Statistician, Johnson & Johnson
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Stan Altan also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Celia Gilbert Bob Kerrey, Thomas H Allen, Sherrod Brown, Russ Feingold, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Dennis Kucinich, Claire McCaskill, Chris Murphy, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Harry Reid, Bernie Sanders, John F Tierney, Paul Wellstone, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Al Franken, Democracy for America, Thomas Eldon Hayhurst, MoveOn.Org Political Action, Howard Dean, Elizabeth Warren, Alan Grayson, ActBlue, Alexander Giannoulias, Ann McLane Kuster, Robin Carnahan, David Carl Streich Kurkowski, Martha Coakley, Bill Halter, Edward Potosnak III, Rob Zerban, Heidi Heitkamp, David Michael Gill
Andrew Tobias Thomas H Allen, Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, Rush Holt, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Claire McCaskill, Bob Menendez, Chris Murphy, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Harry Reid, Joe Sestak, John F Tierney, Paul Wellstone, Democratic National Committee, Al Franken, Democracy for America, MoveOn.Org Political Action, Elizabeth Warren, Alan Grayson, ActBlue, Alexander Giannoulias, Robin Carnahan, Mark A Takano, Chris Coons, Richard Blumenthal, Martha Coakley, Edward Potosnak III
Tony Podesta Bob Kerrey, Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, Rush Holt, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Claire McCaskill, Bob Menendez, Chris Murphy, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Frank Pallone, Harry Reid, Bernie Sanders, Joe Sestak, Robert Wexler, Paul Wellstone, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Al Franken, Angus King, ActBlue, Ann McLane Kuster, Robin Carnahan, Chris Coons, Richard Blumenthal, Martha Coakley, Heidi Heitkamp
Jamie Wolf Thomas H Allen, Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, Rush Holt, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Claire McCaskill, Chris Murphy, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Bernie Sanders, Joe Sestak, Paul Wellstone, Democratic National Committee, Al Franken, Democracy for America, MoveOn.Org Political Action, Elizabeth Warren, Alan Grayson, ActBlue, Alexander Giannoulias, Robin Carnahan, Mark A Takano, Chris Coons, David Segal, Rob Zerban, Heidi Heitkamp
George Wallerstein Bob Kerrey, Thomas H Allen, Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, Russ Feingold, Rush Holt, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Dennis Kucinich, Claire McCaskill, Chris Murphy, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Harry Reid, Bernie Sanders, Joe Sestak, John F Tierney, Paul Wellstone, Lois Murphy, Al Franken, Angus King, Robert Lauransom Miller, Ann McLane Kuster, Robin Carnahan, Mark A Takano, Chris Coons, Martha Coakley, Rob Zerban, Heidi Heitkamp
John Hunting Bob Kerrey, Thomas H Allen, Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, Rush Holt, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Dennis Kucinich, Claire McCaskill, Bob Menendez, Chris Murphy, Patty Murray, Frank Pallone, Bernie Sanders, Joe Sestak, Paul Wellstone, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Al Franken, Elizabeth Warren, Ann McLane Kuster, Robin Carnahan, Mark A Takano, John H Adler, Martha Coakley, Heidi Heitkamp
Thomas Safran Bob Kerrey, Thomas H Allen, Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Claire McCaskill, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Harry Reid, Bernie Sanders, Joe Sestak, Democratic National Committee, Al Franken, Democracy for America, MoveOn.Org Political Action, Howard Dean, Elizabeth Warren, ActBlue, Alexander Giannoulias, Robin Carnahan, Mark A Takano, Chris Coons, Martha Coakley, Rob Zerban, Heidi Heitkamp
Betsy Krieger Thomas H Allen, Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, Rush Holt, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Claire McCaskill, Bob Menendez, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Harry Reid, Bernie Sanders, Joe Sestak, Paul Wellstone, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Al Franken, MoveOn.Org Political Action, Howard Dean, Elizabeth Warren, Alan Grayson, ActBlue, Ann McLane Kuster, Robin Carnahan, John H Adler, Martha Coakley, Heidi Heitkamp
Lawrence E Hess Thomas H Allen, Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, Rush Holt, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Dennis Kucinich, Claire McCaskill, Bob Menendez, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Joe Sestak, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Al Franken, MoveOn.Org Political Action, Robert Lauransom Miller, Elizabeth Warren, Alan Grayson, Ann McLane Kuster, Robin Carnahan, Mark A Takano, Richard Blumenthal, Martha Coakley, Heidi Heitkamp
Barbra Streisand Bob Kerrey, Thomas H Allen, Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, Rush Holt, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Claire McCaskill, Chris Murphy, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Bernie Sanders, Joe Sestak, Paul Wellstone, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Al Franken, Howard Dean, Robert Lauransom Miller, Elizabeth Warren, Alexander Giannoulias, Ann McLane Kuster, Robin Carnahan, Richard Blumenthal, Martha Coakley, Heidi Heitkamp
Woody Kaplan Bob Kerrey, Thomas H Allen, Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Claire McCaskill, Bob Menendez, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Harry Reid, Bernie Sanders, Joe Sestak, John F Tierney, Paul Wellstone, Democratic National Committee, Al Franken, Democracy for America, Elizabeth Warren, ActBlue, Ann McLane Kuster, Robin Carnahan, Chris Coons, Richard Blumenthal, Martha Coakley, Heidi Heitkamp
Joanne Lyman Bob Kerrey, Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Claire McCaskill, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Harry Reid, Bernie Sanders, Joe Sestak, Paul Wellstone, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Al Franken, Democracy for America, MoveOn.Org Political Action, Howard Dean, Elizabeth Warren, Alan Grayson, ActBlue, Alexander Giannoulias, Robin Carnahan, Bill Halter, Rob Zerban
Anne Hess Thomas H Allen, Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Dennis Kucinich, Claire McCaskill, Chris Murphy, Patrick Murphy, Harry Reid, Bernie Sanders, Joe Sestak, Paul Wellstone, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Al Franken, MoveOn.Org Political Action, Howard Dean, Siobhan L Bennett, Elizabeth Warren, ActBlue, Ann McLane Kuster, Robin Carnahan, Chris Coons, Martha Coakley, Heidi Heitkamp
Andrea Soros Colombel Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Dennis Kucinich, Claire McCaskill, Bob Menendez, Chris Murphy, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Harry Reid, Joe Sestak, John F Tierney, Paul Wellstone, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Al Franken, MoveOn.Org Political Action, Elizabeth Warren, Alexander Giannoulias, Ann McLane Kuster, Robin Carnahan, Chris Coons, David Segal, Heidi Heitkamp
George Soros Bob Kerrey, Thomas H Allen, Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Dennis Kucinich, Claire McCaskill, Chris Murphy, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Harry Reid, Joe Sestak, Paul Wellstone, Democratic National Committee, Al Franken, Campaign for Our Country, Howard Dean, Elizabeth Warren, Alexander Giannoulias, Robin Carnahan, Chris Coons, Richard Blumenthal, Martha Coakley, David Segal
Anne Bartley Thomas H Allen, Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Claire McCaskill, Bob Menendez, Chris Murphy, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Harry Reid, Bernie Sanders, Joe Sestak, John F Tierney, Paul Wellstone, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, MoveOn.Org Political Action, Howard Dean, Alan Grayson, ActBlue, Robin Carnahan, Martha Coakley, Heidi Heitkamp, David Michael Gill
Agnes Gund Bob Kerrey, Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, Rush Holt, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Claire McCaskill, Bob Menendez, Chris Murphy, Patty Murray, Bernie Sanders, Joe Sestak, Paul Wellstone, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Al Franken, Campaign for Our Country, Howard Dean, Elizabeth Warren, ActBlue, Ann McLane Kuster, Robin Carnahan, Richard Blumenthal, Martha Coakley
Judith Avery Thomas H Allen, Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, Rush Holt, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Claire McCaskill, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Harry Reid, Bernie Sanders, Robert Wexler, Paul Wellstone, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Al Franken, Democracy for America, MoveOn.Org Political Action, Howard Dean, Siobhan L Bennett, Elizabeth Warren, Ann McLane Kuster, Martha Coakley, Heidi Heitkamp
Bayard T Storey Bob Kerrey, Thomas H Allen, Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, Russ Feingold, Rush Holt, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Claire McCaskill, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Bernie Sanders, Joe Sestak, Paul Wellstone, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Al Franken, Democracy for America, Siobhan L Bennett, Elizabeth Warren, ActBlue, Ann McLane Kuster, Robin Carnahan, Chris Coons, Martha Coakley, Heidi Heitkamp
Nelson Helm Bob Kerrey, Thomas H Allen, Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Rush Holt, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Dennis Kucinich, Claire McCaskill, Bob Menendez, Chris Murphy, Patrick Murphy, Patty Murray, Harry Reid, Bernie Sanders, Joe Sestak, Paul Wellstone, Lois Murphy, Al Franken, Angus King, Elizabeth Warren, Ann McLane Kuster, Robin Carnahan, John H Adler, Martha Coakley, Heidi Heitkamp