Leadership & Staff
Jesse McCollum
Lobbyist at Eris Group
Business Positions
Holland & Knight LLP
U.S.-based multinational law firm; known for shipping industry work
Abigail Pollak
Miami attorney
Cesar L Alvarez
Executive Chairman, Greenberg Traurig
H Wayne Huizenga
Miami Dolphins owner; Blockbuster
Art Falcone
Florida real estate developer
Rodger Krouse
Co-chief executive of Sun Capital Advisors
Morton Leon Mandel
A self-made billionaire, entrepreneur and philanthropist
Marc H Bell
Managing Director, Marc Bell Capital Partners LLC
Stuart Z Grossman
Miami trial attorney
Norman Rales
Kenwood Financial; founder of Mid-South Building Supply Company
Democratic Party
The U.S. Democratic Party
US House of Representatives
lower house of the United States Congress
House Foreign Affairs Committee
The House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs (known as the Committee on International Relations from 1995 until 2007).