Tony Podesta
John Barrow, Howard Lawrence Berman, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Michael Everett Capuano, Ben Cardin, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Joe Courtney, Joe Crowley, William D Delahunt, Rosa DeLauro, Chris Dodd, Dick Durbin, Barney Frank, Kirsten Gillibrand, Jane Harman, Steny Hoyer, Steve Israel, Paul E Kanjorski, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Ron Klein, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, John B Larson, Patrick Leahy, Nita M Lowey, Ed Markey, Claire McCaskill, Marty Meehan, Bob Menendez, Chris Murphy, Patty Murray, Richard Neal, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, John Tony Salazar, Chuck Schumer, Adam Smith, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Chris Van Hollen, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, Harold Ford Jr, Tom Daschle, John Joseph Moakley, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, First State PAC, AMERIPAC, PAC to the Future, Committee for a Democratic Majority, Kay R Hagan, Narragansett Bay PAC, Frank Kratovil, Jeff Merkley, Green Mountain PAC, John A Boccieri, Committee for a Democratic Future, Martin Heinrich, IMPACT, Jeanne Shaheen, Joe Manchin, Democrats Win Seats, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Ann McLane Kuster, Lee Irwin Fisher, Chris Coons, Richard Blumenthal, Martha Coakley, Dan Roberti, Tim Kaine, Catherine Cortez Masto, Joe Kennedy III, Blanche L Lincoln
Victor H Fazio
Thomas H Allen, John Barrow, Howard Lawrence Berman, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Joe Courtney, Joe Crowley, Rosa DeLauro, Chris Dodd, Dick Durbin, Barney Frank, Kirsten Gillibrand, Jane Harman, Steny Hoyer, Steve Israel, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Ron Kind, Ron Klein, Mary Landrieu, John B Larson, Patrick Leahy, Ed Markey, Jim Matheson, Claire McCaskill, Jim McGovern, Bob Menendez, Chris Murphy, Patty Murray, Richard Neal, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, John Tony Salazar, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, Adam Smith, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Chris Van Hollen, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Peter Welch, Sheldon Whitehouse, Harold Ford Jr, Tom Daschle, Charles Spittal Robb, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, First State PAC, AMERIPAC, PAC to the Future, Kay R Hagan, Ohio Democratic Party, Narragansett Bay PAC, Frank Kratovil, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld LLP Civic Action Committee, Madison PAC; the, Green Mountain PAC, Committee for a Democratic Future, Martin Heinrich, IMPACT, Jeanne Shaheen, Democrats Win Seats, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Bob Weygand, Ann McLane Kuster, Jon Tester, Chris Coons, Martha Coakley, Dan Roberti, Tim Kaine, A New Direction PAC, Blanche L Lincoln
Lawrence F O'Brien III
Thomas H Allen, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Michael Everett Capuano, Ben Cardin, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Joe Crowley, Chris Dodd, Lloyd Doggett, Dick Durbin, Barney Frank, Kirsten Gillibrand, Steny Hoyer, Steve Israel, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Ron Klein, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Nita M Lowey, Ed Markey, Claire McCaskill, Jim McGovern, Bob Menendez, Patty Murray, Richard Neal, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, John Tony Salazar, Chuck Schumer, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, John F Tierney, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Chris Van Hollen, Sheldon Whitehouse, Harold Ford Jr, Tom Daschle, Charles Spittal Robb, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, First State PAC, Dedicated Americans for the Senate and House PAC, AMERIPAC, PAC to the Future, Committee for a Democratic Majority, Kay R Hagan, Narragansett Bay PAC, Madison PAC; the, Jeff Merkley, John A Boccieri, Martin Heinrich, Tom PAC, Victory Now PAC, IMPACT, Jeanne Shaheen, Joe Manchin, Jeremiah W Nixon, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Elizabeth Warren, Bob Weygand, Ann McLane Kuster, Lee Irwin Fisher, Jon Tester, Chris Coons, Richard Blumenthal, William R Keating, Martha Coakley, Tim Kaine, A New Direction PAC, Blanche L Lincoln
Charles M Brain
