Longview Asset Management
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from James A Star also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Paul Singer Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Mark Steven Kirk, Joe Lieberman, Barack Obama, Paul Ryan, Robert Simmons, Dan Coats, Bill Bradley, Robert W. Kasten, Jr., Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown
Bernice Manocherian Evan Bayh, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Tom Harkin, Tim Johnson, Mark Steven Kirk, Joe Lieberman, Barack Obama, Tom Udall, Robert Guy Torricelli, Paul Martin Simon, Robert W. Kasten, Jr., Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Andrew S Hochberg, Elizabeth Esty
Andrew J McKenna John Boehner, Mark Steven Kirk, Barack Obama, Paul Ryan, Robert Simmons, Dan Coats, Bill Bradley, Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Oklahoma Leadership Council, Mitt Romney, Idaho Republican Party, Scott P Brown, Vermont Republican Federal Elections Committee, We Mean Business NFP PAC
David S Mack Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Tom Harkin, Joe Lieberman, Barack Obama, Robert Guy Torricelli, Bill Bradley, Paul Martin Simon, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Aaron Schock, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown
J Ira Harris Evan Bayh, Roy Blunt, Eric Cantor, Joe Lieberman, Barack Obama, Bill Bradley, Paul Martin Simon, Robert W. Kasten, Jr., Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Oklahoma Leadership Council, Mitt Romney, Idaho Republican Party, Vermont Republican Federal Elections Committee
Jose Fanjul Evan Bayh, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Robert Guy Torricelli, Dan Coats, Robert W. Kasten, Jr., Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Oklahoma Leadership Council, Mitt Romney, Idaho Republican Party, Vermont Republican Federal Elections Committee
Stephen F Brauer Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Mark Steven Kirk, Dan Coats, Robert W. Kasten, Jr., Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Oklahoma Leadership Council, Mitt Romney, Idaho Republican Party, Scott P Brown, Vermont Republican Federal Elections Committee
Richard DeVos Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Mark Steven Kirk, Joe Lieberman, Paul Ryan, Dan Coats, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Oklahoma Leadership Council, Mitt Romney, Idaho Republican Party, Scott P Brown, Vermont Republican Federal Elections Committee
Theodore Cutler Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Mark Steven Kirk, Joe Lieberman, Paul Ryan, Tom Udall, Robert Simmons, Bill Bradley, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown
Paul L Baker Evan Bayh, John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Tom Harkin, Tim Johnson, Mark Steven Kirk, Joe Lieberman, Paul Ryan, Tom Udall, Paul Martin Simon, Robert W. Kasten, Jr., Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Mitt Romney
Robert H Asher Evan Bayh, John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Tom Harkin, Mark Steven Kirk, Joe Lieberman, Dan Coats, Paul Martin Simon, Robert W. Kasten, Jr., Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Andrew S Hochberg, CITYPAC, Mitt Romney
Stanley S. Hubbard Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Tim Johnson, Mark Steven Kirk, Paul Ryan, Tom Udall, Dan Coats, Robert W. Kasten, Jr., Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown
Norman Braman Evan Bayh, Roy Blunt, Eric Cantor, Tom Harkin, Mark Steven Kirk, Joe Lieberman, Dan Coats, Bill Bradley, Paul Martin Simon, Robert W. Kasten, Jr., Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown
Irwin Chafetz Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Tom Harkin, Joe Lieberman, Paul Ryan, Robert Simmons, Bill Bradley, Paul Martin Simon, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown
Julian Robertson Jr John Boehner, Mark Steven Kirk, Joe Lieberman, Paul Ryan, Bill Bradley, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Oklahoma Leadership Council, Mitt Romney, Idaho Republican Party, Scott P Brown, Vermont Republican Federal Elections Committee
Ricky C Sandler Evan Bayh, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Tim Johnson, Mark Steven Kirk, Joe Lieberman, Robert Simmons, Robert W. Kasten, Jr., Republican National Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Oklahoma Leadership Council, Mitt Romney, Idaho Republican Party, Vermont Republican Federal Elections Committee
Jerry Reinsdorf Evan Bayh, John Boehner, Tim Johnson, Mark Steven Kirk, Joe Lieberman, Barack Obama, Robert Simmons, Dan Coats, Bill Bradley, Paul Martin Simon, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Aaron Schock, Andrew S Hochberg, CITYPAC
Albert B Ratner Evan Bayh, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Tom Harkin, Joe Lieberman, Paul Ryan, Paul Martin Simon, Robert W. Kasten, Jr., National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Andrew S Hochberg, CITYPAC, Mitt Romney
Duane R Roberts Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Mark Steven Kirk, Paul Ryan, Dan Coats, Robert W. Kasten, Jr., Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Oklahoma Leadership Council, Mitt Romney, Idaho Republican Party, Scott P Brown, Vermont Republican Federal Elections Committee
Tyrone C Fahner Eric Cantor, Mark Steven Kirk, Dan Coats, Bill Bradley, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Aaron Schock, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Oklahoma Leadership Council, Mitt Romney, Idaho Republican Party, Scott P Brown, Vermont Republican Federal Elections Committee, Joel Pollak