Mark Warner, Ted Stevens
Stephen Malkin Hillary Clinton, Susan Collins, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Daniel Inouye, Johnny Isakson, Carl Levin, Bill Nelson, Barack Obama, Isaac Newton Skelton IV, Debbie Stabenow, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Mark Warner
Linda Daschle Hillary Clinton, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Daniel Inouye, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Bill Nelson, Isaac Newton Skelton IV, Debbie Stabenow, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Dina Titus, Mark Warner, Judith Feder, Richard Blumenthal