Rank | Name |
1 | Thomas E Donilon Partner, O’Melveny & Myers | former Deputy National Security Advisor; has staffed 8 Democratic presidential campaigns |
2 | Leon Panetta former Secretary of Defense, CIA chief and US Rep from California |
3 | Hillary Clinton US Secretary of State & NY Senator; 2016 Democratic Presidential candidate |
4 | John O Brennan former Director of the CIA |
5 | Michael G Vickers A former special-forces officer and CIA operative, Vickers is best known for his role arming the Afghan resistance fighters against the Soviet army in 1980s Afghanistan |
6 | William McRaven Former Chancellor of University of Texas system; Navy vice admiral, former SEAL |
7 | Martin Dempsey Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the U.S. military |
8 | Ashton Carter Obama Pentagon Acquisition Czar; 25th US Secretary of Defense; Director, Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center and Professor of Technology and Global Affairs. Harvard University. |
9 | Joseph Dunford Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; former Commandant of the Marine Corps |
10 | Andrew Marshall Pentagon think tank guru and futurist |
11 | Raymond T Odierno 38th Chief of Staff of the Army |
11 | Jonathan Greenert Retired 30th Chief of Naval Operations | Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command |
11 | Mike Welsh Air Force Chief of Staff |
11 | James Amos 35th Commandant of the Marine Corps |
11 | James Winnefeld Retired Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff |
11 | Frank Grass Former Chief, National Guard Bureau |
12 | Robert F Hale Booz Allen Hamilton fellow and advisor | former Pentagon comptroller |
13 | Thomas Allen Coburn Republican US Senator and Representative from Oklahoma |
13 | Saxby Chambliss Republican US Senator and Representative from Georgia |
13 | Mike Crapo US Senator from Idaho (1999-present); former US Representative (1993-1999) |
13 | Mark Warner US Senator from Virginia (2009-present); former Governor of Virginia |
13 | Kent Conrad US Senator from North Dakota |
13 | Michael Bennet US Senator from Colorado |
13 | Dick Durbin US Senator from Illinois (1997-present); former US Rep from Illinois |
14 | Steve Kosiak Associate director, Office of Management and Budget |
15 | Mike Rogers former US Representative from Michigan |
16 | John Kerry 68th US Secretary of State, Senator from Massachusetts |
17 | Michael T. Flynn Former National Security Adviser, Donald Trump | Former Intelligence Officer US Army | Chairman of the Board, America's Future, Inc. |
18 | Samuel J Locklear III Commander, U.S. Pacific Command |
19 | Keith B Alexander Former commander, USCYBERCOM; Director, National Security Agency |
20 | James Clapper 4th Director of National intelligence |
21 | Lindsey Graham US Senator from South Carolina (2003-present); former US Representative (1995-2003) |
21 | John McCain US Senator and Representative from Arizona |
21 | Kelly Ayotte Former Republican US Senator from New Hampshire, gubernatorial candidate |
22 | Jim Mattis Former Secretary of Defense under Donald Trump |
23 | Kurt Campbell Assistant Secretary of State under Obama; CNAS co-founder |
24 | Mark Lippert Obama nominee - Ambassador to South Korea |
25 | Susan Rice Former Obama National Security Advisor; former Biden domestic policy adviser |
26 | Bob Simmons Staff director, House Armed Services Committee |
27 | Doug Bush Minority staff member, House Armed Services Committee |
28 | Richard DeBobes Staff director, Senate Armed Services Committee |
29 | Joe Wilson US Representative from South Carolina (2001-present) |
30 | Frank Kendall III Biden Air Force Sec.; former Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (ATL) |
31 | Ronald O’Rourke Congressional Research Service |
31 | Eric Labs Congressional Budget Office |
32 | Randy Forbes US Representative from Virginia |
33 | Henry A Kissinger US Secretary of State 1973-1977 |
33 | Brent Scowcroft Retired Lieutenant General, U.S. Air Force; Former United States National Security Advisor |
