White House Office
Rob Portman, Christine Burgeson, Peter Orszag, Josh Bolten, Colin L Powell, Sylvia Mathews Burwell, Barbara Chow, Jack Lew, Jeanne Lambrew, Charles E M Kolb, Robert L Nabors
National Economic Council
Jim Nussle, Sally Katzen, Sylvia Mathews Burwell, Peter Swire, Elgie Holstein, Bowman Cutter, Jeff Zients, Jeanne Lambrew, Jeffrey Liebman, Larry Kudlow
U.S. Department of the Treasury
Paul H O'Neill, Josh Gotbaum, Alastair Fitzpayne, Jack Lew, Nancy Killefer, Dan Tangherlini, John G Walsh, Dan Kowalski
Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget
Alice M Rivlin, Jim Nussle, David Alan Stockman, Paul H O'Neill, James T McIntyre, Jr
US Department of Defense
Phebe N Novakovic, Dr James R Schlesinger, Sean O'Keefe, Josh Gotbaum, Michael Duffey
Peterson-Pew Commission on Budget Reform
Alice M Rivlin, Jim Nussle, David Alan Stockman, Paul H O'Neill, James T McIntyre, Jr
Atlantic Council
Dr James R Schlesinger, George P Shultz, Sean O'Keefe, Colin L Powell, Bowman Cutter
Council on Foreign Relations
George P Shultz, Alice M Rivlin, Peter Orszag, Colin L Powell, Sylvia Mathews Burwell
Center for American Progress
Peter Swire, Ezekiel Emanuel, Jeanne Lambrew, Matt Miller, Tara McGuiness
RAND Corporation
Dr James R Schlesinger, John Francis Cogan, Paul H O'Neill, Patricia Dinneen
McKinsey & Company
Sylvia Mathews Burwell, Nancy Killefer, Matt Miller, Beth Cobert
The Heritage Foundation
Justin Bogie, David Burton, Paul Winfree, Wesley Denton
Committee for Economic Development
John P White, George P Shultz, Bowman Cutter, Charles E M Kolb
United States Department of Energy
Dr James R Schlesinger, Josh Gotbaum, Elgie Holstein, T J Glauthier
US Department of State
George P Shultz, Colin L Powell, Jack Lew, Lewis Williams Douglas
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Sylvia Mathews Burwell, Alastair Fitzpayne, Jeanne Lambrew, Kenneth Apfel
Economics and International Trade Agency Review Team
Sylvia Mathews Burwell, Josh Gotbaum, Alastair Fitzpayne, Peter Swire
The Hamilton Project
Alice M Rivlin, Peter Orszag, Jack Lew, Nancy Killefer
Stanford University
John Francis Cogan, T J Glauthier, Kristen Honey
U.S. Department of Labor
John Francis Cogan, Jon William Breyfogle, Patrick Pizzella