Director of CIA two years under George W Bush
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Porter J Goss also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Edward C Levy Jr Spencer Abraham, Jim Inhofe, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, George Allen, Duke Cunningham, Rob Portman, Peter Gerard Torkildsen, Charles Pashayan Jr, Mitt Romney, Steven D Pierce, Pete Smith, Craig Taylor James
Walter William Herger Jim Inhofe, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, George Allen, Duke Cunningham, Mark W Neumann, Arlan Ingehart Stangeland, Gary A Franks, Denny Smith, Bill Grant, Stan Parris
Harry Lucas Jr Spencer Abraham, Richard Hugh Baker, Jim Inhofe, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, George Allen, Rob Portman, Mitt Romney, Gary A Franks, William R Tolley, Pete Smith
William E. Timmons Jr. Spencer Abraham, Jim Inhofe, James O McCrery III, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, George Allen, Rob Portman, Gary A Franks, Denny Smith, Trudy Coxe, Steven D Pierce
Robert L Livingston Richard Hugh Baker, Jim Inhofe, James O McCrery III, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, George Allen, Rob Portman, Mark W Neumann, Mitt Romney, John Jacob Rhodes III
Jose Fanjul Spencer Abraham, Jim Inhofe, Frank D Lucas, James O McCrery III, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, George Allen, Mitt Romney, Bill Grant
David E Franasiak Spencer Abraham, Richard Hugh Baker, Jim Inhofe, Frank D Lucas, James O McCrery III, George Allen, Rob Portman, Mitt Romney
Charles R. Black Spencer Abraham, Jim Inhofe, George Allen, Rob Portman, Mitt Romney, Gary A Franks, Bill Grant, Stan Parris
J Steven Hart Spencer Abraham, Jim Inhofe, Frank D Lucas, George Allen, Duke Cunningham, Rob Portman, Mark W Neumann, Mitt Romney
Duane R Roberts Spencer Abraham, Jim Inhofe, George Allen, Rob Portman, Mark W Neumann, Alfred A McCandless, Mitt Romney, Pete Smith
Richard Gilder Spencer Abraham, George Allen, Mark W Neumann, Ronald K Machtley, Mitt Romney, Denny Smith, Pete Smith
David Bockorny Spencer Abraham, Richard Hugh Baker, James O McCrery III, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, George Allen, Rob Portman, Steven D Pierce
Richard DeVos Spencer Abraham, Jim Inhofe, George Allen, Rob Portman, Mark W Neumann, Mitt Romney, William R Tolley
Harold Simmons Spencer Abraham, Jim Inhofe, George Allen, Mark W Neumann, Charles Pashayan Jr, Mitt Romney, Denny Smith
Doyce Boesch Spencer Abraham, Jim Inhofe, Frank D Lucas, James O McCrery III, George Allen, Rob Portman, Mitt Romney
John W Childs Spencer Abraham, Frank D Lucas, George Allen, Rob Portman, Mark W Neumann, Peter Gerard Torkildsen, Mitt Romney
Barney J Skladany Jr Jim Inhofe, Frank D Lucas, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, George Allen, Rob Portman, Mark W Neumann, Mitt Romney
Ed Rogers Spencer Abraham, Richard Hugh Baker, Jim Inhofe, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, George Allen, Rob Portman, Mitt Romney
Stu Van Scoyoc Richard Hugh Baker, Jim Inhofe, Frank D Lucas, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, George Allen, Rob Portman, Trudy Coxe
Smith Davis Spencer Abraham, Richard Hugh Baker, Jim Inhofe, James O McCrery III, George Allen, Rob Portman, Mitt Romney