developer at Two Trees Management
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Jed Walentas also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Douglas D Durst Hillary Clinton, Joe Crowley, Kirsten Gillibrand, Carolyn Maloney, Jerry Nadler, Chuck Schumer, Anthony D Weiner, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Friends of Schumer, Democratic National Committee, National Leadership PAC, Maloney for Congress, Domenic M Recchia Jr, Jerrys Political Action Commitee (Jerrys PAC), Michael E M R McMahon, Eliot Spitzer, Melinda R Katz, Michael N Gianaris, Connecticut Democratic State Central Committee, Cory Booker, Christine C Quinn, Scott Stringer, Daniel Squadron, Richard Blumenthal, Mark Weprin, Hakeem Jeffries, GIOIA FOR NEW YORK, Jeffries for Congress, Crowley Leadership Fund, Hillary Action Fund, Elissa Slotkin, Mark J Green, Joe Neguse, Abby Finkenauer, Greg Stanton, Jesús “Chuy” García, Mikie Sherrill, Max Rose, Veronica Escobar, Max Rose for Congress, Better Days Fund, Biden Victory Fund, Gillibrand 2020, Kirsten Gillibrand, Torres For Congress, Ritchie John Torres
Jeffrey R Gural Hillary Clinton, Joe Crowley, Kirsten Gillibrand, Carolyn Maloney, Jerry Nadler, Chuck Schumer, Anthony D Weiner, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Friends of Schumer, Democratic National Committee, National Leadership PAC, Maloney for Congress, Crowley for Congress, Domenic M Recchia Jr, Jerrys Political Action Commitee (Jerrys PAC), Eliot Spitzer, Melinda R Katz, Andrew Cuomo, Michael N Gianaris, Connecticut Democratic State Central Committee, Cory Booker, Christine C Quinn, Scott Stringer, Daniel Squadron, Bill Thompson, William Owens, Richard Blumenthal, Jessica S Lappin, Mark Weprin, Eric Adams, Hakeem Jeffries, GIOIA FOR NEW YORK, Jeffries for Congress, Crowley Leadership Fund, Elissa Slotkin, Leslie Crocker Snyder, Mark J Green, Mikie Sherrill, Max Rose, Max Rose for Congress, Gillibrand 2020, Kirsten Gillibrand, Torres For Congress, Ritchie John Torres, Torres Victory Fund
David Walentas Joe Crowley, Kirsten Gillibrand, Carolyn Maloney, Chuck Schumer, Ed Towns, Anthony D Weiner, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Friends of Schumer, Maloney for Congress, Crowley for Congress, Eliot Spitzer, Melinda R Katz, Andrew Cuomo, Cory Booker, Christine C Quinn, Scott Stringer, Bill Thompson, Tish James, Brad Lander, Mark Weprin, Eric Adams, Hakeem Jeffries, GIOIA FOR NEW YORK, Jeffries for Congress, Elissa Slotkin, Joe Neguse, Abby Finkenauer, Greg Stanton, Jesús “Chuy” García, Mikie Sherrill, Max Rose, Veronica Escobar, Max Rose for Congress, Better Days Fund, Gillibrand 2020, Kirsten Gillibrand, Torres For Congress, Ritchie John Torres, Torres Victory Fund, Hickenlooper 2020, John W Hickenlooper
Tonio Burgos Hillary Clinton, Joe Crowley, Kirsten Gillibrand, Carolyn Maloney, Jerry Nadler, Chuck Schumer, Ed Towns, Anthony D Weiner, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Friends of Schumer, Democratic National Committee, National Leadership PAC, Maloney for Congress, Jerrys Political Action Commitee (Jerrys PAC), Eliot Spitzer, Melinda R Katz, Andrew Cuomo, Michael N Gianaris, Connecticut Democratic State Central Committee, Cory Booker, Scott Stringer, Daniel Squadron, Richard Blumenthal, Mark Weprin, Hakeem Jeffries, GIOIA FOR NEW YORK, Jeffries for Congress, Elissa Slotkin, Mikie Sherrill, Max Rose, Veronica Escobar, Max Rose for Congress, Biden Victory Fund, Torres For Congress, Ritchie John Torres, Torres Victory Fund
Dennis Mehiel Earl Blumenauer, Hillary Clinton, Joe Crowley, Kirsten Gillibrand, Carolyn Maloney, Jerry Nadler, Chuck Schumer, Anthony D Weiner, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Friends of Schumer, Democratic National Committee, National Leadership PAC, Maloney for Congress, Domenic M Recchia Jr, Jerrys Political Action Commitee (Jerrys PAC), Michael E M R McMahon, Eliot Spitzer, Melinda R Katz, Andrew Cuomo, Michael N Gianaris, Cory Booker, Christine C Quinn, Scott Stringer, Daniel Squadron, Richard Blumenthal, Mark Weprin, Hakeem Jeffries, Crowley Leadership Fund, Hillary Action Fund, Elissa Slotkin, Abby Finkenauer, Mikie Sherrill, Biden Victory Fund, Torres For Congress, Ritchie John Torres
David C Rich Hillary Clinton, Joe Crowley, Kirsten Gillibrand, Carolyn Maloney, Jerry Nadler, Chuck Schumer, Ed Towns, Anthony D Weiner, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, National Leadership PAC, Jerrys Political Action Commitee (Jerrys PAC), Eliot Spitzer, Andrew Cuomo, Michael N Gianaris, Christine C Quinn, Scott Stringer, Bill Thompson, William Owens, Eric Adams, Hakeem Jeffries, Crowley Leadership Fund, Elissa Slotkin, Carl Kruger, Joe Neguse, Abby Finkenauer, Greg Stanton, Jesús “Chuy” García, Mikie Sherrill, Max Rose, Veronica Escobar, Better Days Fund
Steven Rubenstein Hillary Clinton, Joe Crowley, Kirsten Gillibrand, Carolyn Maloney, Jerry Nadler, Chuck Schumer, Anthony D Weiner, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, National Leadership PAC, Domenic M Recchia Jr, Jerrys Political Action Commitee (Jerrys PAC), Eliot Spitzer, Melinda R Katz, Andrew Cuomo, Michael N Gianaris, Cory Booker, Scott Stringer, Daniel Squadron, Brad Lander, Jessica S Lappin, Hakeem Jeffries, GIOIA FOR NEW YORK, Crowley Leadership Fund, Elissa Slotkin, Joe Neguse, Abby Finkenauer, Greg Stanton, Jesús “Chuy” García, Mikie Sherrill, Veronica Escobar, Better Days Fund
Bernard L Schwartz Hillary Clinton, Kirsten Gillibrand, Amy Klobuchar, Carolyn Maloney, Jerry Nadler, Chuck Schumer, Anthony D Weiner, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Friends of Schumer, Democratic National Committee, National Leadership PAC, Maloney for Congress, Domenic M Recchia Jr, Jerrys Political Action Commitee (Jerrys PAC), Eliot Spitzer, Melinda R Katz, Andrew Cuomo, Michael N Gianaris, Cory Booker, Christine C Quinn, Scott Stringer, Daniel Squadron, Richard Blumenthal, Jessica S Lappin, GIOIA FOR NEW YORK, Mark J Green, Abby Finkenauer, Max Rose, Max Rose for Congress, Biden Victory Fund, Gillibrand 2020, Kirsten Gillibrand
Paula Gural Thomas H Allen, Hillary Clinton, Joe Crowley, Kirsten Gillibrand, Amy Klobuchar, Carolyn Maloney, Jerry Nadler, Chuck Schumer, Ed Towns, Anthony D Weiner, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Friends of Schumer, Democratic National Committee, Maloney for Congress, Domenic M Recchia Jr, Jerrys Political Action Commitee (Jerrys PAC), Andrew Cuomo, Cory Booker, Christine C Quinn, Scott Stringer, Daniel Squadron, Bill Thompson, William Owens, Richard Blumenthal, Jessica S Lappin, GIOIA FOR NEW YORK, Crowley Leadership Fund, Mark J Green, Max Rose, Max Rose for Congress, Torres For Congress, Ritchie John Torres
John Catsimatidis Gary Leonard Ackerman, Hillary Clinton, Joe Crowley, Kirsten Gillibrand, Carolyn Maloney, Jerry Nadler, Chuck Schumer, Anthony D Weiner, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Friends of Schumer, Democratic National Committee, National Leadership PAC, Domenic M Recchia Jr, Jerrys Political Action Commitee (Jerrys PAC), Michael E M R McMahon, Eliot Spitzer, Melinda R Katz, Andrew Cuomo, Michael N Gianaris, Scott Stringer, Richard Blumenthal, Tish James, Jessica S Lappin, Eric Adams, Hakeem Jeffries, Kenneth P Thompson, GIOIA FOR NEW YORK, Crowley Leadership Fund, Carl Kruger, Torres For Congress, Ritchie John Torres
Jonathan M Tisch Hillary Clinton, Joe Crowley, Kirsten Gillibrand, Amy Klobuchar, Carolyn Maloney, Jerry Nadler, Chuck Schumer, Anthony D Weiner, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, National Leadership PAC, Maloney for Congress, Jerrys Political Action Commitee (Jerrys PAC), Michael E M R McMahon, Andrew Cuomo, Cory Booker, Hakeem Jeffries, Jeffries for Congress, Crowley Leadership Fund, Elissa Slotkin, Joe Neguse, Abby Finkenauer, Mikie Sherrill, Max Rose, Max Rose for Congress, Better Days Fund, Biden Victory Fund, Torres For Congress, Ritchie John Torres
John Petry Hillary Clinton, Kirsten Gillibrand, Amy Klobuchar, Jerry Nadler, Chuck Schumer, Anthony D Weiner, Friends of Schumer, Democratic National Committee, Eliot Spitzer, Andrew Cuomo, Cory Booker, Christine C Quinn, Scott Stringer, Daniel Squadron, Bill Thompson, Jessica S Lappin, Reshma M Saujani, Eric Adams, Hakeem Jeffries, Jeffries for Congress, Mikie Sherrill, Max Rose, Max Rose for Congress, Biden Victory Fund, Gillibrand 2020, Kirsten Gillibrand, Torres For Congress, Ritchie John Torres
Laurie M Tisch Gary Leonard Ackerman, Hillary Clinton, Kirsten Gillibrand, Amy Klobuchar, Carolyn Maloney, Jerry Nadler, Chuck Schumer, Ed Towns, Anthony D Weiner, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, National Leadership PAC, Domenic M Recchia Jr, Jerrys Political Action Commitee (Jerrys PAC), Eliot Spitzer, Melinda R Katz, Andrew Cuomo, Cory Booker, Christine C Quinn, Scott Stringer, Daniel Squadron, GIOIA FOR NEW YORK, Hillary Action Fund, Mikie Sherrill, Biden Victory Fund, Torres For Congress, Ritchie John Torres
Leonard A Lauder Gary Leonard Ackerman, Hillary Clinton, Joe Crowley, Kirsten Gillibrand, Amy Klobuchar, Carolyn Maloney, Jerry Nadler, Chuck Schumer, Ed Towns, Anthony D Weiner, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Friends of Schumer, Democratic National Committee, Maloney for Congress, Jerrys Political Action Commitee (Jerrys PAC), Eliot Spitzer, Melinda R Katz, Andrew Cuomo, Cory Booker, Christine C Quinn, Scott Stringer, Bill Thompson, Hakeem Jeffries, Jeffries for Congress, Elissa Slotkin, Abby Finkenauer, Mikie Sherrill
William C Rudin Gary Leonard Ackerman, Hillary Clinton, Joe Crowley, Kirsten Gillibrand, Amy Klobuchar, Carolyn Maloney, Jerry Nadler, Chuck Schumer, Anthony D Weiner, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, National Leadership PAC, Jerrys Political Action Commitee (Jerrys PAC), Michael E M R McMahon, Eliot Spitzer, Melinda R Katz, Andrew Cuomo, Michael N Gianaris, Christine C Quinn, Scott Stringer, William Owens, Tish James, Jessica S Lappin, Hakeem Jeffries, GIOIA FOR NEW YORK, Crowley Leadership Fund, Leslie Crocker Snyder
Leonard Litwin Gary Leonard Ackerman, Hillary Clinton, Joe Crowley, Kirsten Gillibrand, Carolyn Maloney, Jerry Nadler, Chuck Schumer, Anthony D Weiner, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, National Leadership PAC, Jerrys Political Action Commitee (Jerrys PAC), Michael E M R McMahon, Eliot Spitzer, Melinda R Katz, Andrew Cuomo, Christine C Quinn, Scott Stringer, Daniel Squadron, Bill Thompson, William Owens, Jessica S Lappin, Mark Weprin, Hakeem Jeffries, GIOIA FOR NEW YORK, Crowley Leadership Fund, Mark J Green
George S Kaufman Gary Leonard Ackerman, Hillary Clinton, Joe Crowley, Kirsten Gillibrand, Carolyn Maloney, Jerry Nadler, Chuck Schumer, Anthony D Weiner, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, National Leadership PAC, Michael E M R McMahon, Eliot Spitzer, Melinda R Katz, Andrew Cuomo, Michael N Gianaris, Christine C Quinn, Scott Stringer, Daniel Squadron, Bill Thompson, Richard Blumenthal, Tish James, Jessica S Lappin, GIOIA FOR NEW YORK, Crowley Leadership Fund, Carl Kruger, Mark J Green
David Weinraub Hillary Clinton, Joe Crowley, Kirsten Gillibrand, Carolyn Maloney, Jerry Nadler, Chuck Schumer, Ed Towns, Friends of Schumer, Domenic M Recchia Jr, Michael E M R McMahon, Eliot Spitzer, Melinda R Katz, Andrew Cuomo, Michael N Gianaris, Scott Stringer, Daniel Squadron, William Owens, Tish James, Mark Weprin, Hakeem Jeffries, Jeffries for Congress, Max Rose, Max Rose for Congress, Biden Victory Fund, Torres For Congress, Ritchie John Torres
Alexander Rovt Hillary Clinton, Kirsten Gillibrand, Carolyn Maloney, Jerry Nadler, Chuck Schumer, Anthony D Weiner, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, National Leadership PAC, Domenic M Recchia Jr, Jerrys Political Action Commitee (Jerrys PAC), Michael E M R McMahon, Melinda R Katz, Andrew Cuomo, Christine C Quinn, Scott Stringer, Daniel Squadron, Bill Thompson, William Owens, Tish James, Brad Lander, Eric Adams, Hakeem Jeffries, Kenneth P Thompson, GIOIA FOR NEW YORK, Carl Kruger
Gary Barnett Hillary Clinton, Joe Crowley, Kirsten Gillibrand, Amy Klobuchar, Carolyn Maloney, Jerry Nadler, Chuck Schumer, Anthony D Weiner, Democratic National Committee, National Leadership PAC, Jerrys Political Action Commitee (Jerrys PAC), Eliot Spitzer, Andrew Cuomo, Cory Booker, Christine C Quinn, Scott Stringer, Bill Thompson, William Owens, Tish James, Brad Lander, Jessica S Lappin, Hakeem Jeffries, GIOIA FOR NEW YORK, Crowley Leadership Fund, Leslie Crocker Snyder