Thomas H Allen, John Barrow, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Michael Everett Capuano, Ben Cardin, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Joe Crowley, Rosa DeLauro, Chris Dodd, Dick Durbin, Barney Frank, Kirsten Gillibrand, Steny Hoyer, Paul E Kanjorski, John Kerry, Ron Kind, Mary Landrieu, John B Larson, Patrick Leahy, Stephen F Lynch, Ed Markey, Jim Matheson, Jim McGovern, Marty Meehan, Bob Menendez, Michael H Michaud, Chris Murphy, Patty Murray, Richard Neal, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Tim Ryan, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, John F Tierney, Nicola S Tsongas, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Chris Van Hollen, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, Harold Ford Jr, Tom Daschle, John Joseph Moakley, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, First State PAC, Dedicated Americans for the Senate and House PAC, Citizen Soldier Fund, AMERIPAC, PAC to the Future, Alexander M Sanders Jr, Madison PAC; the, Committee for a Democratic Future, Martin Heinrich, IMPACT, Joe Manchin, Jeremiah W Nixon, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Ann McLane Kuster, Jon Tester, Chris Coons, William R Keating, Martha Coakley, Tim Kaine, A New Direction PAC, Blanche L Lincoln
Steven M Champlin
John Barrow, Howard Lawrence Berman, Bruce Braley, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Joe Courtney, Joe Crowley, Rosa DeLauro, Chris Dodd, Dick Durbin, Barney Frank, Kirsten Gillibrand, Jane Harman, Steny Hoyer, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Ron Kind, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Nita M Lowey, Stephen F Lynch, Ed Markey, Jim Matheson, Jim McGovern, Bob Menendez, Patty Murray, Richard Neal, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, Adam Smith, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, John F Tierney, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Chris Van Hollen, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Peter Welch, Sheldon Whitehouse, Tom Daschle, John Joseph Moakley, Charles Spittal Robb, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, First State PAC, Dedicated Americans for the Senate and House PAC, AMERIPAC, PAC to the Future, Committee for a Democratic Majority, Kay R Hagan, Green Mountain PAC, Committee for a Democratic Future, Tom PAC, Jeanne Shaheen, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Ann McLane Kuster, Suzan DelBene, Jon Tester, Chris Coons, Joe Kennedy III, Blanche L Lincoln, Staci Appel
Heather Podesta
John Barrow, Howard Lawrence Berman, Bruce Braley, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Michael Everett Capuano, Ben Cardin, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Joe Courtney, Rosa DeLauro, Chris Dodd, Lloyd Doggett, Dick Durbin, Kirsten Gillibrand, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Ron Kind, Ron Klein, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, John B Larson, Patrick Leahy, Claire McCaskill, Bob Menendez, Chris Murphy, Patty Murray, Richard Neal, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, Adam Smith, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, Mark Udall, Chris Van Hollen, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Peter Welch, Sheldon Whitehouse, Charlie Wilson, Harold Ford Jr, Tom Daschle, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Bruce Lunsford, PAC to the Future, Kay R Hagan, Ohio Democratic Party, Jeff Merkley, America Works PAC, Martin Heinrich, Jeanne Shaheen, Joe Manchin, Democrats Win Seats, Michael Bennet, Ann McLane Kuster, Cory Booker, Jon Tester, Chris Coons, Richard Blumenthal, Martha Coakley, Tim Kaine, A New Direction PAC, Catherine Cortez Masto, Joe Kennedy III, Blanche L Lincoln, Ohio Pennsylvania Victory Fund
Melissa Schulman
Thomas H Allen, John Barrow, Howard Lawrence Berman, Bruce Braley, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Joe Courtney, Joe Crowley, Chris Dodd, Lloyd Doggett, Dick Durbin, Barney Frank, Kirsten Gillibrand, Steny Hoyer, Steve Israel, Marcia Carolyn Kaptur, John Kerry, Ron Kind, Ron Klein, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, John B Larson, Nita M Lowey, Stephen F Lynch, Jim Matheson, Claire McCaskill, Bob Menendez, Michael H Michaud, Chris Murphy, Patty Murray, Richard Neal, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, John Tony Salazar, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, Adam Smith, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Chris Van Hollen, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Peter Welch, Sheldon Whitehouse, Charlie Wilson, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, AMERIPAC, PAC to the Future, Frank Kratovil, Jeff Merkley, Green Mountain PAC, Jeanne Shaheen, Joe Manchin, Democrats Win Seats, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Bob Weygand, Jon Tester, William R Keating, Martha Coakley, Tim Kaine, Blanche L Lincoln, Joyce Healy-Abrams
