Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Ann Lents also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Harry Lucas Jr John R Carter, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ted Poe, Olympia Snowe, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Clark Kent Ervin, Dolly Madison McKenna
Nedenia H Hartley Christine Todd Whitman, Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, Sue W Kelly, Constance A Morella, Wish List, the, Republican Leadership Council Federal PAC, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Dolly Madison McKenna
Corbin Robertson Peter S Wareing, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ted Poe, Michael Allen Andrews, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Clark Kent Ervin, Bill White
Jerry Finger Peter S Wareing, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Nicholas V Lampson, Michael Allen Andrews, George W Bush, Michael Peter Skelly, Clark Kent Ervin, Dolly Madison McKenna, Bill White
Robert McNair Peter S Wareing, John R Carter, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ted Poe, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Dolly Madison McKenna
Ernest H Cockrell Peter S Wareing, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ted Poe, Michael Allen Andrews, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Clark Kent Ervin, Dolly Madison McKenna
Regina Rogers Peter S Wareing, John R Carter, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Nicholas V Lampson, Ted Poe, Chris Bell, Michael Allen Andrews, George W Bush, Bill White
Jack S Blanton Jr Peter S Wareing, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Michael Allen Andrews, George W Bush, Michael Peter Skelly, Mitt Romney, Clark Kent Ervin, Bill White
Kenneth L Lay Christine Todd Whitman, Peter S Wareing, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Michael Allen Andrews, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Clark Kent Ervin, Dolly Madison McKenna
Trammell Crow John R Carter, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ted Poe, Constance A Morella, Michael Allen Andrews, George W Bush, Republican Leadership Council Federal PAC
Cheryl F Halpern Christine Todd Whitman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Olympia Snowe, Constance A Morella, George W Bush, Wish List, the, Mitt Romney, Nancy J Mayer
Isabel Brown Wilson Peter S Wareing, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Nicholas V Lampson, Chris Bell, Michael Allen Andrews, Michael Peter Skelly, Clark Kent Ervin, Dolly Madison McKenna, Bill White
James W Crownover Peter S Wareing, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Ted Poe, Michael Allen Andrews, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Dolly Madison McKenna, Bill White
Thomas Stuart Smith Peter S Wareing, John R Carter, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ted Poe, Michael Allen Andrews, Mitt Romney, Dolly Madison McKenna
Sue W Kelly Susan Collins, Sue W Kelly, Constance A Morella, George W Bush, Wish List, the, Joan B Johnson, Republican Leadership Council Federal PAC, Mitt Romney, Jane A Amero
Jennifer Blei Stockman Christine Todd Whitman, Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, Sue W Kelly, Constance A Morella, George W Bush, Wish List, the, Republican Leadership Council Federal PAC, Bill Weld
Rebecca Q Morgan Susan Collins, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Olympia Snowe, Constance A Morella, Wish List, the, Joan B Johnson, Republican Leadership Council Federal PAC, Jane A Amero, Dolly Madison McKenna
Dan Duncan Peter S Wareing, John R Carter, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Nicholas V Lampson, Ted Poe, Michael Allen Andrews, George W Bush, Mitt Romney
Joseph H Pyne Christine Todd Whitman, Peter S Wareing, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ted Poe, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Bill White
Jack S Blanton Sr Peter S Wareing, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Nicholas V Lampson, Chris Bell, George W Bush, Michael Peter Skelly, Mitt Romney, Bill White