Business Positions
Warburg Pincus LLC
a leading global private equity investment institution
Board Memberships
The Partnership for New York City, Inc.
Nonprofit membership organization comprised of a select group of two hundred CEOs from top NYC-based businesses
New America
Left-learning Think Tank that focuses on ational security studies, technology, asset building, health, gender, energy, education, and the economy
Asia Society
A non-profit organization that focuses on educating the world about Asia
Jarden Corporation
Producer of zinc-strip and zinc based products
Democratic National Committee
Governing body for the U.S. Democratic Party
Barack Obama
44th President of the United States
National Venture Capital Association Venturepac
Lobbying PAC
Mitt Romney
U.S. senator from Utah, former Massachusetts governor
Gary Leonard Ackerman
Democratic US Representative from New York
Thomas Peter Lantos
US Representative from California
Al Gore
Vice President of the United States 1993-2001
Erskine B Bowles
Clinton's chief of staff from 1996-1998; investor; deficit hawk
Every Republican is Crucial PAC
Affiliate: Eric Cantor (R-Va)
Wesley Clark
Retired 4 Star General; 2004 Democratic Presidential Candidate
Council on Foreign Relations
US foreign policy think tank
Trilateral Commission
International political and economic discussion group