33 | Zbigniew Brzezinski Polish-American diplomat and political scientist |
33 | Dr James R Schlesinger Former Secretary of Defense in Nixon Administration |
33 | Harold Brown US Secretary of Defense, Former Cal Tech president |
33 | William J Perry Former Secretary of Defense; professor at Stanford University |
33 | Sam Nunn Former US Senator from Georgia |
33 | Madeleine Albright former Secretary of State; political consultant |
34 | John R. Allen Brookings President, Marine Corps General, Senior Advisor, Department of Defense |
35 | Robert O. Work Retired Deputy Secretary of Defense |
36 | Sean Stackley Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research and Development Policy |
37 | Brett B Lambert Assistant Secretary of Defense for Industrial Policy |
38 | Mike Mullen Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff |
39 | General James Cartwright Former Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff |
40 | Daniel Bolger Commander, NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan and Combined Security Transition Command |
41 | Andrew F Krepinevich Jr President of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments |
43 | John J Hamre President and CEO, Center for Strategic & International Studies |
44 | Richard J Danzig Senior Fellow at the Center for Naval Analyses |
45 | Rudy deLeon Senior Vice President, National Security & International Policy, Center for American Progress |
46 | Robert Papp Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard |
47 | Lloyd Austin retired US Army general |
48 | Christopher Bogdan Program executive officer, for the F-35 Lightning II Joint Program Office |
49 | Charles Jacoby Retired US Army general | Former Commander, U.S. Northern Command |
50 | John Kelly former Trump Administration DHS Secretary and Chief of Staff |
51 | Jim McNerney former Boeing chairman, president and CEO |
52 | Robert Lennox Principal deputy director of CAPE, the Pentagon’s cost assessment and program evaluation office |
53 | Jeff Miller former US Representative from Florida |
54 | Raymond Chandler Sergeant Major of the U.S. Army |
55 | Patty Murray Democratic US Senator from Washington |
56 | William H Swanson former CEO, Raytheon Company |
57 | Arnold L Punaro CEO of Punaro Group |
58 | William S Cohen Former Clinton Defense Secretary; former US Representative and Senator from Maine |
59 | Michael J Bayer Former Chairman of the U.S. Department of Defense's Business Board |
60 | Chelsea Manning Charged with leaking classified material to WikiLeaks |
61 | Elon Musk Tesla, SpaceX CEO |
62 | Michael V Hayden CIA director under George W Bush; former NSA director |
63 | Marion C Blakey Aerospace lobbyist; FAA administrator; NTSB Chairman |
64 | Sean O'Keefe former Bush administration official | former CEO, EADS |
65 | Pierre Chao managing partner at aerospace/defense strategy firm Renaissance Strategic Advisors |
66 | H R McMaster Former Commander, Maneuver Center of Excellence at Fort Benning; Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution |
67 | Marillyn A Hewson CEO of Lockheed Martin |
68 | Philip DuPree Air-Sea Battle strategy architect |
68 | Jordan Thomas Air-Sea Battle strategy architect |
69 | John B Goodman managing director of the U.S. Defense portfolio for Accenture |
70 | Michèle Flournoy Co-Founder & Managing Partner, WestExec Advisors |
71 | General Gordon R Sullivan |
72 | Wes Bush President and CEO, Northrop Grumman Corporation |
73 | Philip A Odeen former AES Corporation Non-Executive Chairman of the Board |
73 | Paul G Kaminski A former Pentagon official |
73 | Norman R Augustine Former Chairman and CEO of Lockheed Martin Corporation |
74 | Roger Zakheim Of Counsel, Covington & Burling | former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense |
74 | Dov Zakheim Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (2001-2004); Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Planning and Resources (1985-1987) |
75 | Gordon M Adams |
76 | Denis A Bovin Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, Stone Key Partners, LLC |