organization advocating fiscal austerity
Orgs with Common People
Leadership and staff of Fix the Debt also have positions in these orgs
OrgCommon People
The Partnership for New York City, Inc. Klaus Kleinfeld, Jamie Dimon, Lloyd C Blankfein, James P Gorman, James D Robinson III, Mark Bertolini, Terry J Lundgren, Brian Duperreault, William H Berkman, Leon Black, Steven Roth, Glenn Hutchins, Robert Greifeld, Jerry Speyer, Duncan L Niederauer, Russell L Carson, Larry Fink, James S Tisch, Seth Waugh, Kathryn S Wylde, Lee S Ainslie III, Steven Rattner, William C Rudin, Michael Corbat, Dave Barger, Joseph J Echevarria, Wilbur Ross
John F Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Brian T Moynihan, Jamie Dimon, James P Gorman, Mark Bertolini, Joseph M Tucci, David Rubenstein, Jerry Speyer, Evan Greenberg, Roger W Sant, Randall L Stephenson, Michael Corbat, Allen Parker
Brookings Institute Klaus Kleinfeld, James D Robinson III, James E Rogers, Alice M Rivlin, Steven A Denning, Glenn Hutchins, Brian C Rogers, David Rubenstein, Andrew H Tisch, Maya MacGuineas, Steven Rattner, Wilbur Ross
NYC DNC 2016 Host Committee Jamie Dimon, Lloyd C Blankfein, Gerald L Hassell, Barry Diller, Peter J Beshar, Robert Greifeld, Kathryn S Wylde, William C Rudin, Dave Barger, Alan Patricof
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Jeff Immelt, Jamie Dimon, David M Cote, James P Gorman, Terry J Lundgren, Robert G Wilmers, Glenn Hutchins, Jerry Speyer, James S Tisch, Kathryn S Wylde
Business Roundtable Jamie Dimon, Ivan G Seidenberg, Jim McNerney, D Scott Davis, Edward B Rust Jr, John T Chambers, Stephen Odland, Randall L Stephenson
Robin Hood Foundation Jeff Immelt, Lloyd C Blankfein, Larry Fink, Bill Ackman, Alan D Schwartz, Scott Bommer, Lee S Ainslie III
Committee for Economic Development Edward B Rust Jr, Carl T Camden, Eugene A. Ludwig, Stephen Odland, Lenny Mendonca, Michael Peterson, Philip Howard
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Klaus Kleinfeld, Edward B Rust Jr, Thomas J Wilson, James E Rogers, Jimmy Lee, Richard Joseph Tobin
School of Economics and Management Tsinghua University Jamie Dimon, Lloyd C Blankfein, Joseph M Tucci, Steven A Denning, Robert Greifeld, David Rubenstein
Council on Foreign Relations James D Robinson III, Alice M Rivlin, Steven A Denning, David Rubenstein, Larry Fink, Michael Peterson
Goldman Sachs Lloyd C Blankfein, Judd Alan Gregg, Tom Steyer, Robert Zoellick, Bruce A Heyman, Duncan L Niederauer
Citigroup Inc. Andrew N Liveris, Klaus Kleinfeld, Jamie Dimon, Nicholas Calio, Russell L Carson, Michael Corbat
Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget Erskine B Bowles, Victor H Fazio, Alice M Rivlin, Jim Nussle, Alan Simpson, Maya MacGuineas
General Electric Company Sam Nunn, Jeff Immelt, David M Cote, Lowell C McAdam, Jim McNerney, James S Tisch
Columbia Business School James P Gorman, Joseph M Tucci, Jerry Speyer, Russell L Carson, Richard F Zannino, Alan Patricof
JPMorgan Chase & Co. Jamie Dimon, David M Cote, David Rubenstein, William C Rudin, Jimmy Lee, Robert Gasser
Trump Manufacturing Jobs Initiative Jeff Immelt, Andrew N Liveris, Klaus Kleinfeld, Douglas R Oberhelman, Wendell P Weeks, Kenneth C Frazier
Honeywell International Inc. David M Cote, Ivan G Seidenberg, D Scott Davis, George Paz, Judd Alan Gregg
National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform Erskine B Bowles, David M Cote, Alice M Rivlin, Judd Alan Gregg, Alan Simpson