President of Shamrock Farms
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Norman McClelland also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Leslie Rose Herman Cain, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, John Cornyn, Jeff Flake, John McCain, Denny Rehberg, George Allen, James Thomas Kolbe, Matthew James Salmon, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Republican Party of Minnesota, David Schweikert, Sydney Hay, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Marco Rubio, Jonathan Paton, Martha McSally
Ed Rogers Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, John Cornyn, John McCain, Denny Rehberg, Rick Renzi, Jeff Sessions, John B Shadegg, Heather Wilson, George Allen, John D Hayworth Jr, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Minnesota, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Senate Majority Fund, Republican Campaign Committee of New Mexico, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Ben Quayle, Marco Rubio
Rex Sinquefield Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, John Cornyn, Jeff Flake, John McCain, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Republican Party of Minnesota, David Schweikert, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Oklahoma Leadership Council, Nevada Republican State Central Committee, Republican Campaign Committee of New Mexico, Mitt Romney, Idaho Republican Party, Jon Kyl, Vermont Republican Federal Elections Committee, Marco Rubio, Martha McSally
Richard Boals Jeff Flake, Trent Franks, John McCain, Rick Renzi, John B Shadegg, Heather Wilson, George Allen, John D Hayworth Jr, James Thomas Kolbe, Matthew James Salmon, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, David Schweikert, Arizona Republican Party, Lisa Ann Atkins, Jon Kyl, Jim Ward, Ben Quayle, Paul Gosar, Kirk Adams, Yuma County Republician Central Committee, Jonathan Paton, Martha McSally
David H Eaton Norm Coleman, John McCain, Rick Renzi, John B Shadegg, John D Hayworth Jr, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Republican Party of Minnesota, New Hampshire Republican State Committee, Arizona Republican Party, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Oregon Republican Party, Leadership Committee; the, Nevada Republican State Central Committee, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Jim Ward, Vernon Parker, Ben Quayle, Paul Gosar, Kirk Adams
Terry J Kohler Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Jeff Flake, Denny Rehberg, John B Shadegg, Heather Wilson, George Allen, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Republican Party of Minnesota, David Schweikert, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Oregon Republican Party, Sydney Hay, Nevada Republican State Central Committee, George H W Bush, Steve Forbes, Mitt Romney, Lisa Ann Atkins, Business Industry PAC, Marco Rubio
John M Templeton Jr Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Jeff Flake, John McCain, Denny Rehberg, Jeff Sessions, George Allen, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Republican Party of Minnesota, New Hampshire Republican State Committee, Arizona Republican Party, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Oregon Republican Party, Nevada Republican State Central Committee, Republican Campaign Committee of New Mexico, George H W Bush, Steve Forbes, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Vermont Republican Federal Elections Committee
Josephine Templeton Norm Coleman, Jeff Flake, John McCain, Denny Rehberg, Jeff Sessions, George Allen, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Republican Party of Minnesota, New Hampshire Republican State Committee, Arizona Republican Party, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Oregon Republican Party, Oklahoma Leadership Council, Nevada Republican State Central Committee, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Idaho Republican Party, Jon Kyl, Vermont Republican Federal Elections Committee
Harlan Crow Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, John Cornyn, Jeff Flake, John McCain, Heather Wilson, George Allen, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Republican Party of Minnesota, New Hampshire Republican State Committee, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Oklahoma Leadership Council, Nevada Republican State Central Committee, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Vermont Republican Federal Elections Committee, Ben Quayle, Marco Rubio, Martha McSally
Ramona S Bass Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, John Cornyn, John McCain, Denny Rehberg, Rick Renzi, Heather Wilson, George Allen, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Republican Party of Minnesota, New Hampshire Republican State Committee, Arizona Republican Party, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Oregon Republican Party, Nevada Republican State Central Committee, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Vernon Parker, Marco Rubio
Ray Oden Jr Herman Cain, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, John Cornyn, Jeff Flake, Trent Franks, John McCain, Denny Rehberg, John B Shadegg, George Allen, John D Hayworth Jr, Matthew James Salmon, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Minnesota, David Schweikert, Nevada Republican State Central Committee, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Marco Rubio, Jonathan Paton
Howard H Leach Norm Coleman, John Cornyn, Jeff Flake, John McCain, Denny Rehberg, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Pete Wilson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Republican Party of Minnesota, Arizona Republican Party, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Oregon Republican Party, Nevada Republican State Central Committee, Republican Campaign Committee of New Mexico, George H W Bush, Steve Forbes, Mitt Romney, Marco Rubio
Michael Keiser Herman Cain, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, John Cornyn, Jeff Flake, John McCain, Denny Rehberg, Jeff Sessions, Heather Wilson, George Allen, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Florida, David Schweikert, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Sydney Hay, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Ben Quayle, Marco Rubio, Martha McSally
John J Mack Saxby Chambliss, John Cornyn, John McCain, Rick Renzi, Heather Wilson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Republican Party of Minnesota, New Hampshire Republican State Committee, Arizona Republican Party, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Oregon Republican Party, Oklahoma Leadership Council, Nevada Republican State Central Committee, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Idaho Republican Party, Vermont Republican Federal Elections Committee, Ben Quayle
C Boyden Gray Norm Coleman, John Cornyn, Jeff Flake, John McCain, Jeff Sessions, John B Shadegg, George Allen, John D Hayworth Jr, James Thomas Kolbe, Pete Wilson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Arizona Republican Party, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Senate Majority Fund, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Ben Quayle, Marco Rubio
Lee Bass Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, John Cornyn, John McCain, Denny Rehberg, Rick Renzi, Heather Wilson, George Allen, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Republican Party of Minnesota, New Hampshire Republican State Committee, Arizona Republican Party, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Oregon Republican Party, Nevada Republican State Central Committee, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Marco Rubio
Thomas J Stewart Jeff Flake, John McCain, John B Shadegg, John D Hayworth Jr, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Republican Party of Minnesota, David Schweikert, New Hampshire Republican State Committee, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Oregon Republican Party, Nevada Republican State Central Committee, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Jon Kyl, Steven Huffman, Jim Ward, Paul Gosar, Marco Rubio, Jonathan Paton
Kelly Roberts Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, John Cornyn, Jeff Flake, John McCain, Denny Rehberg, Rick Renzi, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Pete Wilson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Minnesota, David Schweikert, Arizona Republican Party, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Oregon Republican Party, Nevada Republican State Central Committee, Mitt Romney, Marco Rubio, Martha McSally
Sam Fox Norm Coleman, John Cornyn, Jeff Flake, John McCain, Denny Rehberg, Jeff Sessions, Heather Wilson, George Allen, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Oklahoma Leadership Council, Nevada Republican State Central Committee, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Idaho Republican Party, Jon Kyl, Vermont Republican Federal Elections Committee, Marco Rubio, Martha McSally
Malcolm W Barrett Jeff Flake, John McCain, Rick Renzi, John B Shadegg, John D Hayworth Jr, James Thomas Kolbe, Matthew James Salmon, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Arizona Republican Party, Mitt Romney, Lisa Ann Atkins, Jon Kyl, Vernon Parker, Ben Quayle, Paul Gosar, Kirk Adams, Yuma County Republician Central Committee, Jonathan Paton, Martha McSally
Norman McClelland
Updated almost 7 years ago

Basic Info

Types Person, Business Person
Gender Male
Birthday Jun 21 '27
Date of death July 2017
Aliases Norman P McClelland