Daniel C Tate Jr
Thomas H Allen, John Barrow, Howard Lawrence Berman, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Rosa DeLauro, Chris Dodd, Dick Durbin, Barney Frank, Jane Harman, Steny Hoyer, Paul E Kanjorski, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Ron Kind, Ron Klein, Mary Landrieu, John B Larson, Patrick Leahy, Ed Markey, Jim Matheson, Claire McCaskill, Bob Menendez, Chris Murphy, Patty Murray, Richard Neal, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, Adam Smith, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Chris Van Hollen, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Peter Welch, Sheldon Whitehouse, Charlie Wilson, Harold Ford Jr, Tom Daschle, John Joseph Moakley, Charles Spittal Robb, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, AMERIPAC, Kay R Hagan, Ohio Democratic Party, Alexander M Sanders Jr, Frank Kratovil, Martin Heinrich, IMPACT, Jeanne Shaheen, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Bob Weygand, Jon Tester, Chris Coons, Martha Coakley, Tim Kaine, Blanche L Lincoln
Kate Moss
Howard Lawrence Berman, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Joe Crowley, Rosa DeLauro, Chris Dodd, Dick Durbin, Barney Frank, Kirsten Gillibrand, Jane Harman, Steny Hoyer, Steve Israel, Paul E Kanjorski, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Ed Markey, Jim Matheson, Claire McCaskill, Bob Menendez, Patty Murray, Richard Neal, Bill Nelson, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Betty Sutton, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, Tom Udall, Peter Welch, Harold Ford Jr, Tom Daschle, John Joseph Moakley, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Dedicated Americans for the Senate and House PAC, AMERIPAC, PAC to the Future, Kay R Hagan, Alexander M Sanders Jr, Narragansett Bay PAC, Jeff Merkley, Juan Vargas, Martin Heinrich, IMPACT, Jeanne Shaheen, Joe Manchin, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Bob Weygand, Lee Irwin Fisher, Jon Tester, Chris Coons, Richard Blumenthal, Martha Coakley, A New Direction PAC, Catherine Cortez Masto, Blanche L Lincoln
Thomas Boggs
Thomas H Allen, Howard Lawrence Berman, Bruce Braley, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Rosa DeLauro, Chris Dodd, Lloyd Doggett, Dick Durbin, Barney Frank, Kirsten Gillibrand, Jane Harman, Steny Hoyer, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Ron Klein, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Ed Markey, Claire McCaskill, Bob Menendez, Chris Murphy, Patty Murray, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, John F Tierney, Chris Van Hollen, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Peter Welch, Sheldon Whitehouse, Harold Ford Jr, Tom Daschle, Charles Spittal Robb, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Dedicated Americans for the Senate and House PAC, AMERIPAC, PAC to the Future, Narragansett Bay PAC, Frank Kratovil, Jeff Merkley, Green Mountain PAC, Committee for a Democratic Future, Martin Heinrich, Jeanne Shaheen, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Ann McLane Kuster, Jon Tester, Chris Coons, Martha Coakley, Dan Roberti, Joe Kennedy III, Blanche L Lincoln
John P Manning
John Barrow, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Michael Everett Capuano, Ben Cardin, Tom Carper, Hillary Clinton, Joe Crowley, William D Delahunt, Chris Dodd, Dick Durbin, Barney Frank, Kirsten Gillibrand, Paul E Kanjorski, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Ron Klein, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Stephen F Lynch, Ed Markey, Claire McCaskill, Marty Meehan, Bob Menendez, Chris Murphy, Patty Murray, Richard Neal, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Mark Pryor, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, John F Tierney, Nicola S Tsongas, Tom Udall, Sheldon Whitehouse, Tom Daschle, John Joseph Moakley, Charles Spittal Robb, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Dedicated Americans for the Senate and House PAC, Joseph E Driscoll, Committee for a Democratic Majority, Kay R Hagan, Alexander M Sanders Jr, Jeff Merkley, America Works PAC, Campaign for Our Country, Campaign for Change, Jeanne Shaheen, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Elizabeth Warren, Jon Tester, Chris Coons, William R Keating, Tim Kaine, Catherine Cortez Masto, Joe Kennedy III, Blanche L Lincoln
David R Thomas
John Barrow, Bruce Braley, Maria Cantwell, Michael Everett Capuano, Ben Cardin, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Joe Courtney, Dick Durbin, Kirsten Gillibrand, Steny Hoyer, John Kerry, Ron Kind, Ron Klein, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, John B Larson, Patrick Leahy, Ed Markey, Jim Matheson, Claire McCaskill, Jim McGovern, Bob Menendez, Chris Murphy, Patty Murray, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Tim Ryan, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, Adam Smith, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Chris Van Hollen, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Peter Welch, Harold Ford Jr, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, PAC to the Future, Kay R Hagan, Frank Kratovil, John A Boccieri, Martin Heinrich, Jeanne Shaheen, Democrats Win Seats, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Ann McLane Kuster, Suzan DelBene, Lee Irwin Fisher, Cory Booker, Jon Tester, William R Keating, Martha Coakley, Joe Kennedy III, Blanche L Lincoln
John D Raffaelli
John Barrow, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Joe Crowley, Chris Dodd, Lloyd Doggett, Dick Durbin, Kirsten Gillibrand, Jane Harman, Steny Hoyer, Paul E Kanjorski, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, John B Larson, Patrick Leahy, Ed Markey, Claire McCaskill, Marty Meehan, Bob Menendez, Patty Murray, Richard Neal, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Nicola S Tsongas, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Sheldon Whitehouse, Harold Ford Jr, Tom Daschle, Charles Spittal Robb, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, AMERIPAC, Committee for a Democratic Majority, Kay R Hagan, Mark Kennedy Shriver, America Works PAC, Campaign for Our Country, Martin Heinrich, Tom PAC, IMPACT, Jeanne Shaheen, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Cory Booker, Jon Tester, Richard Blumenthal, Tim Kaine, A New Direction PAC, Joe Kennedy III, Blanche L Lincoln
Woody Kaplan
Thomas H Allen, Bruce Braley, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Michael Everett Capuano, Ben Cardin, Hillary Clinton, Joe Courtney, Chris Dodd, Dick Durbin, Barney Frank, Kirsten Gillibrand, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Nita M Lowey, Ed Markey, Claire McCaskill, Jim McGovern, Marty Meehan, Bob Menendez, Patty Murray, Bill Nelson, Mark Pryor, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, John F Tierney, Nicola S Tsongas, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Chris Van Hollen, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Peter Welch, Sheldon Whitehouse, Tom Daschle, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Kay R Hagan, Jon Paul Jennings, Ohio Democratic Party, Alexander M Sanders Jr, Jeff Merkley, Martin Heinrich, Martin O'Malley, Jeanne Shaheen, Michael Bennet, Elizabeth Warren, Ann McLane Kuster, Lee Irwin Fisher, Cory Booker, Jon Tester, Chris Coons, Richard Blumenthal, William R Keating, Martha Coakley, Tim Kaine, Catherine Cortez Masto, Joe Kennedy III, O'Say Can You See PAC
Joel Jankowsky
Howard Lawrence Berman, Bruce Braley, Maria Cantwell, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Chris Dodd, Lloyd Doggett, Dick Durbin, Kirsten Gillibrand, Jane Harman, Steny Hoyer, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Ed Markey, Bob Menendez, Patty Murray, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, Adam Smith, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Chris Van Hollen, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Peter Welch, Sheldon Whitehouse, Harold Ford Jr, Tom Daschle, Charles Spittal Robb, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Dedicated Americans for the Senate and House PAC, AMERIPAC, PAC to the Future, Kay R Hagan, Ohio Democratic Party, Narragansett Bay PAC, Frank Kratovil, Mark Kennedy Shriver, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld LLP Civic Action Committee, Green Mountain PAC, Martin Heinrich, Tom PAC, Jeanne Shaheen, Democrats Win Seats, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Cory Booker, Jon Tester, Chris Coons, Martha Coakley, Tim Kaine, Catherine Cortez Masto, Blanche L Lincoln
Amy Rothschild Friedkin
John Barrow, Howard Lawrence Berman, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Joe Crowley, Chris Dodd, Dick Durbin, Kirsten Gillibrand, Jane Harman, Steny Hoyer, Steve Israel, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Nita M Lowey, Ed Markey, Claire McCaskill, Bob Menendez, Patty Murray, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, Adam Smith, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, Tom Daschle, Charles Spittal Robb, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, PAC to the Future, Kay R Hagan, Jon Paul Jennings, Ohio Democratic Party, Jeff Merkley, Marcia Fudge, Martin Heinrich, Jeanne Shaheen, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Bob Weygand, Cory Booker, Jon Tester, Chris Coons, Richard Blumenthal, Martha Coakley, Blanche L Lincoln
Lisa Kountoupes
John Barrow, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Joe Crowley, Chris Dodd, Dick Durbin, Kirsten Gillibrand, Steny Hoyer, Marcia Carolyn Kaptur, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Ron Kind, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Ed Markey, Jim Matheson, Claire McCaskill, Bob Menendez, Chris Murphy, Patty Murray, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, John Tony Salazar, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, Betty Sutton, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Chris Van Hollen, Peter Welch, Sheldon Whitehouse, Charlie Wilson, Tom Daschle, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, AMERIPAC, Kay R Hagan, Jeff Merkley, America Works PAC, Martin Heinrich, Jeanne Shaheen, Joe Manchin, Democrats Win Seats, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Cory Booker, Jon Tester, Chris Coons, Richard Blumenthal, Martha Coakley, Tim Kaine, Joe Kennedy III, Blanche L Lincoln, Ohio Pennsylvania Victory Fund
Norm Brownstein
Howard Lawrence Berman, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Rosa DeLauro, Chris Dodd, Dick Durbin, Kirsten Gillibrand, Jane Harman, Steny Hoyer, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Nita M Lowey, Ed Markey, Claire McCaskill, Marty Meehan, Bob Menendez, Chris Murphy, Patty Murray, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, John Tony Salazar, Chuck Schumer, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Sheldon Whitehouse, Harold Ford Jr, Tom Daschle, Charles Spittal Robb, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Dedicated Americans for the Senate and House PAC, AMERIPAC, PAC to the Future, Kay R Hagan, Kennedy - Kennedy Committee, Mark Kennedy Shriver, Martin Heinrich, Jeanne Shaheen, Joe Manchin, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Lee Irwin Fisher, Cory Booker, Jon Tester, Chris Coons, Richard Blumenthal, Martha Coakley, Catherine Cortez Masto, Blanche L Lincoln, O'Say Can You See PAC
Laurence Harris
John Barrow, Bruce Braley, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, William D Delahunt, Chris Dodd, Lloyd Doggett, Dick Durbin, Kirsten Gillibrand, Jane Harman, Steny Hoyer, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Ron Klein, Mary Landrieu, John B Larson, Patrick Leahy, Nita M Lowey, Ed Markey, Claire McCaskill, Bob Menendez, Chris Murphy, Patty Murray, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Chris Van Hollen, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Peter Welch, Sheldon Whitehouse, Harold Ford Jr, Tom Daschle, Charles Spittal Robb, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Dedicated Americans for the Senate and House PAC, Citizen Soldier Fund, AMERIPAC, Narragansett Bay PAC, Frank Kratovil, Green Mountain PAC, Campaign for Change, Max Baucus, Ann McLane Kuster, Jon Tester, Chris Coons, Tim Kaine, Blanche L Lincoln
Barbra Streisand
Thomas H Allen, Howard Lawrence Berman, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Tom Carper, Hillary Clinton, Joe Courtney, Chris Dodd, Dick Durbin, Kirsten Gillibrand, Jane Harman, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Ron Klein, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Patrick Leahy, Ed Markey, Jim Matheson, Claire McCaskill, Jim McGovern, Chris Murphy, Patty Murray, Bill Nelson, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Jack Reed, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, Adam Smith, Betty Sutton, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Chris Van Hollen, Peter Welch, Sheldon Whitehouse, Harold Ford Jr, Tom Daschle, Charles Spittal Robb, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Bruce Lunsford, PAC to the Future, Kay R Hagan, Jon Paul Jennings, Alexander M Sanders Jr, Jeff Merkley, Martin Heinrich, Jeanne Shaheen, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Elizabeth Warren, Ann McLane Kuster, Lee Irwin Fisher, Cory Booker, Jon Tester, Richard Blumenthal, Martha Coakley, Tim Kaine, Catherine Cortez Masto, Joe Kennedy III, Staci Appel