Orgs with Common People
Leadership and staff of Northrop Grumman Corporation also have positions in these orgs
OrgCommon People
Norfolk Southern Corporation Wesley G Bush, Wes Bush, Christopher T Jones, Wesley Bush
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments Victor H Fazio, Robert Haffa, John Stillion, Barry Watts
Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corporation Philip A Odeen, Art Fritzson, Ted Sniffin, Nicole Funk
United States Air Force Christopher Mears, Robert Haffa, John Stillion, Mark A Welsh III
California Institute of Technology Kevin W Sharer, Kent Kresa, Richard M Rosenberg, Taylor W Lawrence
General Motors Company Thomas M Schoewe, Kent Kresa, Wesley G Bush, Wesley Bush
United States Naval Academy Foundation Thomas B Fargo, Wesley G Bush, C Michael Petters
Northrop Grumman Information Systems Kathy J Warden, Stephen C Movius, David C Davis
Lakota Software Solutions Aaron Wilson, Phillip Merritt, Travis Lambert
Aerospace Industries Association Wesley G Bush, Scott J Seymour, Wes Bush
General Dynamics Corporation Robert Helm, Kathy J Warden, Sean Jones
Conservation International Lewis W Coleman, Wes Bush, Wesley Bush
The Sir Richard Williams Foundation Ian Irving, Chris Deeble AM CSC
Wells Fargo & Company Charles H Noski, Richard M Rosenberg
Deere & Company Aulana L Peters, Richard B Myers
Northrop Grumman Space & Mission Systems Corporation Wesley G Bush, Philip A Odeen
Microsoft Corporation Charles H Noski, Kim Hamilton Duffy
Visteon Karl J Krapek, James F Palmer
US Department of Defense Brett B Lambert, Barry Watts
US Department of State Scooter Libby, Andrea Thompson