Dairy Marketing and Processing Company
People Have Given To
People with positions in Dean Foods have made donations to
Dean Foods Company Political Action Committee $283,018 Steven J Kemps, Gregg L Engles, Pete Schenkel, Paul T Moskowitz, Alan J Bernon, John F Callahan Jr, Joseph E Scalzo, Michelle P Goolsby, Gregg A Tanner, Howard M Dean, William C Tinklepaugh, Blaine E McPeak, Christopher D Sliva, Deborah B Carosella, Richard Fehr, Gregory A McKelvey, Harrald F K Kroeker, Ronald L McCRUMMEN, Ralph P Scozzafava
Republican National Committee $180,360 Jim L Turner, John R Muse, Joseph S Hardin Jr, Gregg L Engles, Pete Schenkel, Alan J Bernon, Howard M Dean, Thomas C Davis
National Republican Congressional Committee $174,550 John R Muse, Joseph S Hardin Jr, Gregg L Engles
National Republican Senatorial Committee $154,050 John R Muse, Gregg L Engles, Alan J Bernon
Mitt Romney $89,200 Stephen L Green, Jim L Turner, John R Muse, Joseph S Hardin Jr, Gregg L Engles, Alan J Bernon
Ice Cream Milk & Cheese PAC - International Ice Cream Association Milk Industry Foundati $52,252 Gregg L Engles, Pete Schenkel, Alan J Bernon, Michelle P Goolsby, Howard M Dean, William C Tinklepaugh, Harrald F K Kroeker
Barack Obama $32,250 Janet Hill, Tom C Davis, Lewis M Collens, Ronald Kirk, Doreen A Wright
Pete Sessions $31,000 Gregg L Engles, Pete Schenkel, Michelle P Goolsby
American Beverage Association Political Action Committee (Aka American Beverage PAC) $31,000 Jim L Turner
Martin Frost $25,000 Jim L Turner, Pete Schenkel, Ronald Kirk
George W Bush $22,983 Stephen L Green, Jim L Turner, John R Muse, Joseph S Hardin Jr, Gregg L Engles, Pete Schenkel, Alan J Bernon, Michelle P Goolsby, Howard M Dean, Thomas C Davis
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee $22,650 Janet Hill, John R Muse, Lewis M Collens, Gregg L Engles, Ronald Kirk, Thomas C Davis
Judy Borg Biggert $18,900 Howard M Dean
Kay Bailey Hutchison $18,850 Jim L Turner, Gregg L Engles, Pete Schenkel, Michelle P Goolsby, Thomas C Davis
Ronald Kirk $16,000 Jim L Turner, John R Muse, Gregg L Engles, Pete Schenkel
John McCain $15,977 Jim L Turner, Joseph S Hardin Jr, Gregg L Engles, Howard M Dean
John Cornyn $15,500 Tom C Davis, John R Muse, Gregg L Engles, Michelle P Goolsby
People for Enterprise Trade and Economic Growth $15,000 Gregg L Engles, Alan J Bernon, Michelle P Goolsby
Stapleton Victory Fund $13,675 Gregg L Engles
Freedom Project $12,833 John R Muse, Gregg L Engles, Alan J Bernon
Dean Foods
Updated almost 3 years ago

Basic Info

Types Organization, Business, Public Company
Website http://www.deanfoods.com

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