Mequon Wisconsin
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Randall B Mays also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Ross Perot Jr Mark Steven Kirk, Paul Ryan, John Thune, Mark Green, George W Bush, Rick Berg, Sean Duffy, John Hoeven, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, Ryan-NRCC Victory Cmte, Joni Ernst
Brad Card Chuck Grassley, Jim Sensenbrenner, Lee Raymond Terry, John Thune, Mike R Turner, Greg Walden, George W Bush, John Hoeven, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Andy Barr, Deb Fischer, Rodney Davis, Joni Ernst
Richard Hohlt Robert Bennett, Eric Cantor, Norm Coleman, Chuck Grassley, Joe Lieberman, Thomas Evert Petri, Paul Ryan, John Thune, Greg Walden, George W Bush, Arkansas Leadership Committee 2004 Fcrc, 2004 Joint State Victory Committee, Ryan-NRCC Victory Cmte, Joni Ernst
Barry Wolfe Robert Bennett, Eric Cantor, Norm Coleman, Chuck Grassley, Mark Steven Kirk, Paul Ryan, John Thune, George W Bush, Ted Deutch, John Hoeven, James Lankford, Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, National Republican Congressional Cmte
James Callan Tommy G Thompson, Norm Coleman, Paul Ryan, Jim Sensenbrenner, John Thune, George W Bush, Arkansas Leadership Committee 2004 Fcrc, 2004 Joint State Victory Committee, Robert T Welch, John G Gard, Ron Johnson, Michael O Johanns, National Republican Congressional Cmte, Mike Gallagher
Christopher Giblin Eric Cantor, Geoffrey C Davis, Paul Ryan, John Thune, Greg Walden, Aaron Schock, Kristi Noem, Reid Ribble, Bobby Schilling, Ted Cruz, Andy Barr, Deb Fischer, Rodney Davis, Ryan-NRCC Victory Cmte
Charles B Johnson Tommy G Thompson, Norm Coleman, Geoffrey C Davis, Paul Ryan, John Thune, George W Bush, Arkansas Leadership Committee 2004 Fcrc, 2004 Joint State Victory Committee, John G Gard, Rick Berg, John Hoeven, Michael O Johanns, National Republican Congressional Cmte, Ryan-NRCC Victory Cmte
Henry Kravis Robert Bennett, Eric Cantor, Norm Coleman, Geoffrey C Davis, Chuck Grassley, Mark Steven Kirk, Joe Lieberman, Paul Ryan, John Thune, George W Bush, 2004 Joint State Victory Committee, John G Gard, National Republican Congressional Cmte, Ryan-NRCC Victory Cmte
Bob Brooks Robert Bennett, Eric Cantor, Geoffrey C Davis, Mark Steven Kirk, Charles J Melancon, Lee Raymond Terry, John Thune, George W Bush, Aaron Schock, Erik Paulsen, John G Gard, Kristi Noem, Andy Barr, Joni Ernst
Daniel Cohan Tammy Baldwin, Robert Bennett, Shelley Berkley, Ben Cardin, Russ Feingold, Phil Hare, Ron Kind, Mark Steven Kirk, Joe Lieberman, Daniel Lipinski, David Wu, John Brad Ashford, Ted Deutch, Brad Schneider
Dennis J Kuester Ron Kind, Mark Steven Kirk, Thomas Evert Petri, Paul Ryan, Jim Sensenbrenner, Mark Green, George W Bush, Russ Darrow, John G Gard, Sean Duffy, Ron Johnson, Ted Cruz, Glenn Grothman, Ryan-NRCC Victory Cmte
Timothy R Rupli Robert Bennett, Steve Buyer, Eric Cantor, Norm Coleman, Geoffrey C Davis, Jim Sensenbrenner, Lee Raymond Terry, John Thune, Greg Walden, George W Bush, Tim J Michels, Sean Duffy, Andy Barr, Michael O Johanns
Jerry Reinsdorf Norm Coleman, Russ Feingold, Chuck Grassley, Mark Steven Kirk, Joe Lieberman, Daniel Lipinski, George W Bush, Aaron Schock, Steven Mathew Greenberg, John G Gard, Brad Schneider, Cheri Bustos, Deb Fischer, Joni Ernst
Richard M Rosenberg Tommy G Thompson, Shelley Berkley, Eric Cantor, Norm Coleman, Russ Feingold, Chuck Grassley, Mark Steven Kirk, Joseph Knollenberg, Joe Lieberman, John Thune, George W Bush, Rick Berg, John Hoeven, Mike Lee
Bruce E Tubaugh Tommy G Thompson, Eric Cantor, Chuck Grassley, Mark Steven Kirk, John P. Kline, Jr., John Thune, Rick Berg, John Hoeven, Ron Johnson, Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, Andy Barr, Deb Fischer, Rodney Davis
David W Hobbs Eric Cantor, Norm Coleman, Geoffrey C Davis, Mark Steven Kirk, John P. Kline, Jr., Joseph Knollenberg, Paul Ryan, Jim Sensenbrenner, Lee Raymond Terry, John Thune, Greg Walden, John G Gard, Sean Duffy, Ryan-NRCC Victory Cmte
John Catsimatidis Shelley Berkley, Eric Cantor, Russ Feingold, Joe Lieberman, Paul Ryan, Mike R Turner, Mark Green, Ron Johnson, Ted Cruz, Hakeem Jeffries, National Republican Congressional Cmte, Ryan-NRCC Victory Cmte, Joni Ernst, Mike Gallagher
Kathryn Burke Tommy G Thompson, Norm Coleman, Paul Ryan, Jim Sensenbrenner, John Thune, George W Bush, Russ Darrow, Robert T Welch, Tim J Michels, Sean Duffy, Ron Johnson, Glenn Grothman, Ryan-NRCC Victory Cmte, Mike Gallagher
Amnon Rodan Tammy Baldwin, John Barrow, Robert Bennett, Shelley Berkley, Bruce Braley, Eric Cantor, Ben Cardin, Chuck Grassley, Joe Lieberman, Paul Ryan, John Thune, Ted Deutch, Rick Berg, Mike Lee
J Christopher Reyes Tommy G Thompson, Robert Bennett, Eric Cantor, Norm Coleman, Chuck Grassley, Mark Steven Kirk, Daniel Lipinski, Paul Ryan, George W Bush, Ron Johnson, Cheri Bustos, Schock Victory Cmte, Ryan-NRCC Victory Cmte, Joni Ernst