Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Howard Marlowe also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Stu Van Scoyoc Roy Blunt, Jo Bonner, Barbara Boxer, Ken Calvert, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Rosa DeLauro, Chris Dodd, Dianne Feinstein, Rodney P Frelinghuysen, Lindsey Graham, Peter T King, Jack Kingston, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Bill Nelson, David Obey, Harry Reid, Hal Rogers, Olympia Snowe, National Republican Congressional Committee, Ron Packard
Richard D Fain Roy Blunt, Barbara Boxer, F Allen Boyd Jr, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, John J Duncan Jr, Lindsey Graham, David Lee Hobson, Frank A Lobiondo, John L Mica, Bill Nelson, Jim Oberstar, Harry Reid, Hal Rogers, Olympia Snowe, Mark A Foley, Katherine Harris, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Connie Mack III, National Republican Congressional Committee, Bob Graham, Adam Smith Political Action Committee, the
Daniel C Tate Jr Neil Abercrombie, Barbara Boxer, F Allen Boyd Jr, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Rosa DeLauro, Chris Dodd, Dianne Feinstein, Peter T King, Patrick Leahy, Mike McIntyre, Jerry McNerney, Bill Nelson, Jim Oberstar, David Obey, Harry Reid, Hal Rogers, John S Tanner, Paul Sarbanes, Samuel Gejdenson, Ralph G Neas, Ron Packard
Bernice Manocherian Roy Blunt, Jo Bonner, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Chris Dodd, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Steve Israel, Peter T King, Jack Kingston, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Bill Nelson, David Obey, Harry Reid, Paul Sarbanes, Michael Patrick Forbes, Samuel Gejdenson, Rick Lazio, Bob Graham, Michael Castle
Marshall A Brachman Roy Blunt, Barbara Boxer, Ken Calvert, Maria Cantwell, Lois Capps, Ben Cardin, Rosa DeLauro, Chris Dodd, Dianne Feinstein, Rodney P Frelinghuysen, Lindsey Graham, David Lee Hobson, Nicholas V Lampson, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Mike McIntyre, John L Mica, Bill Nelson, David Obey, Harry Reid, National Republican Congressional Committee
Lionel Kaplan Roy Blunt, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Chris Dodd, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Steve Israel, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Frank A Lobiondo, Bill Nelson, David Obey, Harry Reid, Olympia Snowe, Michael Patrick Forbes, Samuel Gejdenson, Rick Lazio, National Republican Congressional Committee, Bob Graham, Michael Castle
James E Smith Roy Blunt, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Chris Dodd, Lindsey Graham, Walter Beaman Jones Jr, Peter T King, Patrick Leahy, David Obey, Harry Reid, Olympia Snowe, John S Tanner, Paul Sarbanes, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Samuel Gejdenson, Connie Mack III, Howard Eliot Wolpe III, Rick Lazio, National Republican Congressional Committee, Adam Smith Political Action Committee, the, Michael Castle
Melvin A Dow Roy Blunt, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Lois Capps, Ben Cardin, Chris Dodd, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Nicholas V Lampson, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Bill Nelson, David Obey, Harry Reid, Hal Rogers, Olympia Snowe, Paul Sarbanes, Samuel Gejdenson, Rick Lazio, Bob Graham
Roselyne Chroman Swig Roy Blunt, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Lois Capps, Ben Cardin, Chris Dodd, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Jack Kingston, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Jerry McNerney, Bill Nelson, David Obey, Harry Reid, Hal Rogers, Paul Sarbanes, Samuel Gejdenson, Bob Graham, Michael Castle
Amy Rothschild Friedkin Roy Blunt, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Lois Capps, Ben Cardin, Chris Dodd, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Steve Israel, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Jerry McNerney, Bill Nelson, David Obey, Harry Reid, Hal Rogers, Paul Sarbanes, Samuel Gejdenson, Rick Lazio, Bob Graham
Martin A Russo Neil Abercrombie, Roy Blunt, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Rosa DeLauro, Chris Dodd, John J Duncan Jr, Dianne Feinstein, David Lee Hobson, Steve Israel, Peter T King, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Juanita Millender-Mcdonald, Bill Nelson, Jim Oberstar, David Obey, Harry Reid, Samuel Gejdenson
James C Free Barbara Boxer, F Allen Boyd Jr, Maria Cantwell, Lois Capps, Ben Cardin, Rosa DeLauro, Chris Dodd, John J Duncan Jr, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, David Lee Hobson, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Frank A Lobiondo, Bill Nelson, Harry Reid, Hal Rogers, John S Tanner, Mark A Foley, Rick Lazio
John Catsimatidis Timothy H Bishop, Roy Blunt, Ken Calvert, Chris Dodd, Lindsey Graham, Steve Israel, Peter T King, Jack Kingston, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Bill Nelson, Harry Reid, Olympia Snowe, Paul Sarbanes, Michael Patrick Forbes, Samuel Gejdenson, Connie Mack III, National Republican Congressional Committee, Bob Graham, Michael Castle
Victor H Fazio Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Lois Capps, Ben Cardin, Kathy Castor, Rosa DeLauro, Chris Dodd, Dianne Feinstein, Steve Israel, Nicholas V Lampson, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Jerry McNerney, Juanita Millender-Mcdonald, Bill Nelson, David Obey, Harry Reid, Samuel Gejdenson, Building Relationships in Diverse Geographic Environments PAC (Bridge PAC)
Kenneth J Feld Neil Abercrombie, Roy Blunt, Jo Bonner, F Allen Boyd Jr, Henry Edward Brown Jr, Lindsey Graham, Peter T King, Jack Kingston, Bill Nelson, David Obey, Harry Reid, John S Tanner, Mark A Foley, Katherine Harris, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Daniel Miller, National Republican Congressional Committee, Bob Graham, Fund for America's Future
Jack Valenti Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Rosa DeLauro, Chris Dodd, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Nicholas V Lampson, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Bill Nelson, David Obey, Harry Reid, Olympia Snowe, John S Tanner, Mark A Foley, Paul Sarbanes, National Republican Congressional Committee, Bob Graham
Arthur D Mason Timothy H Bishop, Roy Blunt, Jo Bonner, Rodney P Frelinghuysen, Lindsey Graham, David Lee Hobson, Steve Israel, Peter T King, Jack Kingston, Connie Mack IV, John L Mica, Harry Reid, Olympia Snowe, Michael Patrick Forbes, Rick Lazio, National Republican Congressional Committee, Ron Packard, Michael Castle
Thomas A Davis Barbara Boxer, F Allen Boyd Jr, Ken Calvert, Ben Cardin, Chris Dodd, Lindsey Graham, Darrell Issa, Patrick Leahy, Connie Mack IV, John L Mica, Bill Nelson, Hal Rogers, John S Tanner, Mark A Foley, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Connie Mack III, National Republican Congressional Committee, Bob Graham
Tom Downey Neil Abercrombie, Timothy H Bishop, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Lois Capps, Ben Cardin, Rosa DeLauro, Chris Dodd, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Steve Israel, Peter T King, Nicholas V Lampson, Patrick Leahy, Bill Nelson, David Obey, Samuel Gejdenson
Paul Cambon Roy Blunt, Jo Bonner, Ken Calvert, John J Duncan Jr, Rodney P Frelinghuysen, David Lee Hobson, Peter T King, Jack Kingston, Patrick Leahy, Connie Mack IV, John L Mica, Jim Oberstar, David Obey, Hal Rogers, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, James Ogsbury, National Republican Congressional Committee