Key Drivers In launching IP3, this much was clear: First, the United States is not truly contributing to regional security and transformation unless we enable growth in jobs, improvements in education and training, and instilling hope for future generations. Second, we will need the public and private sectors to collaborate. Our commercial companies cannot effectively compete against nation states and our public sector cannot deliver the outcomes necessary to create stabilizing economic relationships. Neither sector can effectively advance U.S. interests in the Middle East alone. As described by the Global Nexus Initiative, governments, civil society, and businesses must work together to strengthen international nuclear governance, bolster public confidence in nuclear energy, and compete successfully, especially against nation state offerings from Russia and China. IP3 is transparently expending much effort with the relevant parties in Congress and the Administration to share our views and discuss how the public and private sectors from the United States can best deliver on our national interests while also meeting the needs and desires of the host countries. This effort is not about individual companies winning and losing, but rather about our country’s government and commercial sectors working together in true public private partnership to fulfill our stewardship obligation to shape better outcomes for a fragile region.