Lobbyist; Secretary of Homeland Security under George W Bush; former US Representative from Pennsylvania
People in Common Orgs
People with positions in the same orgs as Tom Ridge
PersonCommon Orgs
Michael Chertoff Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Centre for Cyber and Homeland Security, The Cipher Brief
Edwin Meese Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress, Centre for Cyber and Homeland Security
Jane Holl Lute Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Centre for Cyber and Homeland Security
Andrea Thompson U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, Ridge Lane, LP
Eric T. Olson U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, The Cipher Brief
Mayo A Shattuck III Exelon Corporation, Council on Competitiveness
Jim Woolsey GreenZone Systems, Inc., United States Energy Security Council
Norm Coleman American Action Forum Inc., U.S. Global Leadership Coalition
Bonnie Guiton Hill Home Depot, The Hershey Company
James M Loy Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Global Leadership Coalition
Harry Raduege U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, Ridge Lane, LP
Frank Libutti Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Global Leadership Coalition
David Petraeus U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, The Cipher Brief
James Stavridis U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, The Cipher Brief
Stanley McChrystal U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, The Cipher Brief
William A Owens U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, Ridge Lane, LP
John Bridgeland COVID Collaborative, Partnership for American Democracy
Arne Duncan NewsGuard, COVID Collaborative
Barry R McCaffrey U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, United States Energy Security Council
Joseph W Prueher Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress, U.S. Global Leadership Coalition