Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from George C Newstrom also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
J Patrick Rooney Bob Kerrey, Tom Davis, Kay Bailey Hutchison, George Allen, Phil Gramm, Charles Spittal Robb, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party
Thomas A Davis Bob Kerrey, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Sam Johnson, George Allen, Phil Gramm, Charles Spittal Robb, George W Bush, Mark Warner
Richard R Rogers Bob Kerrey, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Sam Johnson, George Allen, Phil Gramm, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party
Peter O'Donnell Kay Bailey Hutchison, Sam Johnson, George Allen, Phil Gramm, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party, Henry N Butler
George Vradenburg Bob Kerrey, Tom Davis, George Allen, Phil Gramm, Charles Spittal Robb, George W Bush, Mark Warner
Donald J Hall, Jr Tom Davis, Kay Bailey Hutchison, George Allen, Phil Gramm, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party, Mark Warner
Henry Kravis Bob Kerrey, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Phil Gramm, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party, Mark Warner
Norman Brinker Kay Bailey Hutchison, Sam Johnson, George Allen, Phil Gramm, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party
Ramona S Bass Kay Bailey Hutchison, Sam Johnson, George Allen, Phil Gramm, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party
Lonnie Ken Pilgrim Kay Bailey Hutchison, Sam Johnson, George Allen, Phil Gramm, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party
Albert B Ratner Bob Kerrey, George Allen, Phil Gramm, Charles Spittal Robb, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party
Bruce C Gottwald Tom Davis, George Allen, Phil Gramm, Charles Spittal Robb, George W Bush, Henry N Butler
Roy Pfautch Kay Bailey Hutchison, George Allen, Phil Gramm, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party, Henry N Butler
John G Campbell Tom Davis, George Allen, Phil Gramm, Charles Spittal Robb, George W Bush, Henry N Butler
John Dowd Tom Davis, Kay Bailey Hutchison, George Allen, Charles Spittal Robb, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party
Herb Kelleher Bob Kerrey, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Sam Johnson, Phil Gramm, Charles Spittal Robb, George W Bush
John C Whitehead Kay Bailey Hutchison, George Allen, Phil Gramm, Charles Spittal Robb, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party
C Alan Peyser Bob Kerrey, Tom Davis, George Allen, Charles Spittal Robb, George W Bush, Mark Warner
Joseph E Robert Jr Tom Davis, George Allen, Phil Gramm, Charles Spittal Robb, George W Bush, Mark Warner
Ross Perot Jr Tom Davis, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Sam Johnson, George Allen, Phil Gramm, George W Bush