Leadership & Staff
Ryan Norman
nuclear advocate
Rachel Pritzker
President, Lotus Foundation; founding board member of the Democracy Alliance
Jim Kessler
Vice President/Co-Founder, Third Way
Matt Bennett
Third Way co-founder
Destine Hicks Lundy
Third Way, Biden 2024 campaign
Robert P Hall III
Lobbyist for AAP
Tim Sweeney
President and CEO of the Denver-based Gill Foundation
Peter Joseph
Managing Director, Palladium
Lewis B Cullman
Founder and president of Cullman Ventures
Bernard L Schwartz
Chairman and CEO of BLS Investments; former chair and CEO of Loral Space & Communications
Thurgood Marshall Jr
Attorney, Bingham McCutchen LLP
Daniel R Lewis
Former executive, Progressive Corporation
Michael P Goldberg
Kelso and Company
Marc A Spilker
Apollo Global Management, president
Derek Kaufman
head of global fixed income at Citadel LLC
American Natural Gas Alliance Inc.
Representing North America’s largest independent natural gas exploration and production companies
Services & Transactions
Global Strategy Group
consulting firm
Inclusive Abundance Initiative
Center-right eco-modernist think tank run by Derek Kaufman
Miscellaneous Relationships
No Labels
Political organization whose mission is to combat partisan dysfunction in politics
MoveOn.Org Political Action
PAC of MoveOn