Developer of a digital media platform designed to provide the latest security news & relevant analysis.
Orgs with Common People
Leadership and staff of The Cipher Brief also have positions in these orgs
OrgCommon People
U.S. Global Leadership Coalition Tom Ridge, David Petraeus, James Stavridis, Stanley McChrystal, Eric T. Olson
Third Option Foundation David Petraeus, Michael V Hayden, James Clapper, Michael G Vickers, Stanley McChrystal
National Security Agency Michael V Hayden, Keith B Alexander, Chris Inglis, Richard H Ledgett Jr
Atlantic Council Michèle Flournoy, Michael V Hayden, Deborah Lee James, James N Miller
Office of the Director of National Intelligence Michael V Hayden, James Clapper, Robert Cardillo, Richard H Ledgett Jr
Defense Intelligence Agency James Clapper, Robert Cardillo, Vincent R Stewart, Robert Ashley
Central Intelligence Agency David Petraeus, Michael V Hayden, John E McLaughlin, David Cohen
WestExec Advisors Michèle Flournoy, Robert O. Work, Chris Inglis
National Security Institute (NSI) Jack Keane, Michael V Hayden, Keith B Alexander
Allied Nuclear Inc Jack Keane, Keith B Alexander, Eric T. Olson
Spirit of America Jack Keane, Stanley McChrystal, Eric T. Olson
Veterans Coalition for Common Sense (USA) David Petraeus, Michael V Hayden, Stanley McChrystal
RTX Deborah Lee James, Robert O. Work, James Winnefeld
Centre for Cyber and Homeland Security Tom Ridge, Michael Chertoff, Kenneth L Wainstein
Improbable LLC Deborah Lee James, Michael G Vickers, James N Miller
IP3 International Jack Keane, Keith B Alexander, Eric T. Olson
United States Air Force Michael V Hayden, Deborah Lee James, Chris Inglis
Noblis, Inc. Michael Chertoff, John E McLaughlin, Deborah Lee James
Middle East Media and Research Institute Michael V Hayden, Keith B Alexander, Vincent R Stewart
Beacon Global Strategies LLC Deborah Lee James, Michael G Vickers, Tom Bossert
The Cipher Brief
Updated almost 3 years ago

Basic Info

Types Organization, Business, Private Company, Media Organization
Start date 2015
Region US and Canada

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