Barry R McCaffrey
White House Drug Czar, 1996-2001
Richard Armitage
former Deputy Secretary of State
George Allen
US Representative and Senator from Virginia
Tom Ridge
Lobbyist; Secretary of Homeland Security under George W Bush; former US Representative from Pennsylvania
General Anthony Zinni
Ret. Marine Corps General, Director of BAE Systems
William E Ward
is a former United States Army four-star general
General Charles F Wald
Senior Advisor, Deloitte & Touche, LLP Retired General, U.S. Air Force
Henry Ulrich
Retired Admiral NAVEUR
Child Organizations
Conservative Foreign Policy Study Group (USGLC)
A Group conservative foreign policy & national security experts who served in the Trump Administration & in previous Republican Administrations
South Dakota Advisory Committee (USGLC)
Advisory committee from South Dakota for U.S. Global Leadership Coalition (USGLC)
Center for U.S. Global Leadership
The educational arm of the USGLC
U.S. Global Leadership Campaign
Advocacy arm of the USGLC
Jeffrey W Letwin
Special Counsel at Saul Ewing