Conservative lawyer; Former Dean, Chapman University School of Law
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from John Eastman also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
J Allen Martin Jim DeMint, John McCain, Jeff Sessions, John Thune, Heather Wilson, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Fred Dalton Thompson, Donald Trump, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Mitt Romney, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Pete Domenici V, Marco Rubio, Martha McSally, Gardner for Congress 2012, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, Joni Ernst, McSally for Senate, John James for Senate, WinRed, John James, Mark Moores For Congress, Mark Moores
Harold Berenson Jim DeMint, John McCain, John Thune, Fred Dalton Thompson, Donald Trump, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Douglas R Forrester, Mitt Romney, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Christina Jeffrey, Tom McClintock, Marco Rubio, Martha McSally, Gardner for Congress 2012, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, Joni Ernst, McSally for Senate, John James for Senate, WinRed, John James
Richard Uihlein Tommy G Thompson, Jim DeMint, John McCain, John Thune, Jim Talent, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, California Republican Party/V8, Mitt Romney, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Alan L Keyes, Tom McClintock, Marco Rubio, Gardner for Congress 2012, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Joni Ernst, John James for Senate, WinRed, John James, Mark Ronchetti For New Mexico, Mark V Ronchetti
Larry A Mizel Jim DeMint, John McCain, Jeff Sessions, John Thune, Heather Wilson, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, California Republican Party/V8, Friends of Sessions Senate Committee Inc, Mitt Romney, Cory Gardner, Marco Rubio, Martha McSally, Gardner for Congress 2012, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Joni Ernst, McSally for Senate, John James for Senate, WinRed, John James
Sheldon Adelson John McCain, John Thune, Heather Wilson, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Fred Dalton Thompson, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, California Republican Party/V8, Mitt Romney, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Marco Rubio, Martha McSally, Gardner for Congress 2012, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Joni Ernst, McSally for Senate, John James for Senate, John James, Mark Ronchetti For New Mexico, Mark V Ronchetti
Oliver Grace Jr Jim DeMint, John McCain, Jeff Sessions, John Thune, Rick Santorum, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Cory Gardner, Marco Rubio, Martha McSally, Gardner for Congress 2012, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, Joni Ernst, McSally for Senate, John James for Senate, WinRed, John James, Mark Ronchetti For New Mexico, Mark V Ronchetti, Mark Moores For Congress, Mark Moores
Dana K Anderson Jim DeMint, John McCain, Jeff Sessions, John Thune, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, California Republican Party/V8, Bill Jones, Friends of Sessions Senate Committee Inc, Mitt Romney, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Tom McClintock, Chuck DeVore, Marco Rubio, Martha McSally, Gardner for Congress 2012, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Joni Ernst, McSally for Senate, John James for Senate, WinRed, John James
Haley Barbour John McCain, Jeff Sessions, John Thune, Heather Wilson, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Friends of Sessions Senate Committee Inc, Cory Gardner, Marco Rubio, Martha McSally, Gardner for Congress 2012, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Joni Ernst, McSally for Senate, John James for Senate, WinRed, John James, Mark Ronchetti For New Mexico, Mark V Ronchetti
Duane R Roberts Tommy G Thompson, John McCain, John Thune, Heather Wilson, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Fred Dalton Thompson, Donald Trump, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, California Republican Party/V8, Bill Jones, Mitt Romney, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Tom McClintock, Marco Rubio, Martha McSally, Joni Ernst, John James for Senate, John James
Thomas E McInerney Jim DeMint, John McCain, Jeff Sessions, John Thune, Heather Wilson, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Fred Dalton Thompson, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Douglas R Forrester, Mitt Romney, Cory Gardner, Marco Rubio, Martha McSally, Gardner for Congress 2012, Joni Ernst, McSally for Senate, WinRed, Mark Ronchetti For New Mexico, Mark V Ronchetti
Lee Beaman Jim DeMint, John McCain, Jeff Sessions, John Thune, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Fred Dalton Thompson, Donald Trump, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Mitt Romney, Sharron E Angle, Marco Rubio, Martha McSally, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, Joni Ernst, McSally for Senate, John James for Senate, WinRed, John James
Michael Keiser John McCain, Jeff Sessions, John Thune, Heather Wilson, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Fred Dalton Thompson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Bill Jones, Douglas R Forrester, Mitt Romney, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Alan L Keyes, Marco Rubio, Martha McSally, Gardner for Congress 2012, Joni Ernst, McSally for Senate, John James for Senate, John James
Stanley S. Hubbard John McCain, John Thune, Heather Wilson, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Donald Trump, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Mitt Romney, Cory Gardner, Pete Domenici V, Marco Rubio, Martha McSally, Gardner for Congress 2012, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Joni Ernst, McSally for Senate, John James for Senate, John James, Mark Moores For Congress, Mark Moores
David Bockorny Jim DeMint, John McCain, Jeff Sessions, John Thune, Heather Wilson, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Donald Trump, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Marco Rubio, Martha McSally, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, Joni Ernst, McSally for Senate, John James for Senate, WinRed, John James
Tatnall Lea Hillman Jim DeMint, John McCain, John Thune, Rick Santorum, Fred Dalton Thompson, Donald Trump, Republican National Committee, Mitt Romney, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Alan L Keyes, Tom McClintock, Marco Rubio, Martha McSally, Gardner for Congress 2012, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Joni Ernst, McSally for Senate, John James for Senate, WinRed, John James
Edward S Martin Tommy G Thompson, Jim DeMint, John McCain, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Mitt Romney, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Marco Rubio, Martha McSally, Gardner for Congress 2012, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, Joni Ernst, McSally for Senate, John James for Senate, WinRed, John James
Guy M Bowers Jim DeMint, John Thune, Heather Wilson, Donald Trump, Republican National Committee, Mitt Romney, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Chuck DeVore, Marco Rubio, Martha McSally, Gardner for Congress 2012, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, Joni Ernst, McSally for Senate, John James for Senate, WinRed, John James, Mark Ronchetti For New Mexico, Mark V Ronchetti
James A Patterson Jim DeMint, John McCain, John Thune, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, California Republican Party/V8, Mitt Romney, Sharron E Angle, Alan L Keyes, Tom McClintock, Marco Rubio, Martha McSally, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Joni Ernst, McSally for Senate, John James for Senate, WinRed, John James
Ronald Weiser John McCain, John Thune, Heather Wilson, Rick Santorum, Donald Trump, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, California Republican Party/V8, Mitt Romney, Cory Gardner, Marco Rubio, Martha McSally, Gardner for Congress 2012, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, Joni Ernst, McSally for Senate, John James for Senate, WinRed, John James
Giuseppe Cecchi Tommy G Thompson, John McCain, John Thune, Heather Wilson, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, Donald Trump, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, California Republican Party/V8, Mitt Romney, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Marco Rubio, Martha McSally, Gardner for Congress 2012, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Joni Ernst, McSally for Senate, WinRed