Leadership & Staff
Jeffrey Buley
Lobbyist, Brown & Weinraub
Daniel S Loeb
CEO of Third Point LLC
Bruce Kovner
Chairman, Caxton Associates LLC
James H. Simons
Chairman of the Board, Renaissance Technologies LLC, and President, Euclidean Capital LLC
Paul Singer
Vulture-Fund Billionaire | General Partner at Elliott Management Corporation
Local 6 Committee on Political Education
Ken Griffin
Citadel Investment president
John J Flanagan
New York State Senate Minority Leader
George A Amedore Jr
NYS Senator, District 46
Michael Venditto
Former NYS Senator, District 8
Roy McDonald
Former New York State Senator
Jack Quinn III
NYS Assemblymember, 146th District
Tom Libous
New York State Senator (R) 52nd Distriction (Binghamton area); conviction for lying to the FBI with judgment tossed posthumously on a technicality