Jessica Lessin
Founded The Information, an online tech publication
Richard Stengel
Steven Brill
Writer, medical executive
Donald A Baer
Bill Clinton White House; Chairman of BCW
Kate O'Sullivan
Digital Diplomacy Microsoft
Microsoft Corporation
computer technology
Board Members
John Battelle
Co-founder Wired Magazine
Anders Fogh Rasmussen
Former Secretary General of NATO
Jimmy Wales
Tech investor; co-founded Wikipedia
Leo Hindery Jr
Managing Partner of media equity firm InterMedia Partners and major Democratic donor and philanthropist.
Arne Duncan
Obama Secretary of Education
Michael V Hayden
CIA director under George W Bush; former NSA director
Tom Ridge
Lobbyist; Secretary of Homeland Security under George W Bush; former US Representative from Pennsylvania
Tom Ridge
Lobbyist; Secretary of Homeland Security under George W Bush; former US Representative from Pennsylvania
Blue Haven Initiative
Family office founded Liesel Pritzker Simmons and Ian T Simmons
Child Organizations
newsguard health browser extension
Services & Transactions
United States Air Force
One of the military departments within the Department of Defense
Miscellaneous Relationships
Microsoft Corporation
computer technology