Neoliberal think tank pretending to be center-left
People Have Given To
People with positions in Third Way have made donations to
New Yorkers for a Balanced Albany $5,025,000 Daniel S Loeb
House Majority PAC $3,324,000 Bill Daley, Bernard L Schwartz, Lewis B Cullman, Robert R Dyson
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee $2,081,894 Bill Daley, David A Coulter, John L Vogelstein, Daniel S Loeb, Ron Klain, Thurgood Marshall Jr, David Heller, William D Budinger, Bernard L Schwartz, Dwight Anderson, Georgette Bennett, Lewis B Cullman, John Dyson, Robert R Dyson, Joseph H Flom, Michael B Goldberg, Peter Joseph, Derek Kirkland, Herbert S Miller, Michael E Novogratz, Howard Rossman, Barbara Manfrey Vogelstein, Robert P Hall III, Andrew Feldstein, Kirk A Radke, Derek Kaufman, Marc A Spilker, Daniel R Lewis
DNC-Non-Federal Individual $2,029,800 John L Vogelstein, Bernard L Schwartz, Lewis B Cullman, Scott Delman, Robert R Dyson, Joseph H Flom, Peter Joseph, Herbert S Miller
Democratic National Committee $1,582,730 Bill Daley, John L Vogelstein, Daniel S Loeb, Thurgood Marshall Jr, David Heller, William D Budinger, Bernard L Schwartz, Georgette Bennett, Lewis B Cullman, Scott Delman, John Dyson, Robert R Dyson, Joseph H Flom, Michael B Goldberg, Peter Joseph, Claudia Kennedy, Derek Kirkland, Herbert S Miller, Michael E Novogratz, Howard Rossman, Barbara Manfrey Vogelstein, Robert P Hall III, Andrew Feldstein, Kirk A Radke, Brian Frank, Andrew Parmentier, Joseph Zimlich, Derek Kaufman, Marc A Spilker, Rachel Pritzker, Daniel R Lewis
Dscc/Non-Fed Unincorp Assoc $1,361,000 Bernard L Schwartz, Lewis B Cullman, Robert R Dyson, Joseph H Flom, Derek Kirkland, Herbert S Miller
American Bridge 21st Century $1,325,000 Bernard L Schwartz, Robert R Dyson
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions $1,272,666 Bill Daley, John L Vogelstein, Daniel S Loeb, Thurgood Marshall Jr, David Heller, Bernard L Schwartz, Lewis B Cullman, Robert R Dyson, Joseph H Flom, Peter Joseph, Herbert S Miller, Barbara Manfrey Vogelstein, Robert P Hall III, Kirk A Radke, Derek Kaufman, Daniel R Lewis
Right to Rise USA $1,170,609 Daniel S Loeb, Dwight Anderson, Marc A Spilker
Senate Leadership Fund (Super PAC) $1,050,000 Daniel S Loeb
Defeat By Tweet $1,017,875 Michael E Novogratz
Senate Majority PAC $930,075 John L Vogelstein, Bernard L Schwartz, Robert R Dyson
DNC Non-Federal Unincorporated Association Account $645,000 Bernard L Schwartz, Robert R Dyson
Nancy Pelosi $582,100 Bernard L Schwartz, Derek Kirkland, Andrew Parmentier
Nancy Pelosi Victory Fund $572,500 Bernard L Schwartz
Republican National Committee $568,050 David A Coulter, Daniel S Loeb, David Heller, Dwight Anderson, Robert R Dyson, Marc A Spilker
Resist This Pac $555,104 Michael E Novogratz
Congressional Leadership Fund $550,000 Daniel S Loeb
Barack Obama $529,920 Bill Daley, John L Vogelstein, Daniel S Loeb, Ron Klain, Thurgood Marshall Jr, Reynold Levy, David Heller, William D Budinger, Bernard L Schwartz, Dwight Anderson, Georgette Bennett, Lewis B Cullman, John Dyson, Robert R Dyson, Joseph H Flom, Michael B Goldberg, Peter Joseph, Claudia Kennedy, Herbert S Miller, Michael E Novogratz, Howard Rossman, Barbara Manfrey Vogelstein, Andrew Feldstein, Kirk A Radke, Brian Frank, Andrew Parmentier, Joseph Zimlich, Jim Kessler, Derek Kaufman, Marc A Spilker, Rachel Pritzker, Daniel R Lewis
American Unity PAC Inc $500,000 Daniel S Loeb