a leading global private equity investment institution
People Have Given To
People with positions in Warburg Pincus LLC have made donations to
New Yorkers for a Balanced Albany $5,025,000 Daniel S Loeb
Senate Leadership Fund (Super PAC) $1,050,000 Daniel S Loeb
Right to Rise USA $891,730 Daniel S Loeb, Kenneth I Juster
Democratic National Committee $623,700 Henry B Schacht, John L Vogelstein, Charles R Kaye, Daniel S Loeb, Bowman Cutter, Barbara Manfrey Vogelstein, Lionel I Pincus, William H Janeway, Stewart K P Gross
Republican National Committee $595,800 Lawrence T Babbio Jr, David W Dorman, Thomas W Horton, David A Coulter, Daniel S Loeb, Patrick T Hackett, Robert Knauss, Kenneth I Juster, Mark Begor
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions $555,200 Henry B Schacht, John L Vogelstein, Daniel S Loeb, Richard N Cooper, Bowman Cutter, Barbara Manfrey Vogelstein, Lionel I Pincus, William H Janeway, Stewart K P Gross
Congressional Leadership Fund $550,000 Daniel S Loeb
American Unity PAC Inc $500,000 Daniel S Loeb
New Yorkers For Putting Students First $490,000 Daniel S Loeb
Great Public Schools PAC $462,500 Daniel S Loeb
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee $450,900 David W Dorman, David A Coulter, John L Vogelstein, Daniel S Loeb, Bowman Cutter, Barbara Manfrey Vogelstein, Lionel I Pincus, William H Janeway, Douglas M Karp, Stewart K P Gross
NYS Senate Republican Campaign Committee $440,600 Daniel S Loeb
Better Future Mi Fund $400,000 Daniel S Loeb
Republican Governors Association $400,000 Daniel S Loeb
American Patriots PAC $350,000 Daniel S Loeb
Opportunity Matters Fund, Inc. $300,000 Daniel S Loeb
DNC-Non-Federal Individual $295,000 John L Vogelstein, Lionel I Pincus
Kevin McCarthy $290,500 Daniel S Loeb
McCarthy Victory Fund 2014 $290,500 Daniel S Loeb
DNC Non-Federal Unincorporated Association Account $280,000 Lionel I Pincus