Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Ann Lents also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Sally Pillsbury Christine Todd Whitman, Susan Collins, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Olympia Snowe, Sue W Kelly, Constance A Morella, George W Bush, Wish List, the, Joan B Johnson, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Jane A Amero, Dolly Madison McKenna, Virginia Blankenbaker, Nancy J Mayer
Donaldson C Pillsbury Christine Todd Whitman, Susan Collins, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Olympia Snowe, Sue W Kelly, Constance A Morella, George W Bush, Wish List, the, Joan B Johnson, Republican Leadership Council Federal PAC, Bill Weld, Dolly Madison McKenna, Nancy J Mayer
George S Pillsbury Christine Todd Whitman, Susan Collins, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Olympia Snowe, Sue W Kelly, George W Bush, Wish List, the, Joan B Johnson, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Jane A Amero, Dolly Madison McKenna, Nancy J Mayer
Meredith J Long Peter S Wareing, John R Carter, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ted Poe, Michael Allen Andrews, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Clark Kent Ervin, Dolly Madison McKenna, Bill White
Fred S Zeidman Christine Todd Whitman, John R Carter, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ted Poe, Chris Bell, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Clark Kent Ervin, Dolly Madison McKenna
John L Nau III Peter S Wareing, John R Carter, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ted Poe, Olympia Snowe, Chris Bell, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Dolly Madison McKenna
James D Dannenbaum Peter S Wareing, John R Carter, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Nicholas V Lampson, Ted Poe, Chris Bell, Michael Allen Andrews, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Dolly Madison McKenna
George P Mitchell Peter S Wareing, John R Carter, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Nicholas V Lampson, Ted Poe, Olympia Snowe, Michael Allen Andrews, George W Bush, Michael Peter Skelly, Bill White
Richard W Weekley Peter S Wareing, John R Carter, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ted Poe, Olympia Snowe, Michael Allen Andrews, George W Bush, Jane A Amero, Dolly Madison McKenna
Melvin A Dow Peter S Wareing, John R Carter, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Nicholas V Lampson, Ted Poe, Olympia Snowe, Chris Bell, Mitt Romney, Bill White
Julie Finley Susan Collins, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ted Poe, Olympia Snowe, Constance A Morella, Tillie Kidd Fowler, George W Bush, Wish List, the, Mitt Romney, Dolly Madison McKenna, Nancy J Mayer
Bill Weld Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Olympia Snowe, Constance A Morella, George W Bush, Wish List, the, Republican Leadership Council Federal PAC, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Dolly Madison McKenna
Clive Runnells Christine Todd Whitman, Peter S Wareing, John R Carter, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ted Poe, George W Bush, Republican Leadership Council Federal PAC, Mitt Romney, Dolly Madison McKenna
Fayez S Sarofim Peter S Wareing, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Olympia Snowe, Michael Allen Andrews, George W Bush, Michael Peter Skelly, Mitt Romney, Clark Kent Ervin, Bill White
Regina Rogers Peter S Wareing, John R Carter, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Nicholas V Lampson, Ted Poe, Chris Bell, Michael Allen Andrews, George W Bush, Bill White
Jerry Finger Peter S Wareing, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Nicholas V Lampson, Michael Allen Andrews, George W Bush, Michael Peter Skelly, Clark Kent Ervin, Dolly Madison McKenna, Bill White
Lewis M Eisenberg Christine Todd Whitman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Olympia Snowe, George W Bush, Wish List, the, Republican Leadership Council Federal PAC, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld
Victoria Toensing Susan Collins, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Olympia Snowe, Sue W Kelly, Constance A Morella, George W Bush, Wish List, the, Mitt Romney, Dolly Madison McKenna, Virginia Blankenbaker
Harry Lucas Jr John R Carter, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ted Poe, Olympia Snowe, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Clark Kent Ervin, Dolly Madison McKenna
Corbin Robertson Peter S Wareing, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ted Poe, Michael Allen Andrews, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Clark Kent Ervin, Bill White