Thomas F Farrell II
Former Chairman, President and CEO, Dominion Energy, Inc.
Patricia K Vincent-Collawn
Chief Executive Officer of PNM Resources
Brian Wolff
Lobbyist, Edison Electric Institute
Gregory E Abel
President and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Energy
Nicholas K Akins
President and CEO, American Electric Power
Garry A Brown
Former Chairman of the New York State Public Service Commission
Thomas A Fanning
Southern Company President/CEO
Christopher M Crane
CEO, Exelon
Brian McCormack
OMB energy policy person, former chief of staff to Energy Secretary Rick Perry
David Bridges
Senior Manager, Government Relations at Kimberly-Clark; Edison Electric Institute
Board Members
Leo P Denault
CEO, Entergy Corporation
Philip Moeller
Commissioner, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Thomas R Kuhn
Electric utility lobbyist; president, Edison Electric Institute
Gerard M Anderson
Executive Chairman, DTE Energy
Anthony J Alexander
former CEO, FirstEnergy
Kevin Burke
chairman of Con Edison
Christopher M Crane
CEO, Exelon
Richard P Sergel
Past President and CEO, North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)
Robert B Catell
Former chairman of National Grid
Pinnacle West Capital
Provider of energy and energy related products.
R&R Partners Inc
Energy & Natural Resources Government Affairs
American Legislative Exchange Council
Organization designed to link state legislators with corporations and create templates for state legislation
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Largest business lobbying group in the USA
Rule of Law Defense Fund
Offshoot of the Republican Attorneys General Association. Republican attorneys general have been heavily involved in efforts to undermine the results of the 2020 presidential election.
National Black Chamber of Commerce
Conservative Front Group
Hispanics in Energy
Nonprofit for "Hispanic inclusion in America’s energy industry"
Bipartisan Policy Center
National policy think tank
Resources for the Future
Energy think tank
Harvard Electricity Policy Group
Research program at the Harvard Kennedy School
Child Organizations
Tennessee Valley Authority
Federal Government Corporation
Utility Water Act Group
Coalition of energy companies
DTE Energy
Electric utilty company supplying electricity for residential and commercial use
Ameren Corporation
public utility holding company
Duke Energy Corporation
Electric utilty company supplying electricity for residential and commercial use
American Electric Power Company, Inc.
Electric utility company
The Southern Company
American gas and electric utility holding company based in the southern United States
ICF International
Strategic Consulting for a Digital World
Utility Air Regulatory Group
Voluntary, ad hoc, not-for-profit association of individual electric generating companies and industry trade associations.
Energy Future Holdings Corp.
American Legislative Exchange Council
Organization designed to link state legislators with corporations and create templates for state legislation
Global Climate Coalition
Anti-climate policy group of the 1990s
Alliance for Energy and Economic Growth
US Chamber/NAM global warming group
Association Committee of 100
C100 members recommend Chamber policy
Services & Transactions
Hunton Andrews Kurth
900-lawyer firm based in Richmond, Virginia, offices and clients worldwide
Justin Yates Gray
CEO, Gray Global Advisors | Lobbyist
Capitol Counsel LLC
Government Affairs
Miscellaneous Relationships
Joe Manchin
US Senator from West Virginia (2010-present)