Walt Disney Company
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Frank G Wells also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Jeffrey Katzenberg Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Ben Cardin, Jim Cooper, Dianne Feinstein, Tom Harkin, Daniel Inouye, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Ed Markey, George Miller, Henry Waxman, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, Howell Thomas Heflin, Jack Bascom Brooks, Dennis Deconcini, Larry Larocco, George John Mitchell, Daniel David Rostenkowski, Harris Wofford, Alan Cranston, Dennis Edward Eckart, Wyche Fowler Jr, Tony Coelho, Mel Levine, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, DNC-Non-Federal Individual, Bob Graham, LA PAC, Democratic State Central Committee of CA - Federal, Walt Disney Productions Employees PAC (Disney Employees Political Action Committee), Mike Synar, Marty Russo, Jim Moody, Tom McMillen, Larry Smith
Michael D Eisner Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Jim Cooper, Dianne Feinstein, Daniel Inouye, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Ed Markey, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Henry Waxman, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, Paul Martin Simon, Jack Bascom Brooks, Dennis Deconcini, Larry Larocco, George John Mitchell, Daniel David Rostenkowski, Beryl Anthony, Alan Cranston, Dennis Edward Eckart, Douglas Wayne Owens, Tony Coelho, Mel Levine, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Bob Graham, LA PAC, Walt Disney Productions Employees PAC (Disney Employees Political Action Committee), Mike Synar, Marty Russo, Tom McMillen, Larry Smith, Rudy Boschwitz
Thomas Boggs Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Ben Cardin, Dianne Feinstein, Tom Harkin, Daniel Inouye, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Ed Markey, Barbara Ann Mikulski, George Miller, Henry Waxman, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, Paul Martin Simon, Jack Bascom Brooks, Dennis Deconcini, George John Mitchell, Allan Byron Swift, Harris Wofford, Beryl Anthony, Dennis Edward Eckart, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Bob Graham, LA PAC, Mike Synar, Marty Russo, Jim Moody, Larry Smith, Kent Conrad
Michael S. Berman Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Barbara Boxer, Jim Cooper, Dianne Feinstein, Tom Harkin, Daniel Inouye, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Ed Markey, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, John Glenn, Howell Thomas Heflin, Paul Martin Simon, Jack Bascom Brooks, George John Mitchell, Allan Byron Swift, Harris Wofford, Dennis Edward Eckart, Wyche Fowler Jr, Mel Levine, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, DNC-Non-Federal Individual, Bob Graham, LA PAC, Mike Synar, Larry Smith, Pat Williams, Kent Conrad
Lew Wasserman Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Tom Harkin, Daniel Inouye, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Ed Markey, Henry Waxman, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, Howell Thomas Heflin, Paul Martin Simon, Jack Bascom Brooks, George John Mitchell, Daniel David Rostenkowski, Alan Cranston, Wyche Fowler Jr, Mel Levine, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, DNC-Non-Federal Individual, Bob Graham, Democratic State Central Committee of CA - Federal, Marty Russo, Tom McMillen, Anthony C Beilenson, Rudy Boschwitz
Roselyne Chroman Swig Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Gray Davis, Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Ben Cardin, Dianne Feinstein, Tom Harkin, Daniel Inouye, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, John Glenn, Howell Thomas Heflin, Paul Martin Simon, Larry Larocco, George John Mitchell, Harris Wofford, Alan Cranston, Wyche Fowler Jr, Douglas Wayne Owens, Mel Levine, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Bob Graham, Democratic State Central Committee of CA - Federal, Kent Conrad
Daniel C Tate Jr Victor H Fazio, Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Ben Cardin, Jim Cooper, Dianne Feinstein, Tom Harkin, Daniel Inouye, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Ed Markey, Barbara Ann Mikulski, George Miller, Henry Waxman, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, George John Mitchell, Daniel David Rostenkowski, Beryl Anthony, Dennis Edward Eckart, Wyche Fowler Jr, Douglas Wayne Owens, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Mike Synar, Carrie Meek, Tom McMillen, Pat Williams, Kent Conrad
Eli Broad Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Gray Davis, Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Tom Harkin, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Ed Markey, Barbara Ann Mikulski, George Miller, Henry Waxman, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, Paul Martin Simon, George John Mitchell, Alan Cranston, Mel Levine, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, DNC-Non-Federal Individual, Bob Graham, LA PAC, Democratic State Central Committee of CA - Federal, Tom McMillen, Anthony C Beilenson, Kent Conrad
Frederick W Field Bob Kerrey, Gray Davis, Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Tom Harkin, Daniel Inouye, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Ed Markey, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Henry Waxman, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, Howell Thomas Heflin, Paul Martin Simon, George John Mitchell, Harris Wofford, Wyche Fowler Jr, Mel Levine, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, DNC-Non-Federal Individual, Bob Graham, Democratic State Central Committee of CA - Federal, Jim Moody, Anthony C Beilenson, Kent Conrad
Amy Rothschild Friedkin Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Ben Cardin, Dianne Feinstein, Tom Harkin, Daniel Inouye, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Ed Markey, Barbara Ann Mikulski, George Miller, Henry Waxman, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, John Glenn, George John Mitchell, Harris Wofford, Wyche Fowler Jr, Douglas Wayne Owens, Mel Levine, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Bob Graham, Democratic State Central Committee of CA - Federal, Kent Conrad
William H Cable Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Ben Cardin, Dianne Feinstein, Tom Harkin, Daniel Inouye, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Patrick Leahy, Ed Markey, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, John Glenn, Paul Martin Simon, Jack Bascom Brooks, Dennis Deconcini, Leon Panetta, Daniel David Rostenkowski, Wyche Fowler Jr, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Bob Graham, Mike Synar, Marty Russo, Tom McMillen, Pat Williams, Kent Conrad
Alan F Horn Bob Kerrey, Gray Davis, Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Tom Harkin, Daniel Inouye, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Ed Markey, Henry Waxman, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, Paul Martin Simon, George John Mitchell, Wyche Fowler Jr, Mel Levine, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, DNC-Non-Federal Individual, Bob Graham, LA PAC, Democratic State Central Committee of CA - Federal, Jim Moody, Larry Smith, Anthony C Beilenson, Kent Conrad
John F Cooke Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Gray Davis, Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Ed Markey, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, Jack Bascom Brooks, Daniel David Rostenkowski, Alan Cranston, Dennis Edward Eckart, Tony Coelho, Mel Levine, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, DNC-Non-Federal Individual, Bob Graham, LA PAC, Democratic State Central Committee of CA - Federal, Walt Disney Productions Employees PAC (Disney Employees Political Action Committee), Mike Synar, Tom McMillen
Norman Lear Bob Kerrey, Gray Davis, Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Tom Harkin, Daniel Inouye, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Ed Markey, George Miller, Henry Waxman, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, Paul Martin Simon, Harris Wofford, Alan Cranston, Mel Levine, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, DNC-Non-Federal Individual, Democratic State Central Committee of CA - Federal, Jim Moody, Pat Williams, Anthony C Beilenson, Kent Conrad
Michael M Adler Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Ben Cardin, Dianne Feinstein, Tom Harkin, Daniel Inouye, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Frank Lautenberg, Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, John Glenn, Howell Thomas Heflin, Paul Martin Simon, George John Mitchell, Harris Wofford, Douglas Wayne Owens, Mel Levine, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, DNC-Non-Federal Individual, Bob Graham, Carrie Meek, Larry Smith, Rudy Boschwitz, Kent Conrad
Edie Wasserman Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Tom Harkin, Daniel Inouye, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Ed Markey, Henry Waxman, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, Paul Martin Simon, Dennis Deconcini, George John Mitchell, Alan Cranston, Wyche Fowler Jr, Mel Levine, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Bob Graham, LA PAC, Marty Russo, Jim Moody, Tom McMillen, Anthony C Beilenson
Marilyn Katzenberg Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Gray Davis, Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Ben Cardin, Daniel Inouye, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Ed Markey, Henry Waxman, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, Paul Martin Simon, Dennis Deconcini, Larry Larocco, George John Mitchell, Alan Cranston, Mel Levine, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Bob Graham, Walt Disney Productions Employees PAC (Disney Employees Political Action Committee), Mike Synar, Marty Russo, Jim Moody
Jane Breckenridge Eisner Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Howard Lawrence Berman, Dianne Feinstein, Daniel Inouye, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, Paul Martin Simon, Jack Bascom Brooks, Dennis Deconcini, Larry Larocco, George John Mitchell, Beryl Anthony, Alan Cranston, Douglas Wayne Owens, Mel Levine, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Bob Graham, LA PAC, Walt Disney Productions Employees PAC (Disney Employees Political Action Committee), Mike Synar, Marty Russo, Rudy Boschwitz
Stanley Sheinbaum Bob Kerrey, Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Tom Harkin, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Ed Markey, Barbara Ann Mikulski, George Miller, Henry Waxman, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, Paul Martin Simon, Harris Wofford, Mel Levine, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, DNC-Non-Federal Individual, Bob Graham, LA PAC, Democratic State Central Committee of CA - Federal, Jim Moody, Anthony C Beilenson, Kent Conrad
Marshall A Brachman Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Ben Cardin, Dianne Feinstein, Tom Harkin, Daniel Inouye, John Kerry, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Ed Markey, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, Jack Bascom Brooks, Dennis Deconcini, Larry Larocco, George John Mitchell, Harris Wofford, Wyche Fowler Jr, Douglas Wayne Owens, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Mike Synar, Carrie Meek, Pat Williams, Kent Conrad
Frank G Wells
Updated about 4 years ago

Basic Info

Types Person
Gender Male
Birthday 1932
Date of death 1994
Region US and